Meiman: Starting from Gale Tianyi

Chapter 50 Worldwide Crisis (3) Under the Doomsday

Chapter 50 Worldwide Crisis ([-]) Under the Sun
My name is Individual Zero

They made me to save the world

But locked me up again, year after year

But they can't kill me, and they can't stop me from knowing everything

The boy who landed in the metropolis made me understand that the world is far more complicated than I thought, and human beings need a savior, and that is me!
The alien boy helped me, yes I escaped the prison that humans made for me, but Ryan obviously knows something that I don't, what he got from the spaceship that crashed in Metropolis and used that thing Seal me in - Phantom Zone
Oh, it was such a difficult time. In the first few years, my evolved super vision was like blindness. I couldn't see anything. But my eyes gradually adapted to this prison dimension. I could see Ryan, and we were like ghosts. Unable to touch each other, waiting for decades in this world with nothing,

But there's one thing I'm not like Ryan, my eyes can see what's going on in the world

I'm ready when the so-called heroes come into this world
They came to find Carl and free him, and in the process, destroyed the energy source that held me in phantom space

20 years later, I'm free, with the man who imprisoned me

"Lian, I can finally touch you, do you know what you did? You imprisoned a great warrior and spoiled a child who didn't want to fight!

You made me to protect America, but now, I will be the savior of all mankind, in my way, Ryan!Don't worry, I will kill Carl first! "

"First of all, I have to find this, the source of my strength, Doomsday."

After Kal-El left, in the underground base that had become useless, the arrival of an uninvited guest broke the tranquility here
"This monster is so powerful that humans don't even know what they are studying. It is not dead at all, but now, all of this will belong to me."

Individual Zero put his hands on the deformed monster, "Power, a steady stream of power is coming up. Soon, I will be the only superman in the world, and I will be a god on earth!"

While Individual Zero was thinking wildly, he was unaware of the gray flesh buds that had spread to his arms. When he realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

"No, it shouldn't be like this, I will become the god of this world!"

The dead gray monster opened its eyes, then squirmed and turned into a mass of flesh, devouring the existence that was born through his flesh and blood.
"Roar!" The ferocious gray monster condensed into a body full of danger. Just the roaring sound waves had completely turned this base, which used to be the highest level military secret, into ruins.
Doomsday, resurrected!
The ultimate weapon of Krypton, a terrifying thing that can kill Superman, possesses almost the same abilities as those of Kryptonians illuminated by the yellow sun, but is even more powerful. It also possesses the power of infinite evolution and immortality. Nature, as long as it cannot be eliminated, it will make this monster evolve to a more powerful state.

This is the real crisis that this planet will face. Doomsday (DOOMSDAY), just like its name, will bring destruction to this planet.

Following a certain inertia, a blue light glowed around Doomsday. This was a precursor to his use of the phantom zone to move in space. Doomsday, who could not speak or communicate with other creatures, still had his own Wisdom, a certain destiny given to him since his birth, allowed Doomsday to find Kal-El.


Above Paradise Island, where all the heroes gathered, a grey-black monster with bone spurs appeared in a burst of space fluctuations.

"Louise, I have to go."

Just after receiving the yellow solar radiation for less than 24 hours, Superman already possessed a certain degree of strength, said that the early warning from instinct reminded him that an enemy he could not avoid was coming.

"Carl, why, there are a lot of superheroes here, they don't need you to fight anymore."

"I thought, this is my mission, Louise, I'm sorry, I have to go."

The scrawny Superman said so. Even though he was treated cruelly by humans, this kind heart has never been dusted. He is the same as his other self, a saint-like existence.

Superman flew up and collided with Doomsday falling from the sky.

"Hey guys, maybe we should help that kid out."

Rebels, join the war
"We should do something, too, everyone."

The magical family that inherited the power of the six gods joined the war

"I thought, maybe there's something I can do for the world."

Wonder Woman, join the fight.

The battle-hardened heroes could all feel the power contained in that violent gray body, but they followed Kal-El's steps and rushed forward without hesitation.

But what is Doomsday?How can an existence that can kill Superman be an existence that most heroes who don't even have the ability to fly can deal with?
Except for Wonder Woman, the other heroes were quickly defeated and were rescued one by one by Ye Feng.

"I still have to come."

Wonder Woman, who was blown away by the hot laser, heard Ye Feng say this.

"You have done a good job, Karl, but this is not what you should bear now. Let me solve it. This monster was created to restrain you."

infinite evolution
The power of light held by Ye Feng also has this nature, but compared to the exaggerated evolution speed of Doomsday, a series of abilities have evolved in just a few minutes, and the evolution of the power of light is still a bit slow .

Therefore, Ye Feng chose to use the power that can only be used once
First of all, taking out the Odin card box, the door of the mirror world was opened, and Doomsday, which swooped down again, disappeared without a trace, and was temporarily exiled into the mirror world by Ye Feng.

A silver and purple flip phone appeared in Ye Feng's hand, and after pressing the corresponding button, a silver wristband appeared on Ye Feng's arm.

"Asura armor, fit together!"

Only this time, the Shura Armor experience card is activated, making this ultimate armor that represents the strongest energy in the world appear in the world.

"Take my move, God and Demon Extinction Hack!"

It only took a few breaths for Doomsday, which was cut in half, to recover. It changed its target and began to attack Ye Feng.

"You can't let go of your hands and feet here, go to a place with me! Shifting shape!"

The sound of the mirror shattering sounded again, and Ye Feng brought the Doomsday that had rushed out of the mirror world back to the mirror world, and started the final decisive battle.

(End of this chapter)

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