Go abroad to become a director and overturn Hollywood at the box office

Chapter 107 Contact the actor and meet the heroine

Chapter 107 Contact the actor and meet the heroine
come back to the office.

Qin Feng thought that the starring matter needed to be finalized as soon as possible.

Fortunately, I have had contact with Adrian Browdy and Jack Black before, so I can just contact them directly.

But for the heroine Ann Darrow, he still has no idea.

In the previous life, Ann was played by Naomi Watts. It can be said that the performance was very good. I can't think of anyone to replace her yet.

You should contact her first to see how she is doing.

So, he called his assistant Arkadi in.

"Director, what are your orders?"

"You can help me find an actor. If you can't find it, go to Yali and ask her name: Naomi Watts. Find her contact information and I will contact her."


Arkady turned and walked out.

Qin Feng tapped his finger on the desktop, opened his phone, and opened his address book.

Thinking of the previous meeting with Bloudy when he was soaking in hot springs at the Hot Spring Winery, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Dial the other party's phone.

"Hello, who's there?" Blau's voice came.

"Hello, Mr. Browdi, I am director Qin Feng. We have met before."

"Oh, it's Director Qin! Look at me, I forgot to read my name just now."

"Mr. Broughty, I have a project here that has just been approved. Let's see if you are interested."

"It's an adventure action movie, a remake of King Kong."

Browdi didn't hesitate, "Wow! Director Qin, it sounds like a big production. Of course I'm interested!"

He knew in his heart that Qin Feng's several movies were all very popular. Qin Feng was definitely a big director in Hollywood recently.

The project the other party was looking for for him would definitely not be a small-production film, so he agreed very happily.

"Okay, I'll send you the script. You can read it first and we'll make an appointment to chat later."

"Yeah, thank you, Director Qin! I didn't expect to be able to cooperate with you so soon after leaving the winery. I'm really happy."

"You're welcome, Mr. Broughton."

Broughty was contacted, and he called Jack Black.

"Hello? Mr. Black?"

"Ah, haha! Is it Director Qin?!"

"Yes, are you busy in the next two months? My movie is already in preparation."

"Is it "King Kong"? No, no, no, I've been waiting for news from you!"

"That's good. I'll send you the script later. You can read it first. Then make an appointment later and come to my office."

"Okay! Director Qin, I have watched your "Pirates of the Caribbean" and I like it very much. I really look forward to working with you!"

"Haha, then I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Pleasant to work with."

in the afternoon.

Arkady knocked on the door and came in. He found out the contact number.

Qin Feng took the note from him and typed it over.

After a few rings, Naomi Watts answered.

"Hello?" The other party's voice was very small, as if there was some noise in a public place.

"Hello, is this Miss Naomi Watts?"

"You are……"

"Hello, I am Qin Feng, the director of Disney Film Company."


Obviously, the other party hasn't reacted yet.

"Yes, I am a director, that's absolutely true. I have the heroine of a movie here that I want to talk to you about."

"That's it, director, I'm sorry, I have film appointments in the past two months, I'm afraid I won't be able to go."

"Oh, really? That's such a shame."

"Yeah, I'm very sorry, director, I really don't have any schedule."

"Okay, it's okay. In that case, just get busy first."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng frowned slightly.

Arkady asked: "Didn't she agree?"

"Well, she doesn't have a schedule."

"Oh, that's a pity." "Yes..." Qin Feng rubbed his eyebrows, thinking about the next candidate.

"Director," Arkady stood still and hesitated, "I don't know whether I should say that there is an actress who I feel is very suitable for the role of An."

"Oh? Say it." Qin Feng wanted to hear his opinion.

"She is Anne Hathaway, and our company has worked with her before."

Anne Hathaway…

Qin Feng thought about it, yes!Anne Hathaway is perfect in both temperament and image!
"Very good, Arkadi, do you have her contact information?"

"Yes, it's on the computer. I'll send it to you right away."

Arkady went out and sent the phone call after a while.

Qin Feng called according to the number.

After a few seconds.

"Hello?" The other party has been connected, a very sweet female voice.

"Hello, are you Miss Anne Hathaway?"

"Well, it's me."

"Hello, I am Qin Feng, the director of Disney Film Company. I have a project that lacks a heroine. I want to chat with you."

"Walter! Are you Qin Feng?" Her voice was surprised, "Are you Qin Feng, the Chinese director who makes science fiction and fantasy films?"

"Mmm yes."

It seems that she has heard of me.

"Wow! Director Qin, nice to meet you. I just finished watching your movie!"

"Thank you, Miss Hathaway, the project I just mentioned..."

"Oh, I can. I just finished my last movie, so I'm free at any time."

"That's great. Are you free tomorrow? I want to talk to you."

"No problem, Director Qin."

"Okay, I'll text you later."

He hung up the phone.

call!I finally contacted one. The heroine is very important and we must find the right candidate.

He looked at tomorrow's schedule and sent the other party a text message.


the following afternoon.

A coffee shop near Disney.

It's not far from the company. Qin Feng walked out of the company to meet Anne Hathaway.

The decoration in the coffee shop is chic and elegant, and there are not too many people.

As soon as he entered the door, he glanced around and saw Anne Hathaway.

Qin Feng naturally recognized her.

She was wearing a plain white loose dress, elegant and graceful.

She has long wavy dark brown hair, a delicate face, big eyes with willow eyebrows, and gorgeous thick lips.

Qin Feng walked towards her, and she also noticed him, but she didn't dare to recognize him.

Qin Feng walked closer and said with a smile: "Ms. Hathaway, I am Qin Feng."

Anne Hathaway stood up quickly and showed a charming smile: "Hello, Director Qin, I didn't expect you to be so young!"

This Qin Feng feels as old as herself. She has never met such a young director.

"You're welcome, sit down." Qin Feng said, and the two sat down.

He ordered an Americano.

Anne's big eyes stared intently at his face.

so hot!This oriental man still has long hair and looks like a knight.

"Miss Hathaway..."

Qin Feng noticed that she was distracted and called out.

"Ah...oh, Director Qin, please tell me."

She blushed slightly and pinched each other under the table with her hands.

Qin Feng said: "I'm glad you have time to meet."

"My project is a remake of "King Kong". You should have heard of this series. I would like to invite you to play the heroine - Ann Darrow."

Anne Hathaway looked at Qin Feng with a smile on her lips:
"It's my pleasure, director."

(End of this chapter)

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