Chapter 12 Up, Three Mysterious Visitors
The movie screen slowly unfolded.

"Up" is the tenth animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios.

The film tells the story of an old man who once made an appointment with his wife to travel to a waterfall located in remote South America.

However, he was unable to make the trip because of his busy life. It was not until the government wanted to demolish his old house that he decided to take the house with him to the waterfall.

The adventure experience with Russell, the little fat boy he met on the road.

Although the theme of the story is the adventures of old people and children.

But in the previous memories, the love story between Carl and Ellie was very moving.

Scarlett's eyes were moist and she looked very seriously.

Qin Feng looked at her secretly and wanted to pass her a tissue, but found that he didn't pretend.

Until the end of the film, the audience dispersed.

"Oh, the photo was really great." Scarlett sighed.

"Yes." Qin Feng agreed, "Although it is a cartoon, it contains love and friendship, and is both humorous and thrilling. It is a rare and good work."

"It seems really extraordinary to be recognized by Director Qin."

"Don't say that, the photos were taken very well."

Qin Feng took a taxi and the two chatted about movies.

From Pixar animations to Disney movies, from literary films to action films.

Scarlett discovered that Qin Feng not only understood Hollywood movies, but also had a very good understanding of the film industry and the future around the world and could talk eloquently.

I couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Until the taxi stopped below the apartment building.

Scarlett got out of the car and said goodbye to Qin Feng, "Another unforgettable day!"

"Hey, Scarlett." Qin Feng stopped her, "Can I ask you out again?"

Scarlett looked back.

Sexy lips reveal a charming smile.

Qin Feng's eyes were clear.

"Of course, Qin Feng, I'm looking forward to it very much."


The news about Qin Feng and Scarlett's date soon spread in the art department.

Everyone was surprised that Scarlett was a star, and she was young and beautiful, making countless men dream of her.

Qin Feng is just an assistant director now.

In this regard, Kelly and others hold the opposite view.

"Qin Feng and Miss Scarlett are a perfect match for their talent and beauty."

"That's right, I think it's very eye-catching when they stand together!"

"Scarlett is very friendly and seems to have a good impression of Qin Feng."

Hearing this, the male colleagues burst into mourning.

"No! My Miss Scarlett, it hurts! My heart hurts so much!"

"I can't stand it either. I've been waiting for her for more than ten years, why do I still fall in love with someone else? Am I not handsome enough? I just don't have hair!"

Kelly sneered: "Uncle, you are over 50, just calm down!"

"No! My Scarlett! Ouch ouch -"


Preparations for "Jurassic Park" are intense.

All storyboards and animation previews are distributed to relevant staff.

Qin Feng has been cooperating with Spielberg's work.

He seemed to have become Director Si’s assistant.

At the same time, he is also learning the work processes and methods in Hollywood.

To this end, Director Si helped him a lot.

During this period, Qin Feng also took the American driver's license test.

More than a month has passed quickly, and the movie is about to start filming...

That afternoon, Spielberg stopped him and said, "Qin, you come with me to have a meal tonight."

Qin Feng said without hesitation, "Good director."

He didn't know what was going on, but he was right to follow Si Dao.

He has learned too much recently.

He regarded Director Si as his life mentor.After get off work.

Qin Feng took Spielberg's special car and drove away from the company.

The spacious and luxurious interior of the car was like an exquisite castle. Director Si put down the middle armrest and took out a bottle of wine.

"Director, are we going to meet some big shot?"

"Not a big shot, just a few old friends. You'll find out later."


Seeing that Director Si didn't say anything, Qin Feng didn't ask any more questions.

"Qin." Spielberg looked at him, "I have already seen the movie you made before coming to the United States."

"Ah! What?"

Qin Feng was suddenly startled.

Isn't it?Has the director already watched the movie "The Village Sinks"?
Have the Stootians found domestic resources?

Definitely, there are already resources online, so I need to find someone to translate them.

I don’t know what Director Si will think after reading it. He will definitely laugh at me...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng was a little embarrassed, "Director, about that movie, I..."

Spielberg smiled and said: "The film had good creativity and a very local feel, but the story-telling and special effects were a bit lacking."

He patted Qin Feng on the shoulder and said like an elder:

"Qin, no one can succeed easily, and no director can be a box office hit with his first film."

Qin Feng listened carefully.

"Being a film director is not easy. Failure is normal. It is the only way we must go through."

"No matter what you do, you must be ambitious and confident, and don't be discouraged by setbacks."

Qin Feng felt moved and nodded, "I understand...Thank you, sir."

The lights are on.

The car shuttled on the road, and 10 minutes later, it stopped in front of a high-end hotel.

Director Si and Qin Feng got out of the car.

The two walked into the building and went up to the restaurant on the third floor. They saw three people waiting in the distance.

Two men and one woman.

They also saw Director Si and came over quickly.

Qin Feng stood behind the director. His eyes widened and he immediately recognized that these were the three leading actors of "Jurassic Park"!

Mr. Sam Neill, Ms. Laura Dunn, Mr. Jeff Goblen!
Qin Feng seemed to be on a time machine and suddenly returned to the memories of his childhood.

There was a strong sense of unreality hanging over him.

And he came to the parallel world and reshaped the movie.

The three actors hugged Spielberg in turn.

"Oh director, are you okay?"

Sam Neill is mature and wise, dressed as a scholar and has a British accent.

"Nice to meet you, director!"

Laura Dunn is beautiful and elegant, and the years are quiet.

"How is your health lately?"

Jeff Goblen's 1 meter figure is very well maintained, and he always has a sultry smile on his lips.

Spielberg was also delighted to see them.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time. Come on, everyone, sit down."

Several people came to sit down at the dining table.

There are not many people here, it is relatively quiet, and beautiful piano music comes from the corner of the restaurant.

The waiter brought the food to the table.

The three of them noticed Qin Feng and saw that he had an oriental face and followed the director. He must have an unusual identity.

Sam Neill asked: "Who is this gentleman? The director will introduce it to us."

"Haha...have everyone read the script?"

"seen it already."

"This is the chief screenwriter and deputy director of this film, Qin Feng."

(End of this chapter)

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