Go abroad to become a director and overturn Hollywood at the box office

Chapter 44: Disney executives are shocked, science fiction movies are about to change

Chapter 44: Disney executives are shocked, science fiction movies are about to change

Universal Studios Headquarters.

Katherine Kennedy opened Spielberg's door.

"Director Si, have you heard? Qin Feng went to Warner Brothers."

Spielberg put down the schedule in his hand, looked up at her, and said with a smile: "Kennedy, what's the matter? What's all the fuss about."

"What's all the fuss about? Qin Feng ran to Warner Bros., don't you know?"


"Huh? Do you know? This...how can he go to Warner? He is cooperating with us."

"If he doesn't go to Warner, he will go to several other film companies."

Kennedy sat down.

"I don't understand, whether it's the screenwriter's share or his low-cost movie, he has achieved financial freedom. He has earned money that others cannot earn in several lifetimes, so why is he still struggling around?"

Spielberg said softly: "I know Qin Feng. He has always wanted to make a big special effects movie and direct it himself. This is his dream. For his dream, he will keep making movies."

"Kennedy, if you didn't promise him to direct it yourself, of course he would leave."

Kennedy frowned, "But... I asked him to preside over one more drama, and I didn't say I would never let him direct."

"Anyway." Spielberg picked up the schedule again. "He has left. If you want to get him back, you can only wait until he directs the next movie. And, offer a higher stake."

"By the way, what's the name of his new script?"

Kennedy thought for a moment: "The Matrix."


Kennedy stood up and left, and a voice came: "What's cool? It's really a headache. Did I do something wrong?"

Spielberg still smiled.

Qin Feng, come on!

Disney Studios Headquarters.

As one of the eight major Hollywood film companies, Disney is extremely powerful.

It started with Mickey Mouse in the last century and later branched into the field of live-action movies.

In this world, it has successively acquired independent film industry giant Miramax and 3D animation overlord Pixar, consolidating its position.

CEO Iger is looking at the financial report.

Iger became the president of Disney in 2005. With his unique vision, he led the company to attack the live-action film market and acquire companies, achieving remarkable results.

At this time, gold medal producer Jerry Bruckheimer knocked on the door.

Egger glanced at him and said, "Brookheimer, you don't seem very happy today."

Brookheimer looked serious, "General manager, don't you know? The movie market has been very turbulent recently."

"Oh?" Egger smiled, "The wind and waves are very strong...are you talking about Mr. Spielberg's "Jurassic Park"?"

"Yes! Not only is it "Jurassic Park", there is also another low-cost drama science fiction film. They were released almost at the same time, and they were both produced by Universal Pictures at the same time, and they were both successful at the box office."

Egger turned the pen, "I know all this, and you came here just to tell me this?"

"Also, general manager, I have asked insiders to find out..."

"The same person is active behind the scenes of these two movies. He is an Asian. His name is Qin Feng."

"He is Spielberg's assistant director and the chief screenwriter of two films, and he is very young!"

"Obviously, this Qin Feng, he is very good at writing science fiction-themed scripts, and has released one hit after another."

Egger nodded, "Yes! This person is quite talented, but it's a pity that we at Disney don't have such a young director and screenwriter..."

"It seems that science fiction films are really going to change, and so will the audience's tastes... This message is very important."

"We have been working on live-action films for many years, but there are too few films with big special effects. It would be great if we could recruit this young man."

"Brookheimer, I still remember that pirate movie you have been planning for many years, but you haven't found the most suitable director yet." Brookheimer's eyes showed disappointment, "Yes, general manager, it's called "Pirates of the Caribbean", not only It’s because the director didn’t find the right one, and even the script is just a first draft, so I’m not satisfied yet.”

Egger smiled and said: "So you came to me because you want this young Asian director?"

"Yes, but he just went to Warner Bros., and I heard that another big-budget science fiction film has been approved. Hiss~~ This guy is really awesome and moves too fast!"

"You know, his movies haven't been taken off the shelves yet, and new ones have started."

Egger pondered for a while, "If Warner is willing to invest money in him, and it is a big production, then this person is really a talent."

"Well, Brookeheimer, isn't he working on a new movie now? Find time to get in touch with him first, and also observe him."

"If his new movie is also successful at the box office, then this person is a genius! We must not miss the existence of a genius, and we must recruit him no matter what the cost."

"In the future, we will have more than one "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie!"

Brookheimer's eyes glowed, "Haha...that's exactly what I meant."


11 pm.

Qin Feng dialed Scarlett's phone number.

"Hi! Scarlett."

"Hi! Qin, aren't you asleep yet?"

"No, have you filmed today?"

"It only took a long time to shoot. I have been waiting on the set all morning. It's so boring!"

"Haha...the actor's fee also includes the waiting fee, doesn't it?"

"Right. Qin, I see our movie has a good box office!"

"Yes, Scarlett, I haven't paid you yet. How much should I pay you for the film?"

"It doesn't matter, Qin. I know you want to make a lot of movies and start a business. How can you do it without money? I'm not short of money myself."

"Miss Scarlett, why are you so nice to me? Then I'll buy you a car!"

"No, you don't even know what I like... Well, you can buy it for me after I think about the style I want."


"It's late Qin, go to bed early! Remember to miss me."

"Just thinking about it makes my head hurt."

Just as I hung up the phone, a new call came in.

At first glance, it was my father calling.

"Hey, Dad."

"Xiao Feng, are you still asleep?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"I went to the bank to check during the day. Oh my god! It's really 500 million!!!"

"Dad, look, I didn't lie to you, right?"

"Hey~~ I really didn't expect that, Xiaofeng, you can not only lose money by making movies, but you can also make a lot of money."

"Dad, what are you talking about! But if the filming is successful, it will indeed be a hugely profitable industry. I am too busy here to go back, so you and my mother can study how to buy a house."

"This year is 09, and I have no problem being bullish for ten years."

"Yes, yes, you have to study it carefully. Then, you can get busy, I'll leave it alone first."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng yawned.

My father forgot that it was already late at night here,
What are you still busy with? Go to bed quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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