Go abroad to become a director and overturn Hollywood at the box office

Chapter 51 Choose red and blue pills, do you want to see the matrix?

Chapter 51 Choose red and blue pills, do you want to see the matrix?

Adjustments were made immediately on site.

In the past few days, movie websites and the official website of Warner Bros. have successively reported the news of the launch of the "Matrix" movie, which has attracted widespread attention.

Especially those who like science fiction themes.

"Have you heard? Warner Bros. is also going to make a science fiction movie. It's a movie about hackers."

"See, I'm mainly paying attention to the Asian director Qin Feng. The two movies he recently participated in were very successful. I just don't know if this success can be replicated in new movies."

"This is a bit of a suspense. According to the news, this is the first high-cost film he has directed independently since coming to the United States. Everything is still unknown."

"Sisters, I am very optimistic about Director Qin! I will choose to support all of Director Qin's movies without any brains. Because of Director Qin, I am now watching some other Chinese film and television dramas."

"Anyway, the filming has just started. Let's wait until the trailer comes out. It's still early!"


within the crew.

Intense filming is still in progress.

The voice of the photography assistant came:
"B014, scene 1, third shot! Get ready...Action!"

Medium shot, Morpheus takes out a small box and takes out two pills.

"This is your last chance. Once you make your choice, there's no turning back."

He opened his hand and there was a blue pill.

“Swallow the blue pill, it’s over, nothing happened, wake up and go on with your life.”

Opening the other hand, there is a red pill.

“Take the red pill and continue wandering through Wonderland, and I’ll lead you deep down the rabbit hole.”

Neo hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched out his hand.

Morpheus: "Remember, I just want to tell you the truth."

Neo chose the red pill, held it in his mouth, and swallowed it with water.

Morpheus stood up and said, "Follow me."

The two came to another door.

There are several people working here, and there are computers and various equipment everywhere.

Morpheus guided him, "Please sit here."

Neo sat in a chair.

Trinity and a few others set him up with some equipment.

Morpheus: "The pill you took is part of the tracking program. Its function is to interfere with your carrier signal to facilitate locating you."

Neo trembled for a while and felt uncomfortable. At the same time, he noticed that the surrounding environment had also changed.

His right hand turned into glass, and it continued to spread to his body!

Special effects will be added here later.

"Cold! So cold!" Neo shouted.

Morpheus picked up the phone: "Tank, give us a signal quickly."

The glassy substance quickly gathered towards his face, his whole body trembled, and his mouth opened wide in horror.

Trinity: "His heart almost stopped!"

Morpheus: "Tank, now!!"

Then, Neo screamed.

According to the animation preview, the animation will be completed later, and his mouth will enter darkness.

Until a mechanical container appears.

"Cut!" Qin Feng shouted, "OK, very good, two more, we will try to finish this scene in the morning."

in the afternoon.

They moved to a nearby studio, where a complete model of the interior of the spacecraft was built.

The entire model is very finely crafted, with criss-crossing pipelines, just like the real thing.

Of course, the various function buttons inside are just decorations and all fake.

"B014, scene 2, third shot! Get ready...Action!"

Several people rescued Neo from the mechanical vessel controlled by the Matrix.

In real life, Neo is wrapped in a blanket and unconscious.

Close-up, Morpheus comes forward, "Welcome to the real world."

Neo's eyes darkened.

When he woke up, he was covered in acupuncture.

"What is this?" His voice was weak.

Morpheus said: "Your muscles have atrophied, this is to help you regenerate them."

"Why do my eyes hurt so much?"

"That's because you never opened it. Rest and you will know the truth."

Next.The camera keeps switching to two people removing acupuncture from Neo.

Close-up, there are circular mechanical interfaces on his back, arms, and back of his head.

These are all put on with special effects makeup.

A set of montage shots was shot.

Neo wakes up again.

He also discovered various interfaces in himself.

Especially the one at the back of the head is very big.

Morpheus walked in.

"Morpheus, what's wrong with me? What is this place?"

"You should ask what time it is now. You think it is 2009, but in fact it is almost 2199."

"I really can't explain it to you. Come with me and see for yourself."

Qin Feng looked in front of the monitor, "Machine No. 4, follow and shoot."

Neo and Morpheus climbed up, with the photographer following closely behind them.

Morpheus's voice: "The Nebuchadnezzar is a hovercraft."

At this time, I walked to the upper floor.

"This is the main deck, and this is the control center."

The camera shows a close-up of the Nebuchadnezzar's inscription, including its name and construction date: 2069.

"You know most of my crew."

Trinity is busy.

"This is Trinity, Epock, Tank..."

Morpheus patted Neo on the shoulder.

"Would you like to see the Matrix?"

He motioned for him to sit down again.

Neo sat on the chair next to him.

Trinity fixed him.

Morpheus slowly put him down, "Relax, you will feel a little weird..."

A brain-computer pipeline was instantly connected to the interface on the back of his head.


Close-up, Neo screams.

The next scene is a scene where real people and CGI appear together.

The crew set up a large green screen.

The main purpose of using a green screen is to distinguish the background and foreground, making it easier to cut out images and add computer special effects later.

In addition, cameras are more sensitive to green. When cutting out images in post-production, green backgrounds are easier to create and add special effects. They will not affect the quality of the movie picture and are more precise than other colors.

"B025, scene 1, third shot! Get ready...Action!"

In green screen.

After that, it will be processed later.

Make the background white.

Close-up of Neo's pain easing.

He opened his eyes and looked around confusedly.

Endless white space as far as the eye can see!

Morpheus stood not far away, wearing a suit and sunglasses.

"This is the main structure, our loader, that loads everything from clothes to equipment."

"Weapons, simulation training, everything."

Neo asked, "Are we in a computer program?"

"Isn't it incredible?" Morpheus said.

"Your clothes have changed, the joints on your arms and head are gone, and your hairstyle has changed."

In front of the two people were two red single sofas and an old-fashioned TV.

Morpheus picked up a remote control from the table.

"This is the world you know."

The TV was turned on and Morpheus sat down.

"This is the world of the early 21st century."

"It's actually just part of the neural interaction simulation system."

"That's what we call the Matrix!"

(End of this chapter)

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