Chapter 88 Batman solves the case

In the lobby of this ancient castle, Gordon sat on the leather sofa, his buttocks squirming restlessly.

Before joining the Gotham Police Department, he was just an American soldier running on the battlefield. All he needed to do every day was run, eat, perform tasks, sleep or die.

He had never seen such a luxurious hall, as gorgeous as the legendary king's castle.

Of course Gordon had feelings of inferiority.

However, what made him restless was not his inner inferiority, but a horrific murder that happened twenty minutes ago.

More than 40 wealthy upper-class people were found dead in an old building.

The impact of this incident on Gotham was extremely profound and bad.

You know, not only those forty people, but also their family members were found dead at home.

The relatives and friends of these deceased people will put pressure on the police department, and the bureaucrats they fund will not let go of the Gotham Police Department.

Therefore, before Gordon left, the entire police station, from the chief to the stray dogs raised in the station, were sent out to find the murderer, in order to catch the murderer as soon as possible and give an explanation to those rich men.

What's even more creepy is that their heads are separated from their bodies, and there is a notice posted on the white wall stating that they want to kill Bruce Wayne.

This was also the reason why he came in such a hurry. Wayne Enterprises is a solid pillar for Gotham.

If the only successor, Bruce Wayne, dies, the impact will be immeasurable.

Wayne Enterprises will fall into chaotic internal strife and even be cannibalized and torn apart by outside capital.

For the sake of this city, Gordon must ensure the safety of Bruce Wayne.

"Mr. Gordon."

Gordon's worries were interrupted by a call from the stairs.

Bruce Wayne, the young billionaire, was wearing a loose and luxurious nightgown, walking down the stairs with the loyal old butler behind him.

Bruce looked sleepy, as if he had just climbed out of bed. His face was full of fatigue, and the lipstick marks on his face easily reminded him of Playboy.

"What do you want from me?" Bruce asked lazily, his head hanging down.

"Mr. Bruce."

Gordon stood up and shook hands with the young man. Then he began to tell what had happened twenty minutes before.

The long list of names of people who died are all famous people in Gotham City.

Bruce looked a little ugly as he listened.

"So, you're worried that those thugs are going to break into Wayne Castle and kill me?"

Bruce spread his hands, the gloomy expression on his face disappeared, and he returned to cynicism: "Okay, what does Commissioner Gordon want me to do?"

Gordon sighed: "I hope Mr. Wayne can leave Gotham for a while."

Bruce nodded and looked at his butler Afu.

"Sir, I remember that there is a helicopter parked at the top of the castle. We can use this plane to go to another of your private estates and then take a connecting flight out of Gotham."

Bruce smiled and snapped his fingers: "Then do it."

"Excuse me, Mr. Gordon." Bruce turned around and nodded to Gordon. As if he was very afraid of death, he left with the butler and ran towards the top floor.

Watching Bruce leave, Gordon also stood up and walked out of the manor, got into his second-hand car, and drove towards the crime scene. There were still many things to be busy with today.


Not long after Gordon left, the roar of a helicopter soon sounded.

inside the helicopter,

Afu drove the helicopter to continuously stretch the height while shouting back: "I hope you can protect yourself this time, Master Bruce, don't cause yourself more scars."

"I understand, Afu, I understand."

Behind him, Bruce is wearing protective gear.


With the black shoulder pads pressed against his wrists, Bruce looked at the bat mask and took a deep breath.

Afu fiddled with the signal receiver while reporting the situation to Bruce: "According to the latest news from the police, the murder scene is located at the old site of Wayne Group."

Listening to Ah Fu's words, Bruce trembled slightly.

He thought again of the mysterious man wearing a mask that night. Could it be that guy who did it?

Take a deep breath to dispel your inner worries,

Bruce looked at the city below him, the city he loved and hated.


Bruce heard himself say this, and then he picked up the bat mask and put it on his head.

With half of the mask covering the upper half of his face, the originally melancholy and deep eyes instantly became cold and sharp.

At this moment, he is Batman!

Holding the sides of the cabin with both hands, his legs suddenly exerted force to release his hands.

It was like a roaring cannonball thrown out of the cabin, swooping towards Gotham under the night.

In the red clouds in the evening, Bruce opened the cloak behind him with both hands and made a hunting sound in the air.

It was like a big bat falling from the sky, about to bring fear to the city.

The former site of Wayne Group.

This abandoned high-rise building has been covered with orange warning tape.

Gordon looked at the night with a cigarette in his mouth.

He recalled the horrific scene he witnessed at the crime scene.

The terrifying headless corpses were neatly placed in the huge office building, and on the dusty round table were heads with ferocious faces.

"Whoever did it is crazy."

Gordon took a deep breath from the cigarette, letting the smoke mixed with nicotine roll into his respiratory tract. He dropped half of the cigarette and stamped it out.

After coming to Gotham, he discovered how twisted, perverted and crazy this damn city really was.


There was a slight noise from a tall building not far away.

The two police officers responsible for keeping vigil with Gordon had already fallen asleep.

If Gordon hadn't been vigilant in the army, perhaps he would have ignored these movements.

"what happened?"

Gordon tightened his grip on the gun at his waist, slowly took out his legs, bent down and jumped over the cordon step by step towards the tall building.

In the dim and invisible night,

Gordon listened to his breathing and walked up the stairs to the fourth floor of the crime scene.

A strong smell of blood broke into Gordon's mouth.

He looked towards the crime scene.

The ground was littered with silver body bags.

In the rich night, a dim light slowly lit up.

"Who is there!"

Gordon tensed up and raised the gun in his hand the next moment.

In this weird murder scene, only firearms can bring me some warmth.

"take it easy."

A low and hoarse voice sounded.

Gordon saw the dim light slowly moving upward, revealing the familiar sharp bat ears.

"It's you, the masked man." Gordon said with a cold face and couldn't help but tighten the grip of the gun: "Did you do this?"

"No, I'm here to help you."

The guy shrouded in darkness spoke slowly. He turned around and looked at the wall, as if he didn't care whether Gordon would shoot him in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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