hollywood melon man

Chapter 10 starts with the Hollywood laugh chapter

Chapter 10 Starts with a Hollywood Joke

These harsh conditions were obviously not something that a fledgling agent could make the decision for. Sheena Boone's face darkened for a while.

After listening to Little Gilbert's conditions, Sheena Boone also knew that there was nothing to achieve today, so she had no choice but to end today's negotiation.

"I will discuss these conditions with the company after I return. If there is any news, I will contact you at any time." Sheena Boone said.

"Okay." Little Gilbert still had a good impression of the first agent who approached him, so he left a contact information: "If you change your mind, just contact me."

Sheena Boone was speechless. This line should have been mine.

It was useless to say more, Sheena Boone took her bag and left, leaving little Gilbert to enjoy two cups of mellow coffee alone.

It’s just that I always feel that the tea is not as delicious as the tea in my hometown, little Gilbert thought to himself.

Sheena Boone was not the only one who had the idea to give it a try. In the following days, agents from other companies successively contacted Gilbert.

Without exception, they were all dissuaded by little Gilbert's outrageous demands.

Perhaps out of anger and revenge, an agent told little Gilbert's condition as a joke at a public gathering.

For a time, little Gilbert's conditions became a joke in the Hollywood agency community, and he himself was regarded as an arrogant boy who didn't know the heights of the world.

Almost everyone was waiting to see the jokes made by the youngest son of the Landellini family. When he went to the Universal Pictures headquarters, little Gilbert could feel the people from Universal Pictures pointing fingers behind his back.

But little Gilbert didn't care at all. He clearly realized that any excuse would be useless before results were achieved.

Only with solid results can he fight back hard against those who once laughed at him.

What surprised little Gilbert was that Sheena Boone, who had been in contact with him, also sent him an email with encouragement.

The general meaning is to persuade him not to care about other people's opinions, and to make achievements in a down-to-earth manner, which is more convincing than any words.

This greatly increased Gilbert's affection for Sheena Boone. With this attitude, Sheena Boone was better than most agents.

As for the agent who told him a joke, little Gilbert also heard his name from the old man.

Little Gilbert has never been a generous person, on the contrary, he is very stingy.

Now he remembers the agent's name, and one day in the future, he will come back with revenge. By the way, kill the chicken and show it to the monkey. He is not that easy to mess with.

Signing a director's contract with Universal Pictures was not that complicated. Gilbert Jr. hired a lawyer to confirm that there were no legal issues with the contract, and then he happily signed the director's contract.

His director and screenwriter's salary was only one hundred thousand dollars, which can be said to be very low.

But there is no way, the new director is not famous and he is still young. At this price, Universal Pictures only paid it for Spielberg's sake.

Otherwise, little Gilbert might not even be able to get a salary of US$50,000.

After the director contract was signed, Gilbert Jr. was relieved. This meant that Universal Pictures could no longer change directors, and he finally got the opportunity to direct.

After the contract is finalized, the next step is the project preparatory meeting.

In order to support Gilbert Jr., Spielberg invited Frank Marshall, the producer of Amblin Entertainment, a company he founded, to come over and sit in.

Although Gilbert Jr. is the director, it is Universal Pictures producer Dormer Blake who really has the power to make the decision.

Knowing that little Gilbert would not be able to bring the team to find out on his own, Dormer Blake set up the crew before the director's contract was finalized and waited for the director to be in place.

Frank Marshall was silent, so the only sound in the conference room was the discussion between Gilbert Jr. and Thomas Blake.

"We set the shooting location in Hawaii, which has beautiful scenery and is also an excellent place for surfing. More importantly, there are real sharks there." Little Gilbert explained his reasons.

Dormer Blake agreed and said: "I have read the script. In addition to the female lead, there are several other characters in the play. What are you going to do?"

"Go to the Screen Actors Guild and put forward your requirements. They will find a suitable actor and we will just conduct a simple audition." Little Gilbert thought clearly and continued: "The key to this play is the heroine, everything else is You can let it go." Needless to say, Gwyneth Paltrow has been chosen as the heroine.

She's Spielberg's goddaughter, and without Spielberg, the movie wouldn't work.

Little Gilbert continued to talk: "In the early days, we could borrow the title of Uncle Steven's previous "Jaws", for example, this movie is the spiritual sequel to the "Jaws" movie, what do you think? "

Dormer Blake's eyes lit up: "Indeed, after so many years, "Jaws" is still a classic of shark movies, and there is definitely no problem in using "Jaws" for promotion.

Frank, what do you think? "

Frank Marshall nodded and said: "No problem, Mr. Spielberg said the same."

"That's good……"

Spielberg's approval means that the crew can use his name to hype the movie. In later words, it was just riding on Spielberg's popularity.

The two directors of the crew finished explaining the general preparations, and then it was the turn of the other members of the crew.

The first is the special effects production. Spielberg borrowed his personal connections and invited his friend George Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic to come over to do the special effects.

The person in charge of Industrial Light and Magic introduced the current situation of special effects production: "We plan to use CGI production plus model mode to simulate real sharks.

The newly developed rendering software, coupled with the improvement of computer hardware, can help us quickly achieve this effect. "

Industrial Light and Magic's capabilities are trustworthy, and the price is not cheap either. It can be said that most of the film's production funds were spent on this shark.

The director of photography is a new person, and it is not accurate to say that he is new. After all, he has been the deputy for several years, and this is the first time that Duer Randolph has served as the director of photography.

“As required, we have tried a lot of underwater photography technology in the past few days, and now we have accumulated a certain amount of technology.

By the time the film starts shooting, it will definitely meet the requirements. ” Duer Randolph assured.

The special effects and photography are fine, but other aspects of the movie are not that big of a problem.

The preparatory meeting for this meeting went very smoothly. Originally, little Gilbert was ready to show off and slap him in the face.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, no assistant director or crew member stood up to express dissatisfaction, leaving little Gilbert to prepare in vain.

Thinking about it, although the outside world regards little Gilbert as a joke, after signing the director contract, little Gilbert is a real director.

Unless the producer comes to question and challenge Little Gilbert, other members of the crew will not open their eyes and stand up to challenge Little Gilbert.

We are all adults, not so childish.

The work content is written in black and white on the contract, just do your job and that's it. As for whether little Gilbert will become a joke? They weren't the ones laughing anyway.

In this way, in a harmonious atmosphere, the crew of "Shark Beach" was successfully formed.

There was no press conference and no reporters to cover it, like other obscure Hollywood crews.

It's just that Spielberg's production was still a bit of a gimmick. The entertainment media made a few mentions, laughed at little Gilbert for his ignorance, and stopped paying attention.

Thinking about it, the final fate of this movie is similar to that of those failed movies. It was shot silently, released silently, and then silently hit the streets. In the end, little Gilbert really became a joke.

Speaking of which, little Gilbert would also like to thank Spielberg, otherwise he wouldn't even be qualified to be a joke.

There are so many new things happening in Hollywood every day, who has time to pay attention to an unknown little director...

Regardless of the turmoil from the outside world, after Universal Pictures' $3.5 million was transferred to the account of a third-party insurance company, Little Gilbert took the entire crew, together with Gwyneth Paltrow, to shoot in Hawaii .

(End of this chapter)

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