hollywood melon man

Chapter 196 The hustle and bustle after the excitement

Chapter 196 The hustle and bustle after the excitement

Madonna's little accident brought the Oscar atmosphere to a climax tonight. At that moment, Oscar's real-time ratings went up a lot.

Presumably, the gossip media will be even more lively tomorrow, and there will probably be news about a third party involving DiCaprio.

However, considering Madonna's chaotic personal life, it may be that Madonna was a third party involved, and Leonardo DiCaprio was actually the fourth party.

Everyone can only sigh, your circle is really chaotic.

This little turmoil did not affect the continuation of the Oscars.

After Best Supporting Actress went to Juliette Binoche for "The English Patient," there are finally other spoilers.

The Best Actor award went to Geoffrey Rush for "Shining Grace" and the Best Actress award went to Frances McDormand for "Fargo."

The best original screenplay and best adapted screenplay belong to "Fargo" and "Switchblade" respectively. These two awards were presented by Naomi Watts and Cameron Diaz respectively.

Finally, the awards came to the last two highlights.

Everyone knows that little Gilbert is coming in a big way this year. He has already won the Directors Guild Award and the Golden Globe Award.

In 1992, John Singleton was nominated for the Oscar for Best Director at the age of for "Boys from the Block".

"Relax, take a deep breath, little Gilbert, we all know that you are great and great. We didn't get it this time. We'll come back next time."

Because Gilbert Jr. single-handedly directed the Mel Gibson incident, Tim Robbins won the best director at the Oscars last year for "Dead Man Walking."

But who knows if the academy will deliberately suppress little Gilbert because of his youth.

He doesn't have many works, and his most famous one is probably "Fast and Furious 2".

So far, there is no precedent for a person under 30 to win an Oscar for Best Director, but there are quite a few nominations.

Although he knew there was little hope, little Gilbert was still a little disappointed when his name was not read. However, he quickly recovered and clapped along to congratulate his opponent for winning the award.

Tim Robbins came on stage with an envelope, and Charlize Theron in the audience looked very nervous and grabbed Gilbert's hand.

Having said that, Tom Hanks obviously also understands that according to Gilbert Jr.'s production style, it may take a few years to get another Oscar nomination.

At this time, the big screen has given five selected films, as well as footage of their directors.

Charlize Theron said: "This is the first time you have been nominated. Although I know there is little hope, I still hope you can win."

However, John Singleton's reputation is completely inferior to that of Gilbert Jr., for two reasons.

The first reason is that John Singleton is a black man, and the traditional mainstream media will certainly not take the initiative to praise him.

All five people had smiles on their faces, but some of them looked fake at first glance. After all, this was a very important moment.

Tom Hanks has the experience of winning twice, and also has the experience of not winning after being nominated. At this time, he did not forget to feed him chicken soup.

Sure enough, Tim Robbins quickly opened the envelope and read out the name on it: "The winner of the best director is Anthony Minghella for "The English Patient". Congratulations..."

Xiao Lizi was so nervous for his friend: "No, my palms are sweating. I'm too nervous."

Little Gilbert patted Sally's hand and said, "Sally, don't be nervous, it's just a director award."

As usual, this year's Best Director Award will be awarded to the previous Best Director winner.

The second reason is still because of his skin color. His nomination back then was the result of the compromise of the Oscars by the black movement. In the eyes of outsiders, he was not worthy at all.

Although he didn't look towards the side where the crew of "The English Patient" were sitting, little Gilbert seemed to have seen Harvey Weinstein's proud, fat face.

The camera showed several nominees with somewhat forced expressions, but Charlize Theron next to Little Gilbert showed no expression at all.

She was very unhappy and whispered to little Gilbert: "In my opinion, the Academy and the judges are blind. Why can't you get the Oscar?"

"Relax, honey." At this time, little Gilbert comforted Charlize Theron: "The academy needs to find a balance. I dare say that the best picture must be "Saving Private Ryan."

Tom Hanks on the side agreed: "If we don't give the best picture to "Saving Private Ryan", the media will definitely explode tomorrow."

Although Tom Hanks was nominated for Best Actor this time, he knew that he had little hope of winning. After winning two Oscars for Best Actor, he was satisfied.

On the other hand, Tom Cruise looked a little unhappy because he was nominated but didn't get it.

What kind of garbage is Geoffrey Rush to the arrogant Tom Cruise, and he dares to compete with him for the same award?
It's a pity that the Oscars don't decide whether the actors are handsome or famous, and then decide the awards. The Oscars have their own set of standards, but this set of standards also has a flexible bottom line.

If someone like Tom Cruise wants to win an Oscar, he must become an award-rushing maniac like Leonardo DiCaprio. It's best to feed a bear, tiger, lion, shark or something, otherwise there's not much hope.

After the Best Director, comes the final and most important award, the Best Film.

This year's Best Picture award was presented by Oscar winner Al Pacino. When he came on stage holding the envelope, little Gilbert knew that "Saving Private Ryan" was going to win.

"Sally, don't be sad, the best picture is ours." "Really?" As soon as Charlize Theron's question came out, Al Pacino announced the winning film.

"The winner of the 69th Oscar for Best Picture is "Saving Private Ryan". Congratulations..."

Sure enough, the Oscars don’t dare to do anything new and original. “Saving Private Ryan” is an American-themed movie about Americans, American spirit and humanistic care.

Even the man in Washington introduced this movie to his younger brother. If the Oscars dared not award an award, they would be attacked by the media the next day.

More importantly, this undermines the credibility of the Oscars. Why should it be the highest palace of movies in the future?
The award for Best Picture actually has nothing to do with the director. It is usually the producer who accepts the award. However, Gilbert Jr. usually also serves as a producer on his own films, so he can accept the award together.

Little Gilbert hugged those around him and accepted the award with two producers, Charles Rowan and Kane Waxman.

The two producers obviously knew who everyone wanted to hear more, so after a brief thank you, they gave up the microphone position to little Gilbert.

Little Gilbert didn't come up with anything new, and just thanked his staff, partners, actors, family and fans as usual.

Finally, little Gilbert also expressed his love for movies: "I have been chasing dreams all my life, and movies are my dream machine.

My dream-making journey will never end. I will keep taking pictures until I can no longer take pictures. "

These words make little Gilbert's fans very happy. According to little Gilbert's age, if he wants to live longer, he can even make movies for sixty years.

Those sixty years of movies, that’s sixty.

Of course, now I am young and have good physical strength and high energy. But when I get older in the future, I probably won’t be able to maintain the high-intensity work of one movie a year.

The Oscars came to a successful conclusion, with "Saving Private Ryan" winning five awards including Best Picture, Best Director of Photography, Best Editing, Best Costume Design, and Best Original Score for a Drama Series.

Not to be outdone, The British Patient won four awards including Best Director, Best Supporting Actress, Best Art Direction, and Best Sound Effects.

"Saving Private Ryan" still has an advantage. The only thing that makes little Gilbert fans feel pity is that little Gilbert did not win the best director trophy.

After the Oscars ceremony, there is usually a celebratory dinner hosted by the Oscar organizers.

Perhaps it was the experience of the last Golden Globe Awards. This time Madonna did not dare to pester little Gilbert for fear of running into Naomi Watts again, so little Gilbert was able to be quiet.

The day after the Oscars, media reports were pouring in.

"A two-way Oscar winner, "Saving Private Ryan" and "The English Patient" won big, Anthony Minghella defeated Gilbert Jr. to win the best director award, and "Saving Private Ryan" took home the best picture." —Los Angeles Times.

“The biggest winner is Disney, with ‘The English Patient’ and ‘Saving Private Ryan’ both films released by Disney’s subsidiaries, both of which won Oscars.

Perhaps because they belong to the same company, this year's Oscars lacked the smell of gunpowder. "-"Washington post".

Mainstream media reports are mostly positive, and most of them are satisfied with the distribution of awards, which means that the Oscar's cake-sharing strategy is very popular this time.

However, some people were dissatisfied with this. Roger Ebert, a loyal fan of Gilbert Jr. who wildly praised him, criticized Oscar in his column.

"The Oscars have always been about seniority and are full of prejudice against young directors. Because of his age, they failed to award the best director to Gilbert Jr., which disappointed me.

The Oscars should be a glorious, fair and just stage, and should not be swayed by prejudice and discrimination. "

As soon as these words came out, he immediately received support from many Little Gilbert fans, and Roger Ebert greatly increased his popularity among young movie fans.

On the other hand, Kenneth Turan disagreed with Roger Ebert's statement: "The nomination is already the biggest reward for little Gilbert.

The Oscar is encouraging little Gilbert to make better films in the future, and there is no claim of lack of qualifications or prejudice. "

Kenneth Turan also opened his own Facebook account. As soon as these words came out, Kenneth Turan was immediately besieged by a large number of movie fans surfing the Internet.

However, the crazy attacks by these fans have also attracted opposition from some people who don't like little Gilbert, or who simply express themselves as unconventional and unconventional.

The two sides got into a fight under Kenneth Turan's Facebook account, and then it gradually escalated.

This should be the first recorded online scolding war since the birth of the Internet and social networking sites. But unfortunately, except for a few Internet-related practitioners, basically no one pays attention to this matter.

In addition to reports and Oscars, everyone was also attracted by Madonna's bold actions and then being forcibly kissed by Leonardo DiCaprio.

"Variety" magazine vividly described Madonna's hot stage performance, accompanied by photos. In the photos, you can even see Madonna's hollow dress, and the short skirt underneath cannot cover the scenery inside.

This is just one of them. The most exciting one is that Madonna tried to forcefully kiss little Gilbert, but was hugged by DiCaprio.

The two staged a hot and bold wet kiss in front of all the guests, fans and many viewers in front of the TV, causing the atmosphere to reach a climax.

Combined with the previous show of love at the Golden Globe Awards, "Los Angeles Business Journal" reporter Sarah quickly analyzed: Madonna wants to conquer Little Gilbert, and Little Plum is just to ward off disaster.

However, some media believe that maybe little Gilbert has successfully hooked up with Madonna, and the two have already hit it off. Xiao Lizi was dissatisfied, so he acted like this.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, in this era when the game industry was not yet developed and the intensity of Internet surfing was not high, celebrity scandals have indeed brought everyone a lot of talk after dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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