hollywood melon man

Chapter 38 Needs Attention

Chapter 38 Needs Attention
  In May, on a refreshing summer day, this year's American Film and Television Saturn Awards were held at the Los Angeles Dome. The awards ceremony was broadcast live on NBC.

Different from the slightly serious atmosphere of the Oscars, the Saturn Awards have a strong entertainment attribute, so they are very popular among the audience.

As soon as the red carpet of the awards ceremony started, twelve Terminator T-800s appeared handsomely on motorcycles, causing fans on both sides of the red carpet to cheer and scream.

Obviously, the popularity of "Terminator 2" last year once again made the T-800 popular across the United States.

After that, various stars appeared one after another, and little Gilbert took Cameron Diaz on the red carpet together.

In front of them were Gwyneth Paltrow and Johnny, a bald man who looked like Dwayne Johnson. He looked to be in his thirties, but he was much older than Gwyneth Paltrow.

Little Gilbert estimates that Mr. Paltrow is regretting it now. If he had not hindered the development of Gwyneth Paltrow and himself, the two might have been together.

It’s not like Gwyneth Paltrow is now looking for an old man in his thirties to make Mr. Paltrow anxious.

But it seems that Gwyneth Paltrow is just playing with this Johnny. This girl always likes to play.

The release of "Shark Tank" and "Captain Hook" last year made Gwyneth Paltrow's fame skyrocketed.

Although she is not as popular as Julia Roberts, she is quite popular among the younger generation.

So when attending the Saturn Awards ceremony, Gwyneth Paltrow still received a lot of cheers.

When it came to Little Gilbert and Cameron Diaz, it was quite deserted. Even the reporters were too lazy to waste film and take pictures of them.

"Hey, Director Gilbert..." Walking on the red carpet, Gilbert heard someone calling his name.

Following the sound, little Gilbert saw three or four young people crowded on the railing beside the red carpet.

Cameron Diaz was left to pose in the center of the red carpet first, while little Gilbert went to interact with the fans first.

Maintaining movie fans starts with details.

Perhaps it was the shouts of these fans that reminded reporters of Little Gilbert, who created a box office miracle at the end of last year, and the scandal between him and his new sweetheart Gwyneth Paltrow.

Looking at the expectant Cameron Diaz in the middle of the red carpet, I thought that this is little Gilbert's new girlfriend, and bringing up Gwyneth Paltrow would be a bit of a topic.

So reporters were finally willing to pick up their cameras and take pictures, and some reporters tried to attract Cameron Diaz's attention.

"Hey! Look here, do you want to pose sexy?"

When it comes to posing, model-turned-Cameron Diaz is a professional and quickly met the reporters' requests.

I have to say that in terms of appearance, Cameron Diaz is indeed better than Gwyneth Paltrow.

The reporters all thought about the headlines. Little Gilbert has found a new love, his new girlfriend is beautiful and sexy, Gwyneth Paltrow is sad...

Although it was clearly Gwyneth Paltrow who told the public first and initiated the breakup, reporters didn't care about that.

Gilbert Jr. has said to Gwyneth Paltrow before that it doesn't matter whether it's praise or criticism, what's important is that people talk about you.

Cameron Diaz is obviously a master at this. Her sexy looks not only attract reporters to take photos, but also arouse discussions among movie fans.

"Hey man, who is this girl?"

"I don't know, but she looks so beautiful!"

"Oh my God, her eyes seem to be able to talk..."

Look, that’s how the initial discussion and attention came...

Little Gilbert walked towards the fans and said hello: "Hey, how are you?"

Fans consciously took out the book signed by little Gilbert, and even some who didn't know little Gilbert but had seen or heard about the movie "Shark Tank" also came to join in the fun. While signing autographs for fans, Gilbert Jr. answered fans' questions.

"Director Gilbert, when will your new film be released?" a fan asked.

Little Gilbert replied casually: "It's coming soon. We can see him in about July or August."

"Is it still similar to "Shark Beach"?" Another fan asked.

"The subject matter is similar, but I guarantee it is a very exciting story."

Hearing what little Gilbert said, movie fans were relieved and expressed their support by going to the cinema.

Little Gilbert can be considered to have the support of movie fans. Although there are only a few people, the cumulative effect is small, and he may be able to claim to have 6 billion movie fans in the future!
  After signing the autographs and posing for photos with reporters and Cameron Diaz, it was almost time to move forward.

Because the next person to enter the theater is the crew of "Alien 3", the sequel to the famous science fiction thriller "Alien" series, which is about to hit theaters.

Although Ridley Scott was replaced by the unknown David Fincher, the original cast and the classic sci-fi sequel still have fans looking forward to it.

However, when they go to the cinema and watch "Alien 3", they should not be disappointed.

"Alien 3" is the result of a typical CAA packaging service operation. It was only under the operation of CAA that David Fincher obtained the qualification to direct "Alien 3".

But this is none of Gilbert's business. His films have never been run under the packaging service policy.

Agent Sheena Boone analyzed the policy for Gilbert several times and talked about the benefits of the packaged service policy, but Gilbert rejected them all.

However, Sheena Boone is still very capable. After the completion of "The Last Day", she cast Matt Damon into the movie "High School" to partner with Brendan Fraser.

In addition to starring in "Death Comes to Me", Matt Damon is taking steps to become a superstar.

In his spare time, Matt Damon also consulted with Gilbert Jr. on screenwriting techniques.

He planned to turn an essay he wrote in high school into a script, and asked Gilbert Jr. if he was interested in directing.

Little Gilbert knew that the script was "Good Will Hunting", so he maintained a strong interest. Even if he didn't direct, he could still participate in the investment!

I have the impression that this movie has done well at the box office, and little Gilbert will not let go of an opportunity to make money.

Of course, this is still early. The most important job for the two of them right now is to ensure the success of "Death Is Coming".

Although he was a spectator at the Saturn Awards, Gilbert Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow were still mentioned in media reports.

Under the operation of Disney, the tabloids began to hype the love triangle between Gilbert Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, and Cameron Diaz.

Little Gilbert and Cameron Diaz also cooperated very well and showed affection in public. Cameron Diaz has also become the second girlfriend of Little Gilbert in public recognition.

In order to highlight the reality of the relationship, Cameron Diaz simply moved into the apartment where little Gilbert lived in a high-profile manner.

Of course, little Gilbert's apartment has now been changed and moved to an upscale white community near the University of Southern California.

Now that you have money, your life should be better.

In addition, "The God of Death" has also released posters and stills. Disney attaches great importance to it and has laid out full offline advertisements.

According to the arrangement, little Gilbert will also take the crew members to a talk show on a Disney-owned TV station to promote it.

Such treatment was not available at Universal Pictures before.

Of course, if Gilbert Jr. had stayed at Universal Pictures, he would probably have this treatment now.

(End of this chapter)

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