Chapter 54 Corporate Strategy
  CAA moved quickly. Avril and her band were invited to the company headquarters to meet with Tang De.

Because Avril wanted to know how she planned to shoot her MV, she requested to meet Tang De for a chat.

Tang De naturally arrived as scheduled, but by the time he arrived, Avril and the others were already sitting in the conference room.

Tang De and Mike pushed the door open without knocking, only to see Avril and several others throwing paper airplanes made of A4 paper around, and there was even a paper airplane heading straight for his face!

"Oh!" Tang De reached out to block the paper airplane, closed the door, and walked into the conference room.

"Hello!" Tang De was wearing a black windbreaker today with a white shirt underneath and a melon cap on his head. His image looked a bit like Leon in "This Killer Isn't Too Cold", only more handsome. That kind of thing.

"Hello, I'm Avril Lavigne." Avril Lavigne put down the paper airplane in her hand awkwardly and introduced herself. Her smile was bright and her face still had the classic smoky makeup.

She showed her two iconic tiger teeth and shook hands with Tang De, followed by other band members who returned to their seats to introduce themselves.

"Charlie, the bassist."

"Evan, the guitar player."

"Matt, the drummer."

The three big boys were not shy and sat down after saying hello to Tang De.

"Let's talk about the shooting of the MV." Tang De spoke first.

Avril shook her head: "I've seen your MV, it's great, but to be honest, I don't like it very much!"

She expressed her preferences quite directly, which suited her punk and rebellious music style.

Tang De knew this, so he was not angry. Instead, he put his hand on his chin and asked, "Why don't you like it?"

"Because I think the colors are too heavy, and I like brighter colors." Avril Lavigne also moved her hands as she spoke, as if she was about to take out her guitar and start singing in the next second.

Hearing this, Tang De laughed: "Avril, any MV must be shot according to the style of the song. Of course, this song cannot be shot according to Nelly's tone."

Avril immediately became happy: "That's good, I hope it will be a bright afternoon when shooting, and I will be with my band!"

"Yes, together." Several other boys nodded.

Tang De pondered for a while: "I have read your lyrics. The main thing you want to express is a rebellious attitude towards life. Your song audience is also adolescent young people, so of course the MV should be shot in this style."

"As for the specific content, what do you think of the combination of shopping malls, street graffiti, and skateboarding?"

Part of the elements Tang De mentioned were extracted from her original MV, and part came from her future MV. Avril's style is unique, and her youthful and energetic punk rock is her most eye-catching feature.

Her songs are not the kind that can be matched by just finding a well-known MV. It is better to find them from her own future songs.

Tang De combined several of her future MVs, extracted various elements and classic images from them, and then perfected them into a new MV with his own vision and aesthetics that were far ahead of the times.

In fact, song MVs that depict youth should be as concise and lively as possible, so that young people can quickly accept them. They cannot be like the ones shot before, which have better quality but also lose the restlessness of youth.

Avril Lavigne and the band members nodded wildly after hearing these elements: "Yeah! It's great, I like it, it just wants this feeling of being unbridled and crazy!"

"Yes, I can't wait to cause a scene in the mall!" "What, Evan, do you want to wear women's clothes?"

"Shit, get out of here Charlie, I have to make you wear women's clothes!"

Several boys had a heated discussion, and Tang De also chatted with Avril.

Mike was the only one sitting there with a cold expression on his face, because he felt that Tang De's idea this time was very boring. It just piled several elements together, did not imitate the movie, and had no eye-catching pictures. It was a far cry from Nelly's song. Different places.

Although he admits that these elements are liked by young people, in his opinion, it is impossible for Avril Lavigne to become an instant hit. With so many beautiful girls every year, how can one girl with smoky makeup become popular, so he is very interested in this MV. Not too hopeful either.

Moreover, in his opinion, Tang De was in a state of wandering. Since he won the first place on the Billboard, he has not accepted another job, which shows this state of mind incisively and vividly.

So seeing a few people still chatting, Mike left the meeting room directly and came to the office of CAA executive Brady.

"What's wrong, Mike?" Brady was playing golf in the office at this time, accompanied by a female secretary holding a water glass.

"Don De and Avril Lavigne have already decided to shoot the music video." Mike walked to the side and took the golf club handed over by Brady.

Brady is a middle-aged man about forty years old, with brown hair in a pigtail, and he looks quite unique.

He picked up the water glass in the secretary's hand and took a sip: "What do you think of his idea?"

"To be honest, I think it's a bit too ordinary." Mike wondered: "Why do you want to give him first choice? There are so many well-known MV directors, Mr. Brady."

Brady shook his head and hit the ball into the hole with a beautiful gesture before explaining: "Because of the company's strategy... Mike, we have grabbed a large piece of cake in the film market, but other agencies are not vegetarians either. , coupled with the resistance from those film companies, we can only go here for the time being, do you understand?"

"I understand, Mr. Brady." Mike knew he was talking about the current situation of CAA. After more than ten years of rapid growth, the film market is close to saturation, and their agency's income is also close to the upper limit.

"So the company has recently adjusted its strategy, hoping to repeat its success in the film market in the music market. Do you know how many singers release albums in New York alone every year?"

Brady paused for a moment and said a number: "344! This is just New York, not to mention other cities and other countries. And this number is growing every year. A large number of new generation singers are emerging, and sales in the record market are also increasing. It’s growing rapidly! Mike, we at CAA must seize this opportunity!”

"So music production and MV production are CAA's next strategy. Although we have a large number of film teams, their salaries are too high and customers will not agree. Therefore, next, we will have a large number of music production positions. Talents to create the most professional production and packaging service, this business needs a few leaders!"

Only then did Mike understand Brady's intention, but he was still a little surprised: "But Tang De has only filmed two MVs, can he be the leader?"

Brady shrugged: "Of course he is not the only one, there are others who are also in this plan. So, Mike, it depends on his next performance. If he can maintain a good level in every song, then he will be the future One of the leaders. But if not, his first choice will naturally be withdrawn."

"Understood." Mike nodded, but in his heart he had already sentenced Tang De.

He is picky, insistent, carefree, and always likes to control everything in his own hands. In his opinion, as long as such a MV director makes one mistake, it will be enough to completely silence him.

So it’s time to look for a few more MV directors. If the future leaders come from their own company, this will undoubtedly be a huge improvement to the agent’s status.


Mike looked up at Brady, who picked up the golf club and continued to swing. Maybe he could sit in this position in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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