Chapter 65 Baking Creativity
  "Violent monkey?"

Cindy was still mumbling this nickname, while Jimmy and Phoebe were already rolling up their arms and sleeves and getting into a boxing stance.

"Look at your stiff steps, kid, how dare you shout in front of me like this!"

As soon as Jimmy saw Phoebe's steps, he knew that this guy hadn't practiced much and probably only played basketball. If this body were bumped into on the football field, it would fly all over the field like a balloon with a needle pricked by it.

However, Phoebe was quite confident and even stretched out her foot provocatively to do a Muay Thai kick.

How could Jimmy let go when he saw this flaw? He hit him with a flurry of punches!

"Ahhh!" Phoebe was beaten back by his too-fast punches and stumbled to the ground, while Jimmy jumped directly on him, screaming with teeth and claws while punching him. .

"Yeah! Hey! Uh! Ha!"

Cindy finally knew why Jimmy was called the violent monkey.

Look at Phoebe holding her head and begging for mercy. She was so tough just now, but now she is so humble. That look made everyone grin silently.

Only Maroni and Torion felt extremely embarrassed!
  "Yeah!" The next moment, Torion rushed over and hit Tang De directly on the cheek with his fist!

"Boss!" Cindy realized immediately and wanted to push Tang De away, but it was already too late.

Others also saw this scene, and no one reminded Tang De with the mentality of sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between tigers. Maroni became even more excited, wishing to see Tang De fall to the ground and cry bitterly.

But in the next second, Tang De turned his head slightly and swung his right fist at a faster speed, hitting Torion's face with his length advantage before his fist reached his face.

"Bang!" Torion fell to the ground instantly, fainted, and his glasses were knocked away three meters away.

"That's it?" Tang De laughed, then looked at Maroni.

"This has nothing to do with me! Tang De, this is the territory of the Sommer family, you can't hit people at will!" Maroni took two steps back in fear.

Tang De ignored them and stepped forward directly. Hitting one was still a fight, and hitting two was still a fight. It was better to clean them up together and let them pack up and get out.

"Secretary! Secretary!" Upon seeing this, Maroni immediately shouted for help, and soon the conference room door was pushed open...

The secretary saved Maroni, but Tang De didn't get what he wanted. However, after asking the security guards to drag away the two embarrassing things, Maroni had no choice but to withdraw from the advertising campaign.

Gilmer, who had been watching, called the secretary in his team over and whispered a few words to her.

The secretary nodded and walked out of the conference room.

With the end of the warm-up boxing match, the advertising campaign finally entered the formal process.

Hengmei Advertising took the lead in entering the president's office and began to promote creative ideas. During this process, the conference room was always dull.

After waiting for twenty minutes, the secretary came again and called away the IPG people.

Cindy rubbed Tang De's arms and waited for the four companies to finish their presentations before finally hearing the secretary's voice.

"Supreme Creativity, it's your turn."

Tang De opened his eyes, adjusted his suit, looked at Jimmy again, and then walked into the office with his secretary.

As soon as they entered, they saw several people on the chairs chatting and discussing previous ideas.

An old man with gray hair sat in the middle, silent, while little Sommer next to him, with his hair sleek and shiny, was listening to the discussion of his subordinates.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." Tang De walked confidently to the blackboard, picked up a pen, and greeted several senior executives.

"You are... the supremely creative Tang De?" Little Sommer stroked his hair, leaned his back on the chair, crossed his legs, and looked carefree.


"So what's your idea?" Little Sommer didn't look very patient, but Old Sommer kept squinting his eyes, as if he was resting his mind or dozing off. "Before I tell you my idea, let me ask you a question first." Tang De did not give up the initiative to Sommer, but took back his hand and watched the group of people look at him following the question. He said: "Have you read the report in Reader's Digest recently? It's about tobacco..."

"What is that?" Little Sommer spread his hands, and the next second the executive next to him reminded him: "'Tobacco is Eating You,' this article."

"Yes, that's it, I brought it over." As soon as Tang De finished speaking, Cindy handed the opened readers' digests to the executives with a smile.

Under the attack of beautiful women, these executives did not refuse and picked it up to take a look.

In fact, everyone has heard of this article more or less, except little Sommer.

Because this article has become the focus of recent discussions about the tobacco industry, and since most households subscribe to Reader's Digest, such an anti-tobacco article naturally resonates with many housewives.

This directly led to further sluggishness in the cigarette market. Looking at the continuously falling sales curve, executives had been having headaches for several days.

"So, what does it matter?"

Little Sommer glanced at him and shrugged, then his father glared at him and he immediately sat upright.

"Of course it does matter. In fact, Reader's Digest helped you!" Tang De said and shook his head: "No, not only Reader's Digest, the Federal Trade Commission's investigation also helped you."

What he was talking about was the report on 'Smoking is harmful to health' issued by the United States in 1964.

"Why do you say that?" Old Sommer suddenly spoke to express his confusion. Tang De put his hands on the table: "Because it makes you realize that linking health and tobacco will only make people think of cancer and death."

"Should we thank them?" Old Sommer's voice was slightly hoarse, sounding like a piece of metal rubbing against each other.

"Of course! Mr. Sommer, because you can't use it, other tobacco companies can't use it either." Tang De smiled: "Let me ask a few more questions, how do you produce cigarettes?"

"I don't know." Little Sommer spoke quickly. The next moment, Old Sommer said with hatred: "Shame on you!"

Then he explained in detail the steps his company takes to make cigarettes: "We cultivate pest-free tobacco seeds, plant them under the North Carolina sunshine, and then cultivate, harvest, process, and bake them."

"Yes! That's it!" Tang De's expression became excited and he stretched out his hand to interrupt Old Sommer: "Baking, this is the selling point."

"But other companies' tobacco is also roasted." An executive next to him frowned.

"No, no, no!" Tang De lowered his body like a lion and scanned everyone with his powerful eyes: "This is different... because happy times are baked (also translated as 'raised and blessed')."

This pun made everyone take a deep breath.

At the same time, I realized what Tang De’s true advertising creative core is.

In short, Tang De's advertising strategy is to change from a description of selling points to a description of feelings, comparing baking to happiness. It not only represents the feeling when smoking, but also implies that tobacco is blessed.

Other advertising companies often focus on the strength and age of the brand to promote tobacco, using as many pictures and lines as possible to hint at tobacco, but Tang De completely abandoned these. What he showed to the audience was more of a state. An ideal sense of happiness.

As Tang De said, don’t everyone know the dangers of cigarettes?

No, everyone knows it too well, but they still enjoy it despite being so clear. Why?
  Just because when they are troubled, those who have no more channels to relieve themselves can rely on tobacco to temporarily obtain a sense of happiness, even if it is a harmful sense of happiness.

There are similar advertisements in China, such as Liqun’s Let the Soul Travel, which is a representative of this type of advertisement.

After understanding this, the somewhat dismissive eyes of the senior officials suddenly became serious, because this line did both avoid and mention it, just edging the edge of the ban. And this line is worth savoring carefully. If your own cigarettes are the first to adopt it, it will be equivalent to implanting this line into the user's head in advance.

Companies that use the same idea in the future will be deemed to be following suit and plagiarizing.

The advertising industry is like this. Creativity is not difficult to come up with. What is difficult is how to quickly come up with advertisements that are lacking in the market and that are relevant to users.

And Jimmy also smiled and looked at the senior executives and Old Sommer himself: "Gentlemen, I don't think you need to explain what that was just now!"

(End of this chapter)

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