Chapter 86 MV Interpretation
  As Thompson said, Dylan's article actually contains many fallacies.

For example, he said that big-scene MVs will be more liked by fans and make them pay for them. But MVs are not in the movie industry, and they can never match the storytelling of movies. So you want fans to pay just for some interesting scenes?
  As for what Jack has never figured out, this is the key point that Dylan avoids. Throughout the entire article, he elevates the importance of the MV to a level that cannot be ignored, but ignores the simplest fact.

That is, before fans watch the MV, they first listen to the song.

The premise for a MV to be a hit is that the song itself is popular enough and catchy enough, otherwise no one would be willing to waste time on a bad song.

Therefore, Dylan's statement that more good songs are buried is pure nonsense. If the song is not good, do you have to blame other people for making a good MV? What kind of logic is this? It's as outrageous as if Dylan was complained by his wife that the time in bed was too short today, and then he went to the next door neighbor with a gun and asked him why the time was so long.

After understanding this, the judges present also adjusted their mentality and began to continue to rate various MVs.

It's just that today is more difficult than yesterday. After watching the MV for a long time, Jack felt his eyes were about to shed tears from exhaustion.

Fortunately, the quality of the MV in the afternoon was much better than that in the morning, especially Eminem's "Without Me"

After the show was played, the various jokes in it made the judges laugh, and the frequency of discussions was significantly higher after the votes were cast.

"I like this MV. It has pop culture, spoof elements, and innovative expressions. Wow, I love this!" Schreiber was the first to express his praise.

Herbert also nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think Eminem's song should be able to compete for the best MV this year."

"I also like this. The ridicule of various celebrities is paired with this song. Although Eminem has scolded the music industry, I have to say that this kind of personality is popular now."

As a first-line music critic, Jack often observes on the streets and in video stores. He has to admit that Eminem's influence is indeed crazy. What those boys like most is to carry a large tape player through the streets. , graffiti, skateboarding, and playing basketball to the rhythm of this song.

There is no doubt about its popularity, but Jack feels that the only opponent that can make his path to winning the award confusing is Avril Lavigne's "Sk8er Boi".

And thinking about this song, very quickly, they saw it half an hour later.

Avril Lavigne deliberately pretending to be old, abstract stop-motion animation, gorgeous American comic elements, and a grand street concert, when these pictures hit the eyeballs one by one, everyone felt the word creativity.

And when colorful mist and fireworks were sprayed out from the windows of the two buildings, the unconstrained yet unconventional expression technique immediately made everyone silently cheer.

Even if they have watched this MV more than once, they will still be amazed by the ingenuity contained in it.

So after voting, Herbert shrugged: "I really can't believe that I can see such a MV this year."

"Yes, it feels very dreamy." Schreiber said with a smile: "As the MV expresses, Avril is dreaming, the girl is having a regretful dream, and we, the audience, are also dreaming with her."

"Yes, just like the lyrics, we have all missed that important person for various reasons. When we see her again, we only have regrets, so we fantasize about what will happen if we go with her? That Could the person on the stage be me?"

Jack summarized the connotation of the song, and Herbert later added: "That's it, so when the comic style appears in the MV, it means that the girl enters a dream, and she lands next to the boy on a plane and sings with him.

"But she was not welcome in the boy's dream, so the police showed up and wanted to drive Avril away. After all, that position should not belong to her."

Schreiber wowed: "Can it still be interpreted this way?"

"Interpreting music videos is Herbert's specialty. Come on, go on." Jack explained for Schreiber and continued to listen to Herbert's interpretation.

"Actually, I didn't fully understand every detail, but I understood the general meaning of the director. The woman played by Avril Lavigne actually knew that she shouldn't be around boys, so what she needed was not constant companionship, but a grand ending. .”

"This is why the two buildings will erupt with fireworks. For Avril, it is her curtain call. Her favorite scene when she was young. If you look carefully, you can see that there are miniature fireworks and fireworks in the corner of the room at the beginning. There are sprays, and there are hand-painted drawings on the wall, which are exactly the same as the scene where the fireworks are sprayed at the end.”

When Jack and Schreiber heard these words, goosebumps immediately aroused on their backs. They didn't expect that there were so many details hidden in a small MV like a movie.

But with what he said, Schreiber also remembered some of the details he saw: "I also saw that baby clothes, with a comic-style guitar painted on it."

Jack also remembered the details he had overlooked: "Yes, there is a helicopter toy on the ground, but its propeller is broken."

After saying that, the three of them looked at each other for a while, and immediately felt itchy in their hearts. They wanted to find the MV and watch it again.

"Looks like I'm going to post another article." Herbert chuckled.

After talking about this, Jack couldn't help but speculate: "So I am very curious about who will win the best song of the year between it and "Without Me". If it were me, I would vote for this song."

"Me too." Herbert shook his chin and his whiskers twitched.

The two looked at Schreiber again, and saw him nodding his head up and down quickly and firmly: "Me too."

"Man, don't you like "Without Me"?" Jack asked in confusion.

Schreiber spread his hands: "Although I like "Without Me," I think the popularity of that music video may be very short-lived."

"You're right, that MV may not be popular in a few months." Herbert also thinks so,
  The works that make fun of meme are particularly outstanding because of their timeliness, but they can also quickly disappear due to their timeliness. Therefore, in terms of classics, several people feel that "Without Me" is not as good as "Sk8er Boi".

Avril Lavigne's MV is so wonderfully shot that even apart from the song, it is worth watching again and again.

Moreover, the big scenes and various elements in it all serve the song itself. Watching the MV and listening to this song will make you feel more excited, and there will be no separation.

This is undoubtedly the best popular MV that can be referenced, no doubt.

But whether it can win the award depends on the criteria of the second round of judging.

While MTV was conducting the selection in full swing, Tang De was also communicating with Andreas Kaufmann, chairman of the supervisory board and major shareholder of the Leica camera brand, about advertising copywriting for the next ten years.

That’s right, the Leica brand only changes its copywriting and slogan every ten years. This is a decision made to maintain the tone of the brand.

The last time it was IPG who was responsible for the copywriting, they have a long history of cooperation with the Leica brand.

But now, Leica's major shareholder has traveled thousands of miles to New York to meet with Tang De in the office.

Not because they were convinced by Fernando’s conversational skills, or because they saw ads promoting Supreme Creativity.

The reason why Tang De appeared here was entirely because Fernando said the advertising slogan that Tang De gave him when talking to the other party's CEO.

"The world needs to witness, sir, this is my definition of Leica." Tang De picked up the Leica classic camera M6 on the table, stroked its outstanding metal texture, and sighed: "This is my dream machine, sir. .”

"The world needs to witness... What a wonderful sentence." Andreas Kaufmann thought about it carefully and sighed sincerely.

He is wearing a gray trench coat, his skin is slightly grooved, and his fingers are thick and strong. You can tell from one look that he often travels and takes photos.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"If you like it, I can make the decision for you to pick one and take it away." Seeing that Tang De couldn't put it down, Andreas Kaufmann immediately smiled and said that he could give it to him.

"Really? Mr. Chairman, you're welcome."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, I'm very satisfied with your advertising slogan." Andreas Kaufmann is the one and only person inside Leica, and all decisions must pass through his hands, so as long as he feels it is appropriate, he can Decide everything.

After hearing the slogan conveyed by the CEO, he immediately found the supreme creativity, and after meeting Tang De, he was even more satisfied.

Because Tang De knows cameras and Leica.

"In addition to this slogan, I also have supporting copy for promotion." Tang De then handed the prepared card to the chairman.

Andreas Kaufmann held the card and slowly read the text on it aloud.

“Today, taking photos is easier than ever.

But in the long history, there are always some people who can rely on their own sensitivity and unique awareness to capture those unique and touching moments that will never come again.

Leica uses this advertisement to pay tribute to these recorders and witnesses.

I also express my deep affection for the homeland where we live together and live side by side. "

"It's so beautiful, I like this." Andreas Kaufman once again praised Tang De's creativity.

Then he raised his head and looked at Tang De, stretched out his hand: "It seems I came to the right place."

"Of course, sir, Supreme Creativity never disappoints its customers."

Tang De kept a humble smile, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Mr. Chairman's forcefully.

But my heart was already whistling.

Because this classic advertising slogan will be the global brand slogan of Leica in the future.

Of course they will.

And as long as this project is negotiated, it means that Tang De has torn off the fattest piece of thigh meat from IPG!

(End of this chapter)

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