Survival game: My plug-ins can be superimposed

Chapter 259: Even if you die, you will be buried with someone

"What is your special ability?" Zhao Xun asked his adoptive mother.

It's like developing a habit of trying to understand each other's special abilities first.

It's just that he needs to test and "devour" others secretly, but he only needs to directly ask the adoptive mother.

The adoptive mother walked quickly to Zhao Xun and gently wiped the cold sweat from Zhao Xun's forehead. Then, she raised her other dry and clean hand to touch Zhao Xun's face: "Replenish your mental strength."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Xun felt a warm current flow from his cheeks into his body, causing his temples to gradually calm down.

From the moment he entered this dream game to now, he has used too many special abilities. Especially in that battle just now, he used several special abilities at the same time in order to achieve a quick victory, which consumed a lot of mental energy in an instant.

Although it is not to the extent of exhausting oneself, losing too much mental power in a short period of time will cause some discomfort in the body.

Although Zhao Xun didn't say anything, as a mother, she easily noticed the pale color of his lips and the thin drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

Therefore, the adoptive mother immediately gave her the greatest help she could.

While conveying mental power, the adoptive mother took the initiative to introduce: "My special ability level has been upgraded to lv3, and there are three ways to use it. First, to replenish others' mental power in large quantities. Second, to absorb other people's mental power to replenish myself, but At most, I can only replenish half of my own mental power, and I cannot absorb more. Thirdly, I can interfere with the mental state of others through the input of mental power, and the degree of interference varies depending on the situation."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun suddenly asked: "When upgrading to lv2, are there the first and third ways to use it?"

"Yes." The adoptive mother nodded.

Zhao Xun showed a clear look.

So, he finally knew how Xiaohong survived that game.

The reason why it is speculated that lv2 is used in the first and third ways is because the second one can only replenish half of the player's own mental power. Unless the enemy has very little mental power, it will be difficult to cause much damage.

The third type is different.

As long as the other party is not a person with particularly strong mental power or a person with special mental abilities, he can interfere with the other party's mental state.

As long as the interference is successful, it will not be difficult to find an opportunity to strike again.

Xiaohong definitely didn't meet anyone who could resist her interference at that time, which can be regarded as a certain amount of luck.

Zhao Xun can also guess the reason why his adoptive mother lost to the devil.

Judging from the devil's state, his mental power should be quite strong, and as long as the devil gives an order, the devil's puppet will execute it. However, disturbing the devil's mental state cannot make the devil change the order, and it is impossible to make the puppet stop attacking. .

The adoptive mother couldn't handle a few people by herself, so she was defeated.

Zhao Xun's face gradually improved, and his adoptive mother smiled happily. She took back her hand and said to Zhao Xun, "I have no regrets if I can see you again."

Zhao Xun pursed his lips. He wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

"If I die, she will die too!" The demon lying on the ground suddenly said, "Do you really dare to kill me? Aren't you afraid of being charged with parricide?"

Although his threats were the same as usual, there was a hint of uneasiness in his tone.

Under the influence of [Shackles of Cowardice], he became timid and timid, and his momentum was not as strong as before.

Before Zhao Xun could speak, the adoptive mother spoke up: "I am already a dead person, but my soul is bound by you and cannot be freed."

She looked at Zhao Xun with loving eyes: "You came to save me so that I could die peacefully and no longer be manipulated. This is a good thing. You did not commit parricide."

Zhao Xun nodded, his voice a little low: "I know."

He knew very well that this was the outcome that his adoptive mother expected, so he didn't have any uneasiness from the moment he decided to take action.

He didn't even worry about the devil taking out his adoptive mother as a target.

Because he knows that he has nothing to hesitate about, and he will not show mercy.

This is what the adoptive mother wants.

Seeing the determined look in Zhao Xun's eyes, the adoptive mother smiled happily.

"The road ahead may be difficult, but I believe in you. You are so good and powerful, you can always get through the difficulties." The adoptive mother patted Zhao Xun on the shoulder, "If you work hard to live, you can always find hope."

Zhao Xun took a deep breath and said slowly: "Mom, I want to do an experiment and need a piece of your hair."

He feels that sensationalism is not suitable for him, and he really doesn't know what to say at this time, so he just talks about business.

The adoptive mother didn't ask anything, just pulled off a piece of her own hair and handed it to Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun turned his back and put the hair in his mouth. He soon determined that he could not [devour] his adoptive mother's special ability.

It seems that a doll made of a dead corpse is still considered to be a corpse that has been dead for a long time, even if the soul is trapped inside.

Not within his [devour] range.

Zhao Xun threw away his hair and turned to look at his adoptive mother again: "Where do you want to be buried?"

He explained: "I heard that my father died in a dream game. I can't find him and bury him with you, but you can choose the place you like to bury him."

"Then take me home." The adoptive mother smiled, still looking kind. "If it's not convenient to take my body away, my ashes will do. Returning fallen leaves to their roots is my last obsession."

In this way, it can be regarded as giving his son a goal, so he will not give up on himself easily.

"Okay." Zhao Xun nodded, "I will definitely take you home."

After explaining everything, Zhao Xun raised the devil's cut wrist and dripped fresh blood onto his adoptive mother's lips.

The demon flinched and tried to struggle, but couldn't get away.

After losing his courage, he even had less strength to resist.

He knew in his heart that his current state was not right, but it was difficult to resist this feeling.

He knew very well that the problem was with the collar around his neck, but his tendons were severed and there was no way to take off the collar.

What's more, he could guess that this kind of collar would never be taken off casually.

The adoptive mother swallowed the drop of blood, then chose a comfortable position and lay on the snow.

Her expression was relaxed, not like she was going to die, but like she was on vacation.

She turned to look at Zhao Xun and stretched out a hand towards Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun subconsciously squatted down and reached out to hold his adoptive mother's hand.

In this world, the only people in this world that he could get close to without any mental construction and completely against his bloodthirsty instinct were his adoptive father and his adoptive mother.

"Xiao Xun, I just hope you are safe." The adoptive mother murmured, "Nothing else is important."

After saying that, she slowly closed her eyes and accepted death calmly.

Zhao Xun looked at his adoptive mother's body quietly, his eyes as calm as a deep pool, making it difficult to see his emotions clearly.

Ten seconds later, he started moving again.

He spent 40 points to open the fourth storage compartment and put the adoptive mother's body into the fourth storage compartment alone.

As a doll, this is something that belongs to the player. As a human, this is not an NPC in a survival game. It should be able to be taken on the endless train.

Then he asked the baboon and the orangutan to drag Ale over, and dripped the devil's blood on Ale's lips. The next second, Ah Le, whose eyes were originally dull, suddenly regained his vigor.

She seemed to understand what happened quickly and asked, "Is the whistle still alive?"

"Alive." Zhao Xun replied, "He asked me to help you gain freedom."

"That's good." There was a smile in Ale's eyes, "He must have been living a very hard life during this period."

Zhao Xun said nothing.

A Le didn't need Zhao Xun to answer anything. She said to Zhao Xun sincerely: "Thank you... thank him for me too."

She said the last sentence very softly, obviously she had no strength left.

But she finally said the words completely, and she accepted her complete death without regret.

Zhao Xun thought for two seconds and put A Le's body into the fourth storage compartment.

Then, he took the three primates back and took out a special item from the storage compartment.

This is the special item that the whistle gave him.

The whistle didn't know his specific strength, so he tried his best to give him this special item to ensure the success of his revenge plan.

For Zhao Xun, the lack of such special items did not affect his plan at all.

Still, this particular item can come in handy.

For example, now is the best time to use it.

Zhao Xun opened the mirror in his hand and faced the devil.

After a faint halo, the demon let out several screams of pain, and then more than ten new dolls appeared beside the demon.

The function of this special item is to allow the demon to be counterattacked by its own special ability. When all the dolls are forcibly released, they will attack the demon, but it can only last for thirty seconds.

Thirty seconds can change the situation of the battle in many cases.

However, the devil has many means of self-protection. If a whistle comes for revenge, even if you use this special item, you may not be able to kill the devil within thirty seconds.

Once thirty seconds pass and the demons regain control of the dolls, the situation will be reversed.

But Zhao Xun used [Shackles of Cowardice] on the devil and didn't worry about what would change in thirty seconds.

All the dolls, including those that had been summoned before, rushed towards the demon.

They didn't use special abilities, they just used the most primitive way, hitting or scratching with fists and flesh, and some even bit like wild beasts.

The demon screamed one after another.

Thirty seconds passed quickly. The devil was not dead yet, but the special vest he used to save his life was completely turned into ashes.

This shows that in a short period of thirty seconds, he has actually faced one or two death crises, but was blocked by the vest.

After thirty seconds passed, all the puppets stood expressionlessly beside the demon, no longer moving, just like real puppets.

Zhao Xun walked over and took out a knife again.

"Don't you always want to tell me about my mother's death process?" He leaned down slightly, his voice was soft, but his eyes were extremely cold. "You like to reminisce so much. If I let you experience it from beginning to end, you should be more understanding. Do you like it?"

As he spoke, he slowly opened a piece of flesh on the demon's arm.

The extremely slow movement undoubtedly prolonged the pain, and the demon endured it without letting out a cry of pain.

"First, let the 'prey' exhaust all its strength and lie half-broken on the ground, with almost no resistance." Zhao Xun said while slowly piercing the devil's shoulder with the tip of the knife.

The sharp blade pressed against the bones, avoiding blood vessels, and picked apart that part of the flesh bit by bit.

The demon's forehead veins popped out, and cold sweat kept flowing out.

"Then control a large group of puppets and use the most primitive methods of scratching, biting, and beating to torture the body of the 'prey.'" Zhao Xun used the blade to cut open the demon's abdomen, but it did not hurt the vital parts. He just watched. The bright red blood gurgled out.

The demon's body spasmed uncontrollably, but he didn't know whether it was caused by excessive pain or excessive blood loss.

"When the 'prey' has the last few breaths left, he removes the puppet, slowly avoids the vital points bit by bit, stabs all the parts that can be stabbed, and watches the 'prey's' blood flow cleanly, the pain is slow Die on the ground." Zhao Xun gently cut the blood vessels in the demon's thigh.

In an instant, the demon's pants were stained red with blood.

During the torture again and again, the demon almost lost the strength to cry out in pain and just whimpered lowly.

Zhao Xun stood up straight and stepped on the devil's head: "How is it? After experiencing it for yourself, don't you feel great?"

The splattered blood dyed half of Zhao Xun's cheeks red. There was a cool smile on his face, and his tone was full of bone-chilling coolness.

From the moment he knew that his adoptive mother died in pain, he decided to carry out all this on the devil.

That's why he asked the whistle to describe the process in detail.

He has no masochistic tendencies, and he will not listen to an unpleasant past incident in vain.

He just wants one-to-one revenge.

The demon gasped hard, and the dirty black snow poured into his mouth, and he could only make a vague sound: "So... you are also a pervert."

He has realized that Zhao Xun is not a normal person in the conventional sense.

Therefore, the threats, intimidation methods, and psychological tactics he used to deal with normal people were of no use to Zhao Xun.

Therefore, even if he takes out the doll that the other party cares about, he cannot stop the other party's rhythm of action.

But now, he personally felt the torture he had done, and he knew very well that he had no chance of surviving.

The devil laughed muffledly.

It seems like self-deprecation, but also like despair.

He thought he would die, but he didn't expect that he would die at this time, under such circumstances, and at the hands of someone he didn't care about at all.

Zhao Xun lowered his eyes and looked down at the devil.

His eyes were red, and his heart was beating harder when he saw the devil's miserable state without a single piece of skin on his body.

The combination of revenge and killing brings a thrill that has never been given at any time before.

He felt that he had never been so happy.

It was so satisfying that he shuddered and wanted to throw his head back and laugh.

Especially when he heard the devil's words "You are also a pervert", Zhao Xun seemed to feel that the madness he had deliberately suppressed was triggered with one click, and he had the urge to tear everything apart.

"I can't survive, and you can't escape either." After the devil said these words, he clenched his back teeth hard.

Even though he became timid under the influence of [Shackles of Cowardice], some deep-rooted concepts have not changed.

Since he was going to die, he had to be buried with him no matter what! (End of chapter)

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