Survival game: My plug-ins can be superimposed

Chapter 41 Arriving at the train

Chapter 41 Return to the train
The short-haired woman finally realized what she had overlooked.

It's the evening of the 5th, and there are only a few hours left before midnight.

If the system automatically assigns her personal tasks for the day after getting in the car, then she may not be able to complete them due to lack of time.

Even if the price to pay after failing a personal mission is not high, no one will ask for trouble.

For safety reasons, of course, it is best to get on the bus at zero o'clock, so as not to exceed the prescribed boarding time and avoid No. 5's personal tasks.

After the short-haired woman figured it out, she said nothing more and waited patiently outside the car door.

Zhao Xun had nothing to do and clicked on his personal panel with his own consciousness.

[Player: Zhao Xun]

【Points: 187】


[Special ability: Devouring lv1 (can be upgraded), currently devouring special ability [Blade]]

[Special Items: Lively Long Rope, Hot Blood]

He had not been on the Endless Train for several days. It was normal that the rankings were not displayed, and he was not surprised.

Zhao Xun was the first to activate his special ability.

A small window appears.

[100 points can be used to upgrade the special ability [Swallowing lv1]. Do you want to upgrade? 】


Zhao Xun immediately chose [Yes].

[Congratulations to player Zhao Xun for successfully upgrading his special ability [Swallow] to lv2. Please click on details to view detailed information. 】

Zhao Xun clicked on the details.

【Swallow lv2】

Rarity: unique
Ability details: After selecting the target, bite any item belonging to the target for three seconds to gain the opponent's ability.

Due to the current level limit, you can only obtain 100% of the opponent's abilities.

You can have two abilities at the same time. If you swallow a third ability, you need to choose to overwrite one of the two abilities you already have.

Gained abilities will not disappear until overwritten by new abilities.

Note: The selected items must be on the target for more than 24 hours. If an item is removed from the target for more than an hour, it can no longer be used as a "devour" item.

Zhao Xun's eyes became brighter.

After the upgrade, his abilities were better than he expected.

He thought that the system would pick Sosou to obtain the percentage of the opponent's ability and the number of abilities it had at the same time. Only one of them could be upgraded, and the other would not change until it was upgraded again.

The current results are very good.

It seems that he needs to find better abilities.

After all, the [Blade Transformation] he possesses weakens his ability by half, and now that he can "devour" 100% of other people's abilities, it is naturally more useful.

Well, before you find a more suitable ability, let’s use No. 019’s [Strength Enhancement] first.

Zhao Xun saw that the points on his personal panel turned to 87, and he thought for a moment.

The only three players who got off the train to participate in the game came back alive this time. The other players all earned points through daily personal tasks on the endless train.

These players also need to use points to buy food and water, and points will be deducted if the task fails.

He shouldn't be ranked last in terms of points.

But the ranking will definitely drop a lot from before.

With this in mind, Zhao Xun used ten points to open a second storage compartment in case of emergency.

Time flies by.

There are still thirty seconds left until midnight.

Zhao Xun and the other three have separated and are standing at the door of their respective carriages, staring at their mobile phones.

There are still five seconds left.

Zhao Xun grabbed the armrest with one hand.

Zhao Xun stepped on the steps. 3
Zhao Xun put the phone back into his pants pocket.

Zhao Xun's other hand also grasped the armrest.

Zhao Xun used his arms hard and his whole body was catapulted into the train like a slingshot.

[Welcome player Zhao Xun back to Endless Train. 】

This pop-up window appeared briefly and then disappeared quickly, and then a familiar sweet electronic sound sounded from the speakers of the entire train.

[Congratulations to all passengers on another successful day. 】

[The points ranking of all passengers has been released, please check it yourself. 】

Zhao Xun walked to his seat and clicked on his personal panel.

[Player: Zhao Xun]

【Points: 77】

[Ranking: 430]

[Special ability: Swallow lv2]

[Special Items: Lively Long Rope, Hot Blood]

As Zhao Xun expected, the ranking dropped a lot from before.

But not last.

Although it is unclear how many new players have died and how many are left, it is unlikely that less than half of the number will remain so soon.

[The last one in the points ranking on September 9 is No. 5 in the 16th carriage, and will receive assistance and encouragement measures. 】

[The train will arrive at the second station at 9:7 a.m. on September . Passengers who need to get off the train should be prepared in advance. 】

After saying this, the electronic voice stopped making any sound.

Zhao Xun sat on his seat and glanced at the other people.

Except for No. 013, who initially violated the train regulations because his ticket was gone, several other people are still there.

The four people were also sizing up Zhao Xun.

They really want to know what Zhao Xun has experienced in the game and how to clear the game.

But no one asked.

Not only because it is better to talk less loudly after midnight, but more importantly, they do not think Zhao Xun is a person who is willing to help others unconditionally.

There must be some benefits in exchange.

Fat woman No. 015 was thinking about her agreement with Shen Yalong. She could go to Shen Yalong tomorrow morning to get first-hand information. There was no need to bother asking Zhao Xun.

After weighing it in his mind, Scorpion Man No. 018 also felt that it would be easier to question the coward Shen Yalong, so he had no idea of ​​Zhao Xun for the time being.

As for the two women No. 019 and No. 020, they did not intend to be the first to speak first.

Just like that, everyone just looked at each other and no one spoke.

Soon they closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing that the surroundings were quiet, Zhao Xun took another look at his personal mission on the 6th.

When he sat down in his seat, a pop-up window for personal tasks appeared.

[Player Zhao Xun’s personal task on September 9: Get any kind of food from any old player. 】

For new players, the biggest difficulty in this task is to find an old player who is willing to contact them. The second difficulty is that it is not easy to obtain scarce supplies such as food from others.

Even if it is stolen, the other party must have food on him.

In addition, once the other party discovers the theft, it is difficult to say what will happen if the other party is offended.

If someone has a bad temper, getting killed is normal, and being beaten is considered a trivial matter.

Fortunately, Zhao Xun had already figured out what to do.

It is estimated that this personal task has few points. In his eyes, it is not as difficult as stealing tickets from others.

Zhao Xun closed the pop-up window, adjusted his sitting posture, and began to feel sleepy.

(End of this chapter)

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