Rebirth: Kill Through the Doomsday Game

Chapter 29 is now correcting the city’s risk level to be a high-risk area

Chapter 29 is now correcting the city’s risk level to be a high-risk area
[The first part of the main mission "The Maze of Light and Darkness" is divided into two parts. After entering the dark maze, you need to be careful of the "killing" players who appear here. Just complete the maze after confirming that it is safe. The light maze is made up of numbers. It is composed of two mirrors. If you accidentally step into the mirror, it will be regarded as a mission failure. I used my awakening ability to explore the path through the flow of wind, and I managed to pass by with my eyes closed. 】

[The second main task, "Clockwork Ballroom", requires you to dance with the clockwork puppet in the task. If all the dance steps are correct, you will pass the level successfully. I have studied classical dance, and I passed this level by luck. 】

[Unfortunately, it was wiped out before the third mission. Although the players of the same camp successfully passed the level, they were unable to provide information about the "Eye of the Illusionist". 】

"The dance steps are all correct..." Gu Lingxin suddenly thought of Jiang Xiyu's room last night, when she insisted on teaching him how to dance. Is it related to this mission?

But as I have written before, each player's mission is different. Even if she enters the "game" in the cold market, she may not be assigned this mission, right?
Gu Ling thought for a while, his mind a mess.

Jiang Xiyu's report seems to have said everything, but it seems to have said nothing...

Gu Lingxin clicked on the second document. The description of the second "game" was more concise. The rules of the game were the same as the previous "game". However, Jiang Xiyu's identity in this level was "to die". You just need to fish in troubled waters and wait for other players to vote for you.

I couldn't get any useful information at all...

No, one thing is certain. The "game" rules of Han City are all the same, which is to separate the players' camps and make them suspicious of each other.

Judging from the current rules, it is indeed best to go to the Cold Market alone. Otherwise, once you are assigned to a different camp after entering the game, the team will inevitably suffer from internal strife or attrition. The identity of the single-player camp "Go to Death" is an example. If assigned to this identity, all other players will die if they want to come out alive.

Gu Lingxin flipped through the pages again, and there were several records recording the infected people Jiang Xiyu met on the road. The contents were very brief and did not seem to contain any useful information.

"Ding." When the elevator reached the fifteenth floor, Su Heng walked towards him and placed a suitcase in front of Gu Lingxin.

"This is the merit of the previous operation, oh, it is the spiritual crystal, which has been made into a special weapon for fighting the infected."

The box was opened, and rows of crystal clear jade were displayed inside. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that it was a spiritual crystal made into a pyramid shape, just about the same size as a bullet.

At the bottom of the box, there is a dagger made of spiritual crystal, which is similar to the material of Messiah's dagger, but the dagger is thinner and has a light red color overall.

Gu Lingxin picked up a special bullet, but the feeling of absorbing energy did not appear. The modified spiritual crystal cannot be used to [devour] to increase her power.

After making a special weapon... it can't be [swallowed]... Gu Ling felt heartbroken.

Su Heng took out two more black pistols and their matching holsters, "The other two are modified pistols. The model is called 'Obsidian'. Ordinary bullets cannot be loaded into them. They are specially used for shooting spiritual crystal bullets and It’s a melt-shrinking crystal bullet, but it was just returned at the bottom, so we don’t have many melt-shrinking crystal bullets left.”

"Beep, beep, beep..." While the two were talking, the communication bracelets on their wrists rang together.

At the same time, Gu Yu was working hard to practice his gun downstairs, Messiah was scolding Professor Shen from the Scholars Association on the phone, Jiang Xiyu was catching up on sleep in a single dormitory, and dozens of other people in the city The bracelets on the wrists of the outstanding awakeners rang together.

"Good morning, all awakened ones. Please put down what you are doing now. All assigned tasks will be postponed. Please gather at the training ground above Xuanhai in an hour."

Xuanhai is the sea area next to the Awakening Center where Gu Lingxin went before. In a daze, the voice in the communication bracelet continued: "Please bring weapons and equipment to all departments. There are high-level infected people in Xuanhai."

"The city's danger level is now corrected to be a high-risk area. If you need to enter or leave, please report it."

The sky, which was as blue as a second ago, was instantly covered with a layer of scarlet. Under the bloody sky, a black gap opened up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it continued to expand as if it was about to tear the world apart.

Black dots were cast one after another in the sky. After the black dots fell closer to the ground, Gu Lingxin in front of the floor-to-ceiling window saw that they were some strange-looking creatures, a black dragon with a bull's head, a dragon with tiger claws and cicada wings. Eagles and all creatures that cannot be conceived by conventional thinking set foot in this seemingly peaceful and peaceful city.

If the cities we passed through earlier were shrouded in doom, then Haishi could be said to have entered a real purgatory at this moment.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling window where Gu Lingxin was standing, a small face fell from top to bottom.

It was a baby's face, with delicate and soft skin and round and tender features. If it weren't for the fact that there were only two dark holes with black liquid flowing in the eye sockets and no eyeballs, one could really think that he was an innocent child.

"Clap clap clap..."

Four sharp spider legs stretched out from behind the face and clung to the bulletproof glass, causing a crack in the solid window glass.

He climbed down a little further along the window, and the black viscous liquid rubbed against the window glass.

This face does not grow on the baby's cute body. It is located on the abdomen of a body. Above it is a ferocious and hollow face of a woman. The woman's temples have dense white scales and her hair is fluffy and messy. Still sticky with green mucus.

Gu Lingxin frowned and took a step back. She saw that this monster was covered in hard white scales. The scales were not dense, but rather sparse, revealing the gray-white skin underneath that looked like solidified cement. It had no arms or legs, only four pairs of sharp spider legs protruding from its back. Its lower body was a snake tail covered with white scales, twisting and slapping against the cracked window glass.

Su Heng took out a "Obsidian", took out a bullet made of spiritual crystal from the suitcase, and quickly loaded it into the magazine. His expression did not change much. While loading, he introduced to Gu Lingxin : "Obsidian can hold twelve rounds of bullets. If it is not full, you can use it as usual."

"Bang!!!" He raised a black pistol with only one bullet and shot the baby in the face.

The bullet, with a scarlet afterimage, penetrated the hard bulletproof glass and hit the baby monster precisely between the eyebrows.

"Just like this." Su Heng handed her the gun.

The baby frowned and cried "Wow". The hoarse and unpleasant cry was heard from the bullet hole into the room. The woman's face above the face became more ferocious, and the spider's feet scratched the glass. Howling and trying to rush in.

Gu Lingxin picked up the "Obsidian", imitated Su Heng's action just now, loaded the spiritual crystal bullet, and fired a shot into the woman's face.

The crying and howling stopped together, the spider's legs that were clinging to the window glass were released, and the guy's body fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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