Rebirth: Kill Through the Doomsday Game

Chapter 78 Blood of Consonance

Chapter 78 Blood of Consonance
"Hello." Messiah observed the administrator's expression and quickly put his hand away. The other person's palms were a little sweaty. Messiah, who was extremely mysophobic, just wanted to find a tissue to wipe his hands.

Yu Shi looked like he was a seasoned official. He shook off his red hands and still had a smile on his face: "All the hotels and restaurants in the city are closed. You guys have come from afar, so why don't you come and sit at my house?" ?Enough with good wine and good meat!”

Several people did not answer the call immediately. During this period, most of the residents of Qiming City stayed behind closed doors. The food reserves of each family were almost at the bottom. Even Wei Ran looked sad when he thought about having more mouths to eat. How many of them He has the ability to observe words and emotions, so he left the Gu family for an excuse, leaving only Gu Yu with his parents, so as not to trouble them. But looking at Yu Shi's expression, he didn't mean it in a polite way, but really wanted to invite everyone to his home, and he didn't feel any embarrassment about running out of food reserves.

Su Heng observed the expressions of the others and took the lead in answering: "Qiming City was previously plagued by infected people. Everyone has been in danger for so many days. Every household has not had much food. We have so many mouths, but we still don't give it to you. It’s an added burden.”

Yu Shi laughed loudly: "No problem, just feel free to eat, I'm afraid you won't enjoy it to the fullest!"

"In this case, we can't spoil your fun. It's just that the appetites of awakened ones are different from ordinary people. I hope it won't cause you any trouble." Messiah's eyes flashed with a golden light, staring at Yu Shi's Face nodded and said.

Judging from his expression, there was nothing unusual, as if he really didn't care about the food he had hoarded, and just wanted to entertain his guests.

Gu Lingxin blinked. After becoming more and more proficient in using [Insight], her observation ability has been significantly improved compared to before even if she does not use this ability. At this time, she was also observing Yu Shi's facial expression. Although the official provided a batch of supplies, they were only the most common rice and flour food. They could only be used to satisfy hunger and could not do anything to entertain guests. I was afraid that this person There are a lot of meat, poultry and seafood in the refrigerator in the administrator's home. If they are not eaten, they will go bad.

It would be great for him to prepare a banquet for the awakened people who came from the official state.

Of course, this was just her guess. Based on her experience as a laborer before the end of the world, she had no idea what it meant to have too much meat in the refrigerator to eat.

The sun sets very late in the summer, and even though it is already evening, the sky outside still shows a light orange-red color, and the night without falling snow is particularly quiet.

Yu Shi's home is located in a high-end apartment area in the east of Qiming City. It is far away from the bustling city and filled with high-rise buildings. Except for the frozen grass and trees in the flower beds, there seems to be no trace of being infected by the infected. Even the ground is covered in Smooth, no blood or dents.

Because there are few people, there are not many infected people... This guy knows how to choose a place. Gu Lingxin thought as she stepped on the frozen lawn.

This area can almost be said to be the most high-end residential area in Qiming City. Yu Shi's house is located on the top floor. Including the attic area, it covers an area of ​​more than 500 square meters. It adopts a simple and elegant design, which looks low-key and unusual. Lost grade.

Yu Shi only had a wife and one daughter at home. After greeting everyone, he went to the kitchen to get busy. Because it was difficult to obtain fresh fruits due to the situation in Qiming City, there were several different types of nuts and candies placed on the coffee table.

Even so, in this city shrouded in hunger, cold and blizzards, it is quite a rare food.

This administrator's home is full of low-key behavior, but it can be seen from the food that he has a lot of good things. Before Gu Lingxin could say anything, Xie Wuyou looked worried and asked Yu Shi first, "Is there anyone else living nearby? Have any infected people been here?"

This was a lie. Gu Lingxin saw the administrator smiling and replying: "Don't worry, we are staying at home these days and it is very safe."

Xie Wuyou and Messiah looked at each other and nodded: "That's good." Messiah, however, looked resentful, stood up and asked, "The whole city was affected by the infected people and went to the safety station. People who have never returned have never returned. As an administrator, you have been hiding at home and ignoring the people?"

Yu Shi's expression stiffened for a moment, but he soon returned to his flattering smile: "Everyone can see how powerful these infected people are. Even the official awakened people are helpless against them, let alone ordinary people like me... Be wise and protect yourself. , after the crisis is over, the top priority is to resettle the masses, otherwise Qiming City will be leaderless?"

What kind of double act do these two people sing? Gu Lingxin saw Xie Wuyou and Messiah's unusual words. Are they acting for the administrator?
Did you see any problem with Yu Shi?
The aroma of stew wafted from the kitchen, and Gu Lingxin was stunned. He knew that his family was not short of food, but was the food so good? Even the official Awakened Ones and Armed Forces usually only eat some simply cooked quick-frozen food. After so many days of heavy snow, Yu Shi's house actually still has cold fresh meat.

While Xie Wuyou and Messiah were making love, Gu Lingxin entered the kitchen and smiled at the mother and daughter who were busy inside, "What are you sisters busy with? I can smell the fragrance."

"Are you hungry?" Mrs. Yu was a slightly plump woman with a rosy complexion and still charming charm. She turned around and smiled at Gu Lingxin, then filled a small bowl of fried meatballs and gave it to her, " Pad your belly first.”

Gu Ling thanked her in her heart and took it. In the bowl were several golden meatballs sprinkled with cumin and chili powder. She didn't eat them. Instead, she put on an innocent look and asked Mrs. Yu. Asked: "It smells so good. Sister, can you tell me what other dishes are available tonight?"

"Eat some cushion first, and we can start eating in a while." Mrs. Yu said to her with a smile.

The girl on the side was busy with what she was doing and turned to talk to Gu Lingxin. "Are you the official awakened person that is being discussed on the forum? I didn't expect you to be so young, about the same age as me. Oh, I really envy you. None of the three in our family have the ability to awaken." Mrs. Yu and the daughter of Yu Shi , named Yu Wan, with a round face and almond-shaped eyes, she looked to be in her twenties, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Gu Lingxin was inexplicably reminded of a group of people in the workplace who were always shy to please their bosses.

No awakening ability?

I wonder if it was her imagination, but Yu Shi and Yu Wan seemed to be repeatedly emphasizing that they were just ordinary people without the ability to awaken.

Gu Lingxin held the small porcelain bowl, looked at Yu Wan with a half-smile, and quietly activated [Re-Engraving].

While looking at each other silently, a piece of information poured into her mind.

[Awakening Ability: Blood of Consonance]

[Sign a blood contract with other ability users so that both parties can influence each other]

[Hazard level: None]

(End of this chapter)

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