Chapter 18
November 1996, 11, was a day worth remembering for Laila.Because on this day, the first film of her life officially started shooting.

The whole crew is very simple, except for the three male and female protagonists, there are only enough people to keep the whole crew running.

In Leila's view, this is all good, because the real "The Blair Witch" did not have such a neat lineup when it was filmed, it was just the work of two college students.Their meager budget has left posterity judging the film more for its brilliant marketing than for its glaring holes and jerky plot.

Today's first scene is set up in a motel, where Kate will make an introduction to the camera, and then Michael Fassbender's camera-carrying character will come in.

"Attention all departments!" Laila clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention, then took a deep breath and shouted calmly: "Action!"

This is the first time in this life, she believes there will be a second, third, and countless times!God made her lucky to be reborn once, and with the support of superior conditions that she never dared to imagine before, she will definitely fulfill her dream that lasted two lifetimes!To be in Hollywood, to leave your mark on the history of world cinema!

And when Leila was busy with the crew in Berkeley, Maryland, the "Entertainment News", which ranked top ten in sales in the United States, issued a full-page missing person notice.

The above is the tone of three mothers, telling how much they miss their children who have been missing for several days, and hope that someone can bring them news.

Many people have seen such a large space, and they have sent their blessings one after another, hoping to get the news of a safe return as soon as possible.And that revelation was posted in the newspaper for two weeks, and the tracking progress of some events was slowly revealed as time went by.

It started with the discovery of the missing person's car, parked dusty on the side of the road and apparently untouched for days.According to the traces left behind, the three missing people should have entered the forest.

Secondly, some students who claimed to be classmates of the missing person were interviewed, claiming that the three people entered the mountain to make a documentary. It is said that they have an old book about witches in their hands, and the documentary they want to shoot is also about that witch. .

The involvement of witches made many people feel ridiculous and absurd, but more young people expressed strong interest and spontaneously searched for more information.The "Entertainment Daily", which published the missing person notice and related news, even sold [-] to [-] percent more than usual because of this incident.

Unlike older people, young people have a source of information they prefer to use, which is the Internet.When they searched for the disappearance case from the Internet, they unexpectedly discovered that there was a mysterious website claiming to be following the whole incident and learned a lot of inside information.

This website, which seems to be a prank, immediately attracted countless attentions under word of mouth, and when people clicked on the website, they found that things seemed to be [-] times more mysterious than they imagined.

What a missing person notice is, it's just a piece of ice floating on the water, and there is actually a huge iceberg under the ice, the kind that can sink even a giant cruise ship!
God!What the hell did they see?
It turns out that so many things have been hidden. If they hadn't entered this website, they might have been kept in the dark for the rest of their lives!
Not only were three people missing, but also not only was the abandoned car found. According to the data given by the website, after that, the search and rescue personnel searched for ten days, dispatched 3421 people, and the search took up to 33000 hours, and even helicopters and satellites were used. .

It stands to reason that in that forest, such a huge search and rescue is enough to find people, right?But the fact is that it was not found at all, and the search could only be declared a failure later.

This is unbelievable. Why didn't any media report on such a large search and rescue operation?

The website nails this point, and asks a question that has left many people horrified - what are they hiding?
If it's just a case of disappearance and search and rescue operations, why hide it?Why not use the help of the media as usual?If it wasn't for the missing person notice, does it mean that the whole thing will be buried in history forever?
They believe that if the mother of the missing person hadn't lost confidence in the authorities and published a missing person notice in the newspaper to find her relatives, the matter might have been perfectly hidden as some people wished.

So the question is back again, what are they hiding?
While there was a lot of commotion outside, Leila's filming had already come to an end.

This movie doesn't have much technical content, and what needs to be expressed is completely shown through the lens of DV and hand-held video camera.The advancement of the plot, Lila, is in control. Combining the finished movies she saw in her previous life and the flaws that were caught after it was released, she believes that the movie she made is far superior to the one in her previous life in every way.

Rather than an actor, she used the future Oscar-winning actor and actress.Compared with the budget, she has not deliberately compressed it and is ten times more generous than before.Compared with the director's ability, how can she say that she is also someone who has filmed countless commercials, TV and a movie, is it much better than the experience of the two students?
Everything is better than the front part, will the quality of her shots be worse?
"CUT!" Leila yelled a pause, walked in front of the three of Kate, asked them to touch up their makeup, and told them about the play: "I need more fear. Not just screaming, I need your eyes, Your breath, and your tense muscles. I need the audience to feel your fear when they see you on the screen."

Kate nodded: "Can you give me a little time? I want to adjust."

"OK, let's rest for 10 minutes. This one will be filmed in 10 minutes." Leila yelled in the crew and went to the side to pour water.

It was the first time to form a crew with people from a new company, and it took a while to adjust.It's a pity that she doesn't have enough time, so she can only force the crew to move forward while grinding.Fortunately, she has the surname Moran, which represents power and money. Even if she can't hold her ground, no one dares to stand up and make trouble in front of her.So after the initial chaos passed, the crew had already started to create an atmosphere that put her in a good mood.

"Miss Moran, your phone." Demi, who was walking crookedly on the rugged mountain road in high heels, trotted over with a mobile phone at an astonishing speed. "It's Mr. Anthony Pollett. You said that if it was his call, you would be notified as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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