Chapter 20 CUT
With the feeling of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Laila agreed to his request.He leaned over and said a few words in little Saoirse's ear while pointing in the direction of the camera.I don't know what he said, but the little guy really stopped crying.

"It's unbelievable." Louise was also curious about Fassbinder when she lamented how clean the air was without the crying of children: "What did you say to her? How did you make her stop crying?"

Laila was also surprised by this, it was the first time she knew that Fassbinder was so good at dealing with children.

He smiled: "It's really nothing. I saw that she took good care of her clothes and kept them very clean, so I thought she should be a beautiful little girl. So I told her that the camera would take everything into it, Including how she doesn't look cute when she cries."

"That's it?" Louise felt dumbfounded.

It was Monica who was the first to accept this possibility, because she knew very well what kind of virtue her daughter had.If you love beauty, cleanliness, and taking pictures, then you are a little smug.

She smiled wryly and shook her head: "I should have thought of it earlier."

Laila glanced at Fassbinder, saw that he was smiling at her with two rows of white teeth, couldn't help raising his eyebrows with a smile.She always feels that things are not as simple as he said, but as long as everything goes well, it doesn't matter if he uses a magic spell, the important thing is that the filming can continue.

Then little Saoirse finally returned to normal. Even if the camera was facing her, she could do the few movements that were taught to her.

Don't look at it as just a shot of less than 1 minute, for the audience who has carefully observed the plot of each scene, this will be a horror point that will make their hearts jump.

Two days later.

"Cut! It's over!" Laila announced the end of filming after one shot.

The applause rang out in disorder, with a lot of whistles mixed in, especially Bradley's performance was the most exaggerated.He is worthy of being a comedian who will make the whole world laugh in the future. He has shown his comedy talent enough in these days on the crew.It was obviously the crew of a horror film, but he laughed out bursts of smiles.

"Director, say something!" He made a trumpet shape with his hands and shouted loudly in the crew, causing a burst of booing laughter.

"Yeah, let's say something to the director!"

Naturally, Laila would not be stage fright: "Okay, then I'll just say a few words." Looking around, seeing the gradually familiar faces, she couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

"It's been a tough time for everyone. I know I'm young, and I know there are people who think I'm going to fail and are counting the days until that day."

Everyone in the Phoenix Company knew that she was talking about Cooper, which immediately aroused the indignation of many people.Cooper didn't like the company, and the people in the company hated him even more.Thinking that they might soon hear that guy blackmailing their movie in the media again, everyone felt the same way and wanted to rush to his house to drag him out and beat him up.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Leila chuckled, "What I want to tell you is that everyone who disdains our film will be swollen by our performance! They use foul language come to attack us, we will refute them with brilliant results!"

"Yes, let him know that we are not easy to mess with!"

"One day he'll swallow all the filthy water he spits out!"

"That's right!"

The members of the crew shouted one after another.

Lila smiled, and waited for the booing to stop before saying to Kate: "We had a great time working together this time. I have seen your progress and your hard work. I believe that you will all have outstanding achievements in the future." .”

"Thank you Director."

"You're great too."

Kate and the others are not completely taking advantage of the atmosphere to flatter. During the filming period during this period, they often felt that they were not working with a rich young lady who had just grown up, but were working with a real director with brains and skills.

She seems to have a pair of eyes that can see the future, and she can easily point out the mistakes made by the crew, and she can also give a few words when they encounter bottlenecks in acting.Don't look at just a few sentences, almost every word can let them gain valuable experience.

"Director, we all think you are the best!" Fassbinder thanked Leila earnestly: "Thank you for your guidance during this time, and hope that there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Yes, I think so too."

"And me, don't forget me!"

Kate and Bradley followed suit.

They are not fools, and they have also participated in the filming of some crews.Compared with those crews, there seems to be a strange atmosphere here that makes them very comfortable.They don't need to worry about other things, they don't need to deal with intrigues, and they don't need to worry about encountering certain rules that will make them unhappy.After all, their director is a teenage girl, isn't he?

Especially Kate, rather than socializing with those fat-headed producers and directors, she prefers to follow this obviously innocent girl to fulfill her dream.And she can see her future achievements even more. She is a truly talented director. I believe that in another 20 years, she will definitely produce movies that will surprise the world.

Lila didn't know that she would be favored by others 20 years later. If she knew, she would laugh and refute. Why would the whole world be amazed by her after 20 years or two months.

After the filming was completed, it was an event organized by the company long ago, and the entire bar was booked out for the members of the crew, company staff, and actors to have unlimited drinks.According to Laila's words, everyone's spirits have been strained for a long time, how can we not relax?
But she doesn't participate in that kind of thing.The rule in the United States is that you can only drink alcohol when you are 21 years old. If she drinks in full view, she might be invited to drink tea by the police uncle.

Besides, she is also the director and the only boss of the company.No matter how approachable she was, few people would really let go of having fun with her immediate boss.So she just got out of the way and let the others enjoy themselves.

While everyone was having fun at the bar, Leila was back in the company's editing room.There, she will edit the footage from the shoot.

Whether a movie is good or not depends not only on whether the camera shot is good or not, but also on how well the script is written. Editing is also very important.

Let's take a fairly famous movie "The Kingdom of God".When the theatrical version was shown, the so-called epic movie was criticized.What kind of plot is weak, what characters are pale, in short, it is not an exaggeration to call it a bad movie.

However, after his director's cut version came out, the audience discovered that the 50-minute version was completely different from the original one.Although it can't be said to be a great movie, it can at least be regarded as a good movie.

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(End of this chapter)

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