Reborn Hollywood Ladies

Chapter 71 Counterattack

Chapter 71 Counterattack
Cooper was constantly attacked by the media, and Leila was also counterattacked by the media.

What she did was very simple, that is, she accepted an exclusive interview with the "Entertainment Daily".

It is well known that she does not like to be interviewed, nor does she like to participate in various entertainment programs, including invitations sent by several influential talk shows, but she has rejected them.

She doesn't think she is good at dancing with long sleeves. Instead of standing in front of the camera, she prefers to hide behind the camera.And she herself is different from many directors.As a young lady from a wealthy family, as long as she doesn't like to live a life of feasting and feasting like a certain hotel heir, she basically doesn't like the days surrounded by spotlights.

Also because of this, whenever something happens about her, it always attracts a lot more attention than expected.For the time being, there are no paparazzi chasing her around, and it's because her old man greeted her behind her back.

Although the paparazzi are pervasive, they don't want to go directly to an old-fashioned rich family like the Moran family.After all, if you earn money, you have to live to spend it.

How many of the giants that have risen in the past are completely clean?

Of course, that's not what Laila cares about.As long as she can do what she wants to do quietly, as for how many things her family has done for her where she can't see, she pretends not to know but she knows it very well in her heart.

The Entertainer Daily is a large-scale newspaper owned by Moran, and it has firmly stood by Laila's side since she was born.While everyone is badmouthing her movie, it still relentlessly supports her with a lot of coverage.

As a loyal supporter of Laila, those who like Laila, and those who want to know about Laila will learn about her from the newspaper.In particular, some exclusive interviews made the eyes of other media who couldn't get it red-eyed.

Anthony was sent by the old man Oswald Moran to assist Laila during the witch propaganda last time. He did a good job last time, allowing him to get a promotion while continuing to take on the task of helping Laila .

This time, Leila was going to fight back, and the first thing she did was to ask him to plan.

"I'm going to keep the conversation going before Halloween and keep it going," Lyra said casually on the phone. "I think Cooper would be very 'happy' to cooperate with us."

Anthony was a smart man, so smart that after seeing him, Laila was tempted to poach her grandfather's corner.So after listening to Laila's request, he understood her meaning immediately.

"Before that, I hope to know the truth of the matter." He is a media person, and he knows that the most unreliable thing is the media, black can be said to be white, and white can be said to be black.Even if it is the same thing that comes to light, it can still make people make completely different judgments after being narrated in different tones.

Lila smiled knowingly, "Don't worry, my second film will be shown on Halloween, and I imagine that many people who expected me to fail will be disappointed."

As soon as she said Anthony, she knew what to do: "Since this is the case, I have a proposal. Would you like to accept an exclusive interview with the Entertainment Daily? We can give you a whole page in the entertainment section. It worked out very well."

Lila thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, the location is Phoenix Company, let's make an appointment with my secretary."

This is not the first time she has been interviewed by the Entertainment Daily. In the past, Anthony gave her the questions that needed to be answered, and she wrote her own answers and passed them directly.

This time they planned to change the method. The Entertainment Daily sent one of their newspaper's most outstanding reporters to interview her in person.

In this regard, Anthony's explanation is that professional work must be handed over to professional people to complete.The questions he gave were all in-depth promotion, and if the reporter interviewed, he would ask what the public really wanted to know.

Even though the interview was just a different person, the meaning was very different, and Laila knew this very well.

In the beginning, she needed newspapers to help her promote witches, that is to say, she was using interviews as advertisements. The more gimmicks there were, the more people would pay attention to the film, the better.

Not this time, the newspaper needed her to increase sales.As her popularity increased, more and more people wanted to know about her.Especially the younger generation worships her, who is not yet 19 years old, as an idol among her peers.

Although it was Anthony's obvious intention to use her to make money for the newspaper, Lila agreed.Who told this to be Grandpa's newspaper?

The reporter came very quickly, and talked with Anthony on the phone in the evening, and the reporter flew to Leila the next day.

"Hello, Miss Moran. I am Owen Shelley, and I am the reporter sent to interview you this time."

"Hello. Sit down, please." Lyra shook his hand and eyed him secretly.

He is about 30 years old, has a pair of gray-blue eyes, and a head of chestnut curly hair.He was wearing a meticulously ironed suit, and even the shoes were so bright that they could reflect people's shadows.Judging from his appearance, he should be a very serious person, and the glasses he wears also give him a sharp and professional look.

Before he came, Anthony had sent his profile to Laila.For example, he was born in an institution of higher learning, worked in the Moran Media Group, and contributed articles to several professional media under it, many of which received great attention.What he is best at is to express his views in sharp language, and he has many regular readers and so on.

"If I didn't know that you are a reporter, I might have become a scout." Leila laughed.But she wasn't completely joking, this man has a sense of vigor and resoluteness, and his appearance can score 75 points. If he plays a high-ranking official or a secret agent, it may have unexpectedly good results.

Owen smiled: "Thank you for your appreciation, I am flattered."

After a few casual chats, he went straight to the point: "I have studied some recent reports about you, and there are a lot of negative news, mainly around the second movie and Jiang Lang's talent. I may ask some more in-depth questions. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to answer. But I think if you can give me an accurate answer, it will have some good effects on the outside world."

From what he said, Laila knew that this was a man of great self-confidence.If this person does not generate self-confidence blindly, then he does have the strength to make him confident.Could a well-known reporter for a major newspaper be a blind idiot?The answer is definitely no.

"I think I'd appreciate you, Mr. Owen." Lyra smiled contentedly.

She's always been happy to work with really smart people because that means getting the most out of the least effort.

(End of this chapter)

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