A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Potions Class

On Friday morning, students were noisily eating breakfast in the auditorium. For the vast majority of freshmen, they have already adapted to life in Hogwarts, and they don't always get lost in the castle.

Hundreds of owls flew through the windows and flew into the auditorium, their feathers flying all over the sky. This is something that happens every morning, and everyone is used to it.

Owen deftly picked up a dinner plate to cover his cereal to prevent flying fluff from floating inside. He picked up a napkin in one hand and covered his mouth and nose before sneezing.

The family owl Ika dropped a letter on the table in front of Owen and pecked Owen's fingertips affectionately. After begging for a bite of bread, he flapped his wings and flew away.

Owen picked up the envelope on the table. It was a dark hard envelope with the Shafiq family's coat of arms printed on it and sealed with a silver wax seal with a rose pattern.

Compared with the mysterious and formal envelope, the contents of the letter were very casual and were obviously written by Mr. Shafiq.

"...We already know about your situation at school, fine, keep it up.

"Your mother asked me to say hello to you on her behalf and tell you: We are living a good life at home.

"Actually, it has never been so good. Nothing strange happened at home this year... So if something happens, just remember to write more letters home. Adeline and I agree that you should be more independent at your age.

"Don't wander around in the Forbidden Forest in the first year. The creatures there are too dangerous. Of course, if you want to sneak into the restricted area of ​​the library, I totally agree. There are too many ancient books in there that our family doesn't have. , as long as you don’t get caught, you can always gain something...if you get caught, I believe it will be an unforgettable experience.”


Owen folded the letter paper dumbfounded. He was sure that this letter had not been read by Mrs. Shafiq, otherwise it would never be sent.

"There are two Potions classes from our Dean this morning, but there are no classes in the afternoon." Not far away, Draco looked at today's class schedule and said with excitement, "Teaching with Gryffindor... just watch. I will definitely make them look good and make them realize their status as losers early on!"

The differences between the two houses of Slytherin and Gryffindor have been around for a long time. Whenever the two houses collide, it will always be full of tension. This atmosphere gradually affected the freshmen, making them all gear up.

"Great, as long as you can be the first to finish brewing the potion in front of everyone in the class." Owen said in a good mood, stirring his own porridge with a spoon.

"Isn't that a matter of course?" Draco felt guilty, but he would never give in. "Isn't it, Harry?"

Harry was not interested in the topic at all, and was reading a letter from his snow-white owl, Hedwig, with a cheerful smile on his face.

He and Hagrid had never seen each other since the sorting ceremony. Harry had been worried that Hagrid would never pay attention to him again. Fortunately, he finally received a letter from Hagrid today, inviting him to his cabin for tea this afternoon. Hagrid did not ostracize him because he was sorted into Slytherin, a discovery that made him very happy and relieved.

"Who wrote you the letter?" Draco, who received no response, stretched his neck and glanced at the messy fonts scrawled on the letter paper.

"Hagrid?" Draco saw the signature on the letter and said slowly, "I have heard of him. This man is very rough. He lives in the small cabin on the school grounds. He gets drunk from time to time and plays tricks. He used some magic and finally burned his own bed... You'd better avoid associating with such people."

"I think he is very smart." Harry's expression became a little ugly, "He is my friend! If he hadn't found me, I wouldn't have been able to enter Hogwarts!"

"You can't get into Hogwarts? It's impossible for any wizard to let this happen." Draco looked at him, "That's what that stupid guy told you? He would put gold on his face." .Staying with such a nonsense-talking servant will affect you..."

"Sorry, that's all my own judgment. Also, I don't think there's anything wrong with staying with Hagrid." After Harry finished speaking, he left the auditorium angrily carrying his schoolbag.

Draco frowned as he stared at his leaving figure, then looked at the people around him: "Do you think I'm right?"

"It should be...no problem, right?" Pansy said worriedly.

"I don't know." Blaise shook his head.

"I haven't met Hagrid, so I can't comment." Daphne pursed her lips.

"But it's rude to speak ill of someone behind their back, especially when it comes to criticizing his friends in front of a person." Owen said softly after finishing his last sip of cereal.

"I'm doing this for his own good. Well, he will regret it one day." Draco raised his chin proudly.

The Potions class was held in an underground classroom, where the temperature was very cold. There were many glass jars soaked with animal specimens placed around the walls, which looked even more eerie in the dim light.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Owen was convinced that he didn't like this classroom. There are so many classrooms in the castle, why can't we choose a place with sunshine and pleasant temperature to teach?

He found a brighter corner to sit down and began to look at the Gryffindor students. Hermione Granger said hello to Harry, and then continued to argue in a low voice with the girl next to her about how to prepare a certain potion. Neville Longbottom glanced at the specimen jars around the classroom in horror, and his body Shivering.

Ron Weasley, who had fiery red hair, occasionally glanced at Harry, who was sitting there alone with a cold face. His face was a mixture of curiosity and vigilance, and his expressions were changing back and forth in a complicated way, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Something.

When the class started, Professor Snape strode in. The black cloak swinging behind him made him look like a big bat flying close to the ground.

His indifferent gaze swept across the entire classroom, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on everyone's heads. Everyone fell silent involuntarily, and the sound of needle drops could be heard in the classroom.

Professor Snape picked up the roll call and called the names one by one. When Harry's name was called, he paused and glanced at Harry. His dark eyes were cold, hollow, and bottomless.

"Harry Potter, you are a famous person. But if you act recklessly just because you are famous, don't expect me to go easy on you." The corners of his mouth seemed to twitch slightly, and he said in a low voice.

"I can't, Professor!" Harry blushed and began to wonder, didn't the professor in front of him really hate him?

Although he had fallen out with Draco, what he told him about Snape these days was still very impressive to him.

According to Draco, the dean was actually very happy after seeing Harry come to his college; although the dean looked cold on the surface, he was actually just not good at expressing his inner emotions; and, the dean I definitely believe in Harry's excellence more than anyone else, have high hopes for him, and hope that he will become the pride of the academy...

Harry silently clenched his fists and kept telling himself in his heart: The dean is just not very good at talking. Yes, he is kindly reminding himself not to be arrogant just because he is famous!

After the names were called, Snape threw the roll call sheet on the rostrum, and then spoke the opening words in his deep voice unhurriedly: "Potion preparation is a precise and strict craft. Maybe some of you Many people will not believe that this is magic, and I do not expect you to truly understand the magical power that belongs exclusively to the field of potions..."

"I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death..."

Such provocative and seductive words are enough to make anyone who hears it for the first time feel excited. The little wizards breathe quickly and can't help but lean forward, indulging in the beautiful prospects described by Professor Snape.

"Well, I believe that Professor Snape's harsh education and vicious ridicule will soon break their unrealistic illusions, poke the air out of those inflated minds, and let the students wake up again to face the cruel reality. Reality." Owen thought with some amusement.

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