A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 26 Spells and Wands

In the dormitory, the faint silver light illuminated Owen's concentrated face in half-darkness. The waves of the black lake outside the window are like low and soothing whispers, accompanied by the swaying water plants in it, lulling people to sleep.

Owen smoothly turned the tool knife with his fingertips, then put the somewhat messy tools on the table into a black leather bag. He picked up his newly made prop box and checked it over and over before raising his hand to pinch it. Pinch your eyebrows.

The afternoon passed quietly, and night came in a hurry.

Owen bent down and picked up the suitcase that was leaning against the table. The suitcase was covered with tough dragon skin, which had strong magic resistance and was not easily damaged. The appearance adheres to the unassuming aesthetic of the Shafiq family. The pure black appearance is restrained and deep. Only on the edge of the box, in an inconspicuous but never overlooked position, is the black and white coat of arms of the Shafiq family printed.

This suitcase with the Seamless Stretch Charm fixed on it is only as wide as an adult's hand, but the inside is as big as a ten-square-meter small bedroom. The things inside are neatly arranged and not messy at all. From the outside, Go and see at a glance.

There is a row of bookshelves on one side of the box, filled with textbooks for all grades of Hogwarts. Of course, since the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors and textbooks change almost every year, Owen chose the most reasonable set from previous years. textbook. In addition, there are some reference books he bought at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, as well as several thick books he brought from his home library.

On the other side was Owen's luggage, including several Hogwarts robes of the same style, as well as winter cloaks, dragonhide gloves for class, and some miscellaneous things.

In addition, taking up most of the space are Owen's homemade magic props. Various large and small, colorful props fill the remaining space. Although many of them are useless in this magical world, magicians always need to prepare in advance.

Pointing his wand at the prop box at hand, Owen recited a levitating spell, waved his wand and guided the prop box into the suitcase, landing lightly in a corner.

"The prop box is coming."

With a "swish" sound, the box painted in red and white flew out again obediently, and was caught by Owen.

"It seems that I have mastered the flying spell well." Owen stuffed the prop box back, picked up the suitcase and weighed it. After glancing at the time, he closed his eyes and sank into the space facing the wall.

Now there are more things in the space facing the wall, and the rows of bookshelves on one side are books copied from the library. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that most of the magic books in the forbidden book area have certain magical powers and cannot be copied at will, Owen would not mind moving the entire forbidden book area in advance.

There is a crucible on the other side of the space, and a lot of potion ingredients are placed next to it. These herbs, which also have certain magical powers, can be easily copied, which makes Owen can't help but guess the difference.

"Either it's a problem of the amount of magic power. The magic power contained in the herbs is less than that in the books..." Owen's eyes rolled slightly, "Or it's... a problem of thinking. The magic power in magic books comes from wizards, and most of its purposes are In order to test whether the reader is qualified to read it, it is a test and a protection. It itself contains part of the thoughts and will of the book creator. Even if the creator himself dies, his ideological connotation is imprinted in the book and passed down from generation to generation... "

"Therefore, they can be said to have 'thinking' properties in a certain sense, while herbs obviously do not. This difference may be the root of the problem." Owen is more inclined to this kind of speculation, which is easy to verify. For example, one day I can try to replicate the corpses of magical animals or something.

"Okay, now these questions can be put aside." He took out his wand and pointed at several dummies on the other side for practicing spells.


"There are many obstacles!"

"Split into pieces!"

"Shattered to pieces!"

"The flames are blazing!"


It was the same boring practice as before, but Owen's expression was extremely serious. Proficient use of magic spells is the basis for creating self-made magic spells and even for the advancement of magic spells. Although mastering the principles of magic spells has made it much easier for Owen to learn them, to use them proficiently can only rely on practice day after day. Just fine.

In the arduous practice again and again, master the feel of the hand and the fluctuation of thoughts, find the subtle connection between the syllable pauses and gesture changes and the spell itself, and finally master the subtle and profound magic changes in the process of casting each spell. And Liu, after grasping that "feeling", can naturally master the spell-free casting of a certain spell.

This is the simplest and most natural way for ordinary wizards to master spellcasting without spells: practice makes perfect.

When a wizard has mastered and studied the basic principles of magic spells, he will be able to better grasp the changes, and the difficulty of casting spells without spells will be greatly reduced, without having to rely too much on hard training and instinctive memory.

As wizards gain a deeper understanding of the principles of spells, they will be able to create and improve their own spells, just like Muggles who have mastered scientific principles can invent machines. In theory, anyone can do it, but it requires hard work and study. , perseverance in the face of repeated failures, and a certain amount of talent and inspiration.

As for wandless casting, it is completely different from spellless casting, and much more difficult.

Wizards invented wands, just like Muggles invented guns. The wand sorted out the disordered and uncontrollable magic power in wizards' bodies, so that wizards no longer had to rely on lengthy incantations and complex casting materials when casting spells, achieving the feat of casting spells with just a thought.

The wand is undoubtedly the greatest invention in the history of wizards. It has greatly reduced the cost of casting spells and made it simpler and more popular for wizards to perform magic. As a result, wizards grew rapidly and won wars with many magical creatures in ancient times, turning races such as house elves into vassals of wizards.

But it is also because of modern wizards' reliance on magic wands. When they lose their magic wands, most people become "squibs" with magical powers, unable to release even the most basic spells.

How to make a wizard cast a spell after putting down his wand is similar to asking a Muggle to still shoot bullets after putting down his gun. The two are not completely equivalent, after all, it is impossible for Muggles to do it, but wizards themselves have magic power, so everything is possible. But this is already a higher level of knowledge, and the complicated ways of casting spells in ancient times are outdated in modern times.

Despite the shortcomings of the wand, its invention undoubtedly represents a leap forward in the world of magic, just as magic itself has been developing and improving. People today do not have to be inferior to the ancients. Even though the existence of the magic wand has made some wizards inert, those who are truly intelligent and talented have never stopped pursuing their pursuit. Just like throughout the ages, these people have always been leading the development of the times. .

When Owen was tired from practicing, he sat at the desk and sorted out the principles of the spell.

The principles of magic are like the laws of science, which wizards spent a long time discovering and summarizing from nature. Wizards observe magical phenomena in nature, study the instinctive magic of magical creatures, and create various forms of magic through complex combinations and in-depth application of many basic principles.

Some people like to call these basic principles runes or magic runes, but they actually mean the same thing. There are currently thousands of known magic principles.

For example, the most basic "fluorescence" spell actually only has one principle "luminescence"; while the floating spell is based on the "floating" principle, but many wizards have learned to combine it with the "power" principle so that they can control it. The movement trajectory and speed of floating objects.

Wizards apply complex combinations of certain principles, and use corresponding spells and gestures to guide magic and enhance effects. What is finally presented is a spell.

This is by no means a simple permutation and combination, but requires a deep reserve of knowledge and creativity, as well as a certain amount of risk. Just like Muggles all know that the principle of a generator is the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, but do you want them to try to create or even improve a generator based on this phenomenon? Many people will say that it is not difficult. Indeed, he should be congratulated for tinkering with the generator equivalent to the lighting spell, and then tell him that if he works harder to learn the principles of nuclear fission, you can build a nuclear power plant...

"Well, the principle of the curse..." Owen closed the notebook in his hand and rubbed the smooth hard-shell cover with his fingers, with a faint smile on his lips, "It's a bit interesting."

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