A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 36 Breaking into the Forbidden Forest at Night

On Friday, a notice was posted on the bulletin board in the Slytherin common room, informing the first-year students that flying lessons would begin next Thursday.

"Along with Gryffindor?" Draco narrowed his gray eyes, and then looked at Crabbe and Goyle with warning eyes, "Don't embarrass me, you two!"

The two big guys were secretly stuffing small cakes into their mouths. When they heard this, they quickly stuffed the cakes into their mouths and nodded repeatedly while puffing out their cheeks.

"Great! I hope I won't make a fool of myself..." Harry said eagerly, unable to hold back his excitement. He has been looking forward to flying in the sky on a broomstick for a long time.

"If you fall off your broomstick, you'd better pray that I'm willing to catch you." Draco raised his slender chin and said, "I've been able to fly thousands of miles on a broomstick since I was five years old. feet in the air, and when I was ten years old, I almost knocked down a Muggle helicopter... If first years hadn't been eligible to join the Quidditch team, I would have easily made it."

Harry kept smiling and had no intention of telling him that if someone collided with a helicopter, there was a high probability that the person would be knocked off, or both would fall off and die...

"Flying lessons, is it already here?" Owen glanced at the bulletin board and lost interest. Of course he learned to fly when he was at home. After all, who doesn't want to fly on a broomstick? He can even fly pretty well and do some nifty tricks. But he had no interest in the barbaric and unreasonable sport of Quidditch, which was not elegant at all.

"I'm not bad, I can fly just average, a little slower than a Muggle plane." Blaise said with a reserved expression.

Hey hey, are you even more outrageous? Harry groaned inwardly.

"Then you have to work harder, I can fly much faster than a Muggle plane." Draco boasted loudly, "Once I flew in the air for a long time, if my mother hadn't found me, I almost would have crossed The ocean flew to other countries..."

Owen listened happily to their bragging and spread out the parchment to write the Transfiguration homework. Daphne also listened with a smile and asked Owen a few study questions from time to time.

As the night deepened, the common room became quiet, only the footsteps of students standing up and returning to their dormitories could be heard from time to time.

"Owen, are you going out tonight?" Harry asked before going back.

"Yeah." Owen had just packed his schoolbag.

"Good luck to you," Harry said. He wouldn't go looking for that thing anyway.

"In my opinion, you are just wasting your efforts." Draco sneered, "I'm sure you won't be able to find it for a whole year. Do you want to bet?"

"Go back quickly." Owen waved him away.

He exhaled softly, recited to himself the three-piece set of Disappearance Charm, Silent Breathing Charm and Breath Concealing Charm for Night Travel, and then left the common room in a familiar manner.

The lights in the auditorium in the middle of the night have been completely turned off, and the gorgeous sculptures and long tables and benches have turned into deep black shadows, looking a bit eerie. The enchanted ceiling faithfully reflects the weather outside, with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and it looks like it will rain heavily soon.

Owen quickly walked through the empty auditorium, opened the small door on the side and entered the small room where he had been staying these days. This room is not big, with some tables and chairs inside. Very few people come in, and even Filch and his cat don't come here to patrol - the little wizard who wanders at night is not interested in it at all.

The air was filled with a damp and cold atmosphere before a heavy rain. Owen tightened his cloak and looked away from the unlit fireplace in the room with some difficulty. Although he wanted to warm up to the fire, it was too arrogant to light the fireplace here.

He curled up in an armchair that he had cleaned spotlessly, closed his eyes as if falling into a deep sleep, but in fact his mind entered the space facing the wall, training the spell as usual.

Because he has spent most of his time on the Disguise Charm and Occlumency these days, he has not made much progress on advanced spells such as the Iron Armor Curse, but now he can think about it carefully.

However, tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night.

After waiting for less than an hour, a silvery-white hazy figure came through the wall. It was Ms. Gray. She still had a plain and slightly arrogant expression on her face, her gorgeous robes trailed to the floor, and her skin was glowing with pearly white.

Owen opened his eyes and looked over.

"My birds found the fax machine in the Forbidden Forest." Ms. Gray said straight to the point. "A heavy rain is coming. It is difficult for them to fly in heavy rain. If you want to go, you have to hurry up."

"Come here." Owen took out his wand and walked quickly towards the outside field, "Ms. Gray, do you still raise birds?"

The female ghost nodded: "I entrusted the Ravenclaw students to help me feed them. They usually listen to me."

As she said that, she stopped inside the castle gate and pointed to Owen a raven circling outside: "Just follow it."

"It's so convenient." Owen sighed, and then said, "Ms. Gray, why don't you come with us?"

"I don't like the feeling of rain passing through my body." Ms. Gray looked up at the dark sky and said not very enthusiastically.

"Okay, thank you." Owen followed the raven across the field and came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. The bird with shiny black feathers circled around him, then flapped its wings and flew into the jungle.

Owen took a deep breath, read the three-piece night tour to himself again, then put the hood of his cloak over his head and chased after him.

The road in the Forbidden Forest is very difficult to walk. Although there is a winding path hidden deep in the black forest, the raven flying in the air obviously does not care about the road on the ground. Because the wind and rain were coming, it flew impatiently in a straight line, barking "quack" twice as an encouragement from time to time.

The sky was extremely dark, and the Forbidden Forest was even more gloomy. Owen muttered "fluorescent flash" and then he could barely see the road clearly.

"In this case, my Illusion Spell can't cover the light...that's all, that's it."

Relying on the illumination of the wand, Owen trudged over the undulating slopes one after another, stepping on large and small rocks, passing through tree pits with deep leaves and dense shrubs, and occasionally had to avoid branches that grew wantonly. , the small shadow of the raven in the sky appears and disappears in the gaps between the branches and leaves.

Occasionally, there will be bursts of howls that are either thick and long or sharp and shrill, which sound creepy. Occasionally there was the sound of branches snapping and breaking, but when Owen looked carefully, he found nothing.

A dazzling lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating everything. As thunder rumbled from the sky, huge raindrops fell down, causing a dull pain on people's skin. In an instant, all those roars seemed to disappear, and only the patter of raindrops hitting the branches and leaves was left in the ears.

"Invulnerable to water and fire." Owen recited a spell to himself to prevent himself from getting wet in the rain. He raised his head and searched in the sky, intending to help the raven leading the way read one, but its small figure could no longer be seen in the dense rainstorm.

"Where are you going?" Owen raised the glowing wand in his hand and had no choice but to continue walking in the original direction. After a while, until he thought he had completely lost track of the raven, the black bird fell diagonally from the gap in the branches, stood on Owen's shoulders and flapped its water-soaked wings. .

"Invulnerable to water and fire...Clean up!" Owen recited a magic spell to the raven and cleaned up the water on it. But it still stood on Owen, its black claws clutching his robe tightly, and its body was trembling.

"Okay, let's keep going this way, right?" Owen saw that it wouldn't be able to fly for a while, so he pointed to the front. The raven flapped its wings, wondering if he understood.

The ground under his feet became increasingly muddy and difficult to walk on, and there was only the sound of rain falling all around. Owen looked at the road behind him and felt that he was already deep into the Forbidden Forest: "How far is it?"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a pair of round eyes like lightbulbs lighting up in the thick darkness under a tree trunk as thick as two people's arms in front of him.

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