A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 45 Progress

The arrival of Melete made Owen's life a lot more colorful. Her soft body with the scent of milk always made people happy and made them forget all the pressure.

Owen liked to hug her and huddle in the armchair in front of the fireplace, enjoying the warm leisure time together with the same lazy expression on his face. From time to time, Owen picked up the tea cup and took a sip of fine Ceylon black tea, while Melete took a sip of milk with added nutrients.

Of course, Owen is not just being lazy. Most of his thoughts are still in the wall space. After all, he is now a reserve follower of the Dark Lord.

In the bright white space, Owen sat in front of the desk, holding a wand in one hand. A quill on the table was rapidly writing lines of writing on the notebook.

"Well, if we just guide Harry to follow the original trajectory, it may still be possible... But currently there is a fax machine causing trouble, and the butterfly effect I brought, the original method is very unexpected and requires a lot of luck. I’m afraid it’s not safe.”

"Since Harry can be a Slytherin, why should he be so reckless? If he has any questions, he can go to the professor. Voldemort can definitely be easily sent back to his hometown, but I need to remove myself." Owen thought for a while, "It's not difficult. Dumbledore and the others can explain it as being under the Imperius Curse, but they must be careful not to let Voldemort focus on me..."

"But, I always feel that things won't go so smoothly. Forget it, it's just a matter of adapting to circumstances."

Irving is very good at adapting to circumstances, but as a magician who always prepares everything in advance, he doesn't like to let things develop to the point where he needs to adapt to circumstances, because that means surprise. He is used to writing scripts in advance, controlling every performance, controlling the psychological changes of the audience, and completing a wonderful and perfect performance.

Owen licked his lips, his eyes sometimes narrowed dangerously, sometimes turned around playfully, and the plan in the notebook gradually took shape through revisions.

"That's it for now."

He stood up and began practicing the spell in earnest.

"Armor protection!" An imperceptible wave passed by him and finally disappeared without a trace. This attempt failed like so many before.

"Although I have supplemented my theoretical knowledge, it still requires a lot of practice." Owen rubbed his forehead and practiced over and over again.

It wasn't until he felt a little tired that he took out a copy of "The Forgetting Spell: 28 Techniques You Don't Know" from the bookshelf at hand, opened the page with the bookmark, and sat at the desk to read it carefully.

The rabbit Muse, who is currently alive, jumped to Owen's hand and began to hold his fingers and chew them. His red eyes still looked very unintelligent.

Owen stuffed her with some rabbit snacks copied from outside, then raised his wand and pointed it at the muse: "Forget it all!"

The rabbit was about to take the snack into his mouth when he paused, closed his mouth blankly, and tilted his head. After seeing the snacks in front of him, he opened his mouth anxiously.

"Everything is forgotten!"

The rabbit paused again, shut up, tilted his head, saw the snack, opened his mouth...

"Everything is forgotten!"

Seeing Muse repeating the previous actions again and again like a replay, Owen nodded with satisfaction and put away his wand.

After the last time he split his memory, although the feeling of splitting his mind was very uncomfortable, this experience gave Owen a great inspiration, allowing him to make rapid breakthroughs in the Forgetting Curse and Occlumency.

The division of memory allowed Owen to truly experience the existence of something like "memory", which allowed him to directly learn the Forgetting Curse after understanding the relevant theoretical knowledge. Although now he can only make people forget and cannot change other people's memories, this is already a breakthrough from zero to one.

The isolation of memory was a valuable Occlumency experience for Owen. He began to understand how to seal his memories and thoughts within solid walls. Of course, this is not enough. At the stage where it can only be isolated from prying eyes but unable to disguise false memories and thoughts, the Legilimens can confirm in an instant that he is using Occlumency.

"I have made great progress, so I can't force it." Irving's mentality is very stable, and his progress is enough to shock everyone's jaws.

This is also the result he deserves. After all, which wizard in reality dares to treat his own thinking and memory so roughly? Anyone who dares to do this is either stupid or crazy. Even if he succeeds by luck, he will probably have lifelong sequelae.

Time came to Thursday leisurely in this way. The fax machine was not discovered by Owen's people in the past few days, and Quirrell did not bother him. Owen leisurely attends classes and takes care of his cat. Melete ate well and slept soundly. The light brown hair on her body became smoother and brighter, with a silky sheen.

In addition to feeding Melet, Owen also used harmless salty agents to pickle a lot of small dried fish that Melet disliked. Whenever he saw Mrs. Norris in the hallway, Owen would stop and feed her some. After his persistent feeding, Mrs. Norris's skinny body gained a little more meat, and her dull hair became much brighter.

Mrs. Norris' attitude towards Owen has also become much better. Sometimes when she sees him scattering playing cards or colored paper all over the floor in the corridor, she will turn a blind eye as long as Owen cleans it up. , reluctantly not to cause trouble for him. Mr. Filch seemed to have acquiesced in Owen's closeness to his precious cat, but occasionally stared at Owen's back with his protruding eyes, as if he was afraid that he would poison his cat.

A lot of the herbs promised to Quirrell had been delivered before, because some of the rarely used ones were out of stock in the store, and it would take a certain amount of time to collect them. Owen felt at ease and waited for them all to be collected before sending them over. He didn't like working in that messy office that smelled of garlic.

By noon on Thursday, most of the first-year wizards were in a commotion. Because we have flying lessons this afternoon, who doesn’t want to fly in the sky on a broomstick?

When class was about to start, Draco Malfoy showed off loudly: "I have a Comet 260 at home, and my father never forgets to buy me a Nimbus 2000. I like to ride a broomstick and fly side by side with the eagle." , you can still reach out and touch its wings..."

"I don't know, Hermione said that flying on a broomstick is not an easy thing." Harry was infected by Hermione's nagging in the library, and he was absentmindedly flipping through a book of Hermione and forced it on him. "The Amazing Quidditch", but couldn't read a word of it.

"Granger?" Draco turned his head and glanced at him, his expression a mixture of rejection and disgust, as well as a hint of confusion, "Why are you hanging out with her? She is..."

Daphne's voice interrupted him: "We should go over there, don't be late."

Draco closed his mouth dissatisfied, his gray eyes darting around, wondering what bad idea he was thinking.

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