A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 57 Owen’s Prop Box

The sound of Peeves crying and howling still seems to linger in my ears. The messy footsteps and the roars of professors can be heard everywhere in the castle. Even the portraits hanging on both sides of the corridor were awakened. Everyone rubbed their eyes in curiosity. People huddled together to eat melons and watch the theatre.

Owen carried his suitcase and ran to a hanging painting in the middle of the stairs. He tore open the long piece of silk next to it and ducked into a narrow secret door at the back. This secret passage leads directly to the fourth floor, which is a good shortcut.

"Can we really believe Peeves? That's the forbidden corridor on the fourth floor!" Harry whispered, following closely behind Owen. It felt like the two of them were committing suicide, but thinking about it, he was still a little excited.

"Huh? Are you still following me?" Owen pushed open the barrier at the end of the secret passage and joked with a surprised expression.


"It doesn't matter, a campus life without experiencing solitary confinement is incomplete." Owen climbed out of the secret passage, raised his wand and waved it gracefully with a calm demeanor. The dust on his body was swept away in an instant, and even his hair style and clothes became completely messy again.

Harry looked at his robes that were dusty from the secret passage, and raised his hand to wipe his face, transforming himself into a tabby cat. For the first time, he felt that he had made a wrong choice by following Owen: "I don't want to clean the toilet all night again!"

"Shh - someone is here." Owen walked quickly through this corridor and opened the suitcase he had been carrying. As he waved his magic wand, several prop boxes flew out lightly, staggering after him.

Standing at the corner at the end of the corridor and listening, Owen heard excited conversations that were deliberately lowered, as well as the sound of hurried and messy footsteps.

"Sure enough, children at this age are constantly trying to live and die. Even if they know that they may be caught by the professor if they come here, their curiosity will make them come over like silly roe deer..." Owen shook his head silently. Shaking his head, he waved and threw a prop box in the middle of the corridor.

Then, he put on a three-piece night suit for himself and Harry, and no longer cared about whether Harry would get lost, he headed directly towards the location Peeves said.

"What is that?" Harry asked quietly. He was referring to Irving's prop box.

"Well, I think Hogwarts needs a little fun on campus," Owen said cheerfully. A thick white mist began to emit from the prop box he left behind.

"I dare say we will see that treasure tonight!" Justin Finch-Fletchley of Hufflepuff excitedly walked through the corridors with his friends, who had been coveting the fax machine for a long time.

"Wait a minute, what's that in front of you?" Hannah Abbott suddenly pointed at the thick white fog in front of her and said.

"Oops, it's a smoke bomb! Someone passed by early!" Justin shouted, "Let's chase him quickly!"

"I almost understand what you mean, but what is a smoke bomb?" Hannah muttered, then speeded up. They came to the middle of an intersecting corridor.

"Whoosh -" A black shadow bounced back and forth quickly in the thick fog, making a sound like some violent magical animal, which made them stop involuntarily.

A white box popped out of the thick fog and landed on the ground in front of several people with a "clack".

"What is it?" Justin pulled out his wand and searched his guts. He couldn't think of a spell to recite for a moment, but in the end he just scratched his head with the tip of the wand and said: "Don't worry about it, hurry through the white mist!"

Just as he finished speaking, the white box exploded with a bang, and colorful flowers flew out, including a large group of white pigeons flapping their wings.

The sea of ​​flowers and doves surrounded the little wizards in an instant, spinning rapidly around them, and everything around them seemed to turn into a colorful kaleidoscope.

"Wow, that's great!" The two little witches widened their eyes and exclaimed softly, covering their lips.

Justin waved his wand and tried to run out of the whirlpool of flowers and birds, but was slapped hard in the face by a pigeon, which stained his hair. The white dove flapped its wings and fell to the ground, turning into a white plastic flower.

"It's Transfiguration!"

This beautiful spectacle only lasted for a short moment, and soon the white doves turned into plastic flowers and fell to the ground, along with the colorful flowers. The white mist in the corridor was still there, and except for the addition of flowers, there was no change at all.

Monk Justin Zhang Er was confused. He glanced at the surprised expressions on the faces of the two little witches. Without thinking, he greeted his friends and walked through the white mist, quickly walking along the dark and long corridor. .

They ran for a long time and passed through this long corridor. When they found the Charms classroom in front of them, they stopped in confusion.

"This way...isn't it right? This is not the way to the restricted corridor!"

"I know! Damn it, when the pigeons and flowers surrounded us, the white mist changed places!"

They were just focused on walking through the white fog. Who would have thought to carefully distinguish the layout of the dim corridor and the direction they were taking?

Several young wizards looked at each other in confusion. Just as they were about to return the same way, they heard Filch yelling from the bottom of the stairs: "You little bastard who wanders at night, stop!"

Several people were startled and dispersed for a moment.

In another corridor, the Weasley twins and their partners came closer, with identical evil smiles on their faces.

"You can see the world tonight, Li, Angelina. With us leading you, you don't have to worry about being caught by the professor again, we promise." Fred said with a smile.

"I hope so, although I don't think Peeves is holding back anything good." The heroic witch said with her arms crossed.

George happily spread out the yellowed parchment map in his hand. Just as he was about to take a closer look at the surroundings, he heard a muffled "bang" in front of him.

Several people looked up and saw a green fluorescent box falling on the ground. The twisted grimace on the box looked creepy.

"Jie Jie Jie..." Horrible and evil shrill laughter came from the box, accompanied by the harsh sound of claws scratching the steel plate crazily and the clattering sound of crazy struggling, as if there was a terrifying giant beast trying to struggle. Break free from the chains that bind it.

The dark green box undulated and deformed with a heart-wrenching sound of struggle, and pitch-black cracks began to crack at the corners, from which streams of extremely rich black gas emerged. A cold and malicious red vertical eye flashed through the crack, filled with hatred and the hunger to devour others...

Several people stopped in unison and pointed at the box on the ground with their wands.

"Don't tell me, Hagrid accidentally left his precious little sweetheart here?" Angelina hugged her shoulders with a cold look on her face, and found that the black air had lowered the temperature of the air a lot.

"Oh, don't think about things so badly. Maybe it's just a dark magical creature? A Boggart or a vampire or something." Fred shrugged.

"Oh, that's great, so we don't lose a few fingernails." Lee Jordan rolled his eyes.

As they talked, the cracks on the box became more and more numerous.

Several people looked at each other, willing to believe that it was just a prank, but... what if? Although I don’t think there will be anything that dangerous in Hogwarts, but there can even be a big dog with three heads in the castle, why can’t there be something else?

"Let's take action together!" George said slightly seriously.

Several magic spells hit the cracked box together, sending it flying high. In mid-air, the box exploded with a bang, and the explosion of black gas made several people take a few steps back.

Then...a slightly smaller box fell in front of them.


Accompanied by a crisp and funny sound, a smiling face with a tongue sticking out popped up on the top of the box. As the spring connected at the bottom bounced up and down, the expression looked full of mockery.

"..." The twins glanced at each other, holding their stomachs and laughing together, "Hahaha... interesting! I think we have a little more inspiration for our magic tricks!"

"Wake up, you have no money." Angelina smoothed her hair angrily and amusedly, "Besides, we can't make it in time."

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