A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 73 The Unforgivable Curse (Part 2)

Although your last sentence makes sense, if you want to send me to Azkaban, just say so... Oh, it seems that the dementors in Azkaban are not that big of a threat to me now.

"It's almost time for my solitary confinement, Professor." Owen reminded him, and then put on a well-behaved posture of listening attentively.

Voldemort looked at the time and said calmly: "Half an hour is enough for you."

"Then you really think highly of me, professor." Owen replied helplessly.

Voldemort looked at him deeply and said with an unfathomable expression: "The magic power that supports the Unforgivable Curse is indispensable. I will teach you the tricks to quickly master them. As for the matching emotions..."

He paused and his eyes became deeper: "You should be more confident if you can summon the black devil guards. You will never lack the corresponding malice. You will even find that learning them is like eating and drinking for you. Water is as easy as water.”

"Really? That's great," Owen said with a bright smile. It's like I'm a pervert like you... Well, if he continues to be deeply involved in black magic, he is really afraid that he will become irredeemable.

Although he refused in his heart, as Voldemort, the master of black magic, slowly explained his understanding of the Unforgivable Curse, Owen gradually became serious and learned more about these three curses.

These three spells can affect both the body and the soul at the same time. It is precisely because they have the characteristics of targeting the soul that they cannot be defended by spells such as the Iron Armor Curse. In the face of them, the only thing the wizard can do is to avoid or hide behind cover, or the best way is to get rid of the opponent before others chant the spell.

It is worth mentioning that although they can deal with other people's souls, they will not cause real damage to the soul that is difficult to recover. The soul is really a very magical existence, and perhaps the deepest secret of magic is hidden in it.

"First, the Cruciatus Curse. It will bring both physical and soul pain and harm to people, so no one can withstand its torture." Voldemort raised his finger, and a cage filled with seven or eight gray mice was light. It flew over and landed on the desk.

"Injuries to the soul can be recovered, but physical injuries are difficult. People who have been tortured by the Cruciatus Curse for a long time will have irreversible damage to their brains and spirits, and the only final outcome is madness or death." He said quietly, pulling out his wand. Stroking slowly in the hand.

"I will only demonstrate it once." Voldemort pointed his wand at a mouse in the cage, and his tone suddenly became cold and cruel, "Crush the bones!"

"Squeak--" The poor gray mouse suddenly twitched and screamed. Owen had never heard a creature scream so shrillly, which made him, who hated mice, instinctively feel unbearable. The mouse trembled and huddled up, rolling and struggling wildly in the cage. In the end, it crushed its skull and squeezed its head out of the gap in the cage. It twitched and died.

Such a ridiculous and cruel scene was vividly staged in front of his eyes. Owen couldn't help showing a look of disgust, silently pushing the chair under him with his feet, making himself farther away from Voldemort.

Voldemort admired his masterpiece with great interest and said leisurely: "The best emotion to drive this curse is not pure malice, but a violent emotion, an emotion that hopes to cause pain and torture the other party, an emotion that is harmful to others." Sadism. Everyone has this emotion in their heart to a greater or lesser extent. Look inside your heart, find it, grab it, and enjoy it..."

"I think this is not a problem for you." He looked at Owen's face full of rejection and made a gesture of invitation, "It's your turn next."

Owen looked at the miserable state of the mouse, sighed slightly, and took out his wand resignedly.

He began to review his own memories. Indeed, violent emotions existed in everyone's hearts, and sometimes they would emerge uncontrollably.

He was thinking of a certain magic revealer who was chasing him in his previous life. Owen racked his brains to create and practiced the wonderful magic for more than half a year. When it came to that guy's mouth, he relied on support, and then he used crazy rhythm to trick Owen. Black... At that time, Owen really wanted to crawl into his house in the middle of the night and let him taste the pain.

Thinking back to the emotions at that time, Owen felt a touch of violence in his heart, but it was just a hint. After all, they are two worlds apart after many years.

At this time, something unexpected happened. A familiar cold malice emerged in his heart like a tide, causing the faint tyrannical emotion to suddenly rise and explode.

Owen was stunned for a moment, and the moment he was distracted, the violence dissipated like smoke.

"Crush the heart and cut out the bones." Without emotional support, the spell he blurted out was weak and weak. The mouse he was pointing at squeaked and jumped to the other end of the cage with great energy.

He raised his head and glanced at Voldemort, finally understanding what he meant when he said that he "will never lack corresponding malice." The remaining power of the Dark Guardian greatly enhanced his negative emotions when using black magic, making it easier for him to cast black magic... and easier to be influenced.

"Your level is more than that, Owen." Voldemort glanced at him lazily and said indifferently, "Concentrate. If you really can't grasp the key points, I don't mind letting you have a taste of the Cruciatus Curse."

Owen took a deep breath and once again aroused the violence in his heart. Under the sudden burst of fierce emotions, he said in a cold tone: "Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

The cursed mouse let out a miserable scream and curled up in pain in the cage. Owen watched coldly, and could feel a slight tremor from the wand in his hand. It was a while before he remembered to end the spell, and the poor rat was already half-dead.

The violence in his heart quickly receded, but a part of it remained, tumbling wantonly in his mind.

Owen hissed lightly, grinned at Voldemort, and waited for the next lecture.

"Barely." Voldemort looked at him playfully, "Then, next is the Imperius Curse. Its effect is to control people's thoughts and souls. It is difficult to detect. There is no counter-curse. Only the caster can truly Lift it.”

"Then... what if two wizards cast the Imperius Curse on one person at the same time?" Owen tilted his head, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Interesting question." Voldemort narrowed his eyes in a good mood, "You can imagine what would happen if a person is pulled by his hands in opposite directions. The two Imperius Curses will have a fierce conflict, and the person who is cursed will It will only fall into complete chaos, and if you stay in this state for a long time, the mind and spirit of the cursed person will be damaged that is difficult to heal."

Owen's eyes flickered and he said cheerfully: "In this case, if I want to confirm whether someone is controlled by the Imperius Curse, can I just recite the Imperius Curse to him?"

"What a genius idea, Owen." Voldemort praised, "You are beginning to discover the charm of dark magic."

"The emotion required for the Imperius Curse is a strong desire to control and enslave others. Think about it, you can easily control everything about someone, you can order him to do anything, even let him die..." He used his wand. Pointing at a mouse in the cage, he whispered, "The soul is out of body."

The mouse huddled silently in the corner of the cage and slowly bit off its tail and claws one by one.

Owen watched this scene calmly, silently exploring his desire for control in his heart. Catalyzed by the remaining power of the Dark Guard, this desire became intense and pathological.

"The soul left the body." The spell casting went very smoothly this time, which is gratifying.

"Very well, the last one, the Killing Curse." Voldemort's expression showed a hint of joking, "Its effect is to instantly take away all the vitality of the body, and forcibly strip away the soul of the person who has been cursed, making it enter a state of death. You Know that the states of the souls of the living and the dead are completely different.”

"The Killing Curse cannot be defended with magic spells. You can only avoid it or block it with physical obstacles. But it is very destructive to entities. A wizard with advanced magic can directly smash the obstacles and kill the hidden object instantly. The enemy behind it.”

"This is also one of my favorite spells. Just a flash of light, and a life disappears. Nothing can show us the simple and beautiful mysterious beauty of magic itself better than it..." Voldemort's expression showed a trace of revel.

"Ah, it is indeed beautiful." Owen smiled and poked his heart. "Then, if the physical obstacle blocking the Killing Curse is indestructible enough, can the Killing Curse be bounced elsewhere?"

Voldemort's expression suddenly became a little ugly. Owen's question reminded him of the day he failed at Harry Potter's place.

"Of course it's okay." He said coldly.

"That's it." Owen narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

"Let's continue... All that is needed to cast the killing curse is a strong killing intent." Voldemort raised his wand slightly and pointed at the cage on the table. Owen instinctively shrank down, wanting to hide behind some obstacle.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort's voice was cold and high-pitched, with strong murderous intent. A dazzling green light lit up in the small office, blinding people so hard that they couldn't open their eyes. There was a small, chaotic sound all around, as if an invisible giant was passing through the air.

When the light dissipated, the cursed rat was motionless and died quietly.

Owen raised his wand expressionlessly, imagining that the mouse in front of him had the face of Voldemort, and the murderous intention that had been brewing became violent after being aroused. He said coldly: "Avada Kedavra!"

Another burst of green light flashed, and the mouse was dead.

Owen took a deep breath, trying to calm down the raging malice in his heart. Three negative emotions that had not faded were chaotically entangled in his brain, leaving his thoughts in a state of confusion and excitement. The way he looked at Voldemort was wrong... well, he wanted to kill someone.

"Excellent." Voldemort clapped his hands, not caring about the uncontrollable malice in Owen's eyes, and just said with a leisurely smile, "Remember to practice them before coming here next time. Then, you can leave."

Owen bowed slightly politely and strode out of the office. The cold air in the corridor made him sober up. The aroma of the potion that had been lingering on the tip of his nose dissipated, and there seemed to be a contradictory feeling of coldness and warmth intertwined in his body. He shook his head vigorously, tried his best to clear his mind, and quickly walked towards the place of confinement.

After Owen closed the door and left, Voldemort waved his wand playfully, and the cage with the mouse on the table and the crimson potion in the cauldron were swept away.

"Ha..." He chuckled, and the office fell into silence.

Owen and Harry's confinement tonight is to clean up several classrooms on the third floor that were messed up by Peeves. They are not allowed to use magic, and they must be under the full supervision of Mr. Filch. While working, Owen just wanted to cast the Imperius Curse on Filch... well, sin, sin, wouldn't it be a good idea to use the Confusion Curse?

Harry looked at Owen in confusion from time to time, feeling that he seemed to be a different person tonight, as if he was about to jump up and curse Filch at any moment. In order to prevent the two people's confinement from extending to a whole year, Harry had to work diligently to prevent Owen from losing his patience and getting angry.

Although Owen didn't know what Harry was thinking about, it was hard for him to dampen others' enthusiasm when someone was so diligent. So he spent his time with peace of mind, thinking about happy things, such as Voldemort's face being covered with blisters, and maybe even being roasted as red as a monkey's butt.

Just thinking about it made me feel better instantly. On the way back to the common room, he finally suppressed the evil thoughts swirling in his heart and returned to his usual gentleness and calmness.

"So, Owen was playing me just now? He just wanted to be lazy..."

Looking at Owen, who had returned to normal just after the confinement, Harry's eyes were deep and thoughtful.

Thank you to the book friends for bringing me the scarf for the 500 starting coins you tipped. Thank you to the book friends for your support with monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you to the author of Caibi!

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