A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 8 Ether?

There were already many people sitting in the Charms classroom, with students from Slytherin and Ravenclaw houses sitting on both sides, and the classroom was filled with buzzing conversations.

Owen found an empty seat and sat down, looking through the Charms notes he had recorded during his self-study over the years. The thick black-shell notebook was densely packed with rows of neat and beautiful fonts, and was also annotated in different colors. and supplement. Blaise sat next to him, fussing with a gold galleon, trying to learn the magic trick Owen taught him.

Daphne took Pansy, who had been looking around as soon as they entered the classroom, and sat behind them. Pansy looked disappointed because she did not see Malfoy and the two coming, which made Daphne angry and amused.

Harry and the Malfoy quartet found the classroom almost immediately, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to it. Malfoy raised his slender chin proudly, but Harry, like an eggplant beaten by frost, silently found a place to sit down and wanted to bury his face in the Charms textbook.

When the bell rang, the surprisingly small Professor Flitwick walked into the classroom. He climbed up the tall stack of books with some difficulty so that he could reach the desk, and then took out the roster and called the names one by one. After reading Harry's name, he screamed excitedly, stepped on the air and fell behind the desk out of sight.

Harry watched this scene calmly, as if he had lost all desire and pursuit, while Malfoy secretly covered his mouth and laughed.

"Well, Potter's unfazed look is really stable, and he seems very trustworthy... No, no, Pansy, how can you think so? Draco's free and uninhibited look is more charming..." Owen heard Pansy whispered behind him.

"Pansy, you don't need to say these words..." Daphne groaned, covering her cheeks with her hands, and her fair forehead turned pink.

"Eh? Did I say it?" Pansy looked frightened, her face turned red, "No, I was just joking!"

Owen couldn't help but glance sideways for a moment, coughed slightly, and then looked blankly at Professor Flitwick standing on the pile of books again. Blaise curled his lips with a look of boredom, crossed his shoulders and leaned back on the chair.

Blaise Zabini's mother was a famous beauty, perhaps a poisonous beauty snake. She had been widowed six times, and each of her husbands had left her a large inheritance. Well, now Mr. Zabini is her seventh husband, who currently survives.

Perhaps because of the psychological shadow left by his mother since childhood, Owen always felt that Blaise had an inexplicable misogyny. Although Blaise has always been very popular with girls because of his excellent appearance, which he inherited from his mother, even the dark brown complexion inherited from his father cannot conceal that unique charm.

In fact, Owen has always suspected that Blaise and his son had Veela blood, but they did not show the obvious characteristics of Veela hybrids, such as silver hair.

During the break in thinking, Professor Flitwick had already finished the roll call and began to explain the magic spell learned today: the Illumination Charm. Owen listened carefully for a while and didn't hear anything new outside the textbook. After all, the lighting spell is really a very basic and simple spell.

I have to say that Professor Flitwick's course arrangement is still very reasonable. After the students learn the lighting spell, even if they are expelled for some reason, they can turn to tempering their bodies and practicing martial arts, and successfully embark on the journey. The orthodox wizard path of dual-wielding mad battles. Professor Flitwick has really good intentions.

Owen was thinking wildly with his eyes wide open, and his mind went directly into the space facing the wall. He glanced at the lifeless stupid rabbit squatting in the corner. Without dealing with it, he directly copied his textbook and notes and began to practice the magic spells that he had already mastered the theoretical knowledge one by one.

From the most basic lock-opening spells, cleaning spells, petrification spells, etc., to advanced water-like spring spells, fire spells, repair spells, etc., to the flying spells, termination spells, and resurrection spells that can only be learned and mastered by more advanced students. , as well as disarming spells and obstacle spells that can be used in wizard duels...

After mastering the advanced theoretical knowledge of magic and being in a high position, for Owen, all he needed was to practice step by step.

"Well, I can almost cast it successfully, but I'm not proficient enough and need to practice for a longer time." Owen evaluated the power and proficiency of his spell, "A month at most..."

In fact, in Owen's opinion, it is not difficult to cast many spells. You only need to pay attention to the pronunciation and pause of the spell, the gesture of waving the wand, and concentration, and you can complete different spells. It's like solving an arithmetic problem. You only need to put in the formulas step by step and list the calculation formulas to solve the final result.

With the in-depth study of theoretical knowledge, wizards begin to understand the meaning of each "formula", learn more concise problem-solving skills and skilled mental arithmetic skills, and can gradually omit some steps, such as spells and gestures, to complete countless tasks. Spellcasting.

Therefore, casting spells without a spell requires more mental effort and often consumes more magic power, and it is difficult to achieve the original power of the spell.

And when a wizard deeply understands the principle of a certain spell, or has knowledge that is profound enough to be understood by analogy, he can greatly reduce the consumption of various spells, extend the duration of the spell, and enhance the effect of the spell.

Knowledge is power. This sentence is an absolute truth in the field of magic, so Owen has never stopped absorbing knowledge.

However, the more advanced the spell, the more it requires the emotional involvement of the caster, such as black magic represented by the three unforgivable curses, and white magic represented by the Patronus Curse. This is another field, and Irving hasn't started learning yet.

Fortunately, Irving has his own advantages. As a mature time traveler, he had long discovered that his magic level was comparable to that of many adult wizards, so he was able to cast spells that he should not have mastered at his age.

The magic power of wizards is actually a very spiritual thing.

In this world, the magic of wizards is obviously not the tangible power described in some novels that Owen read in his previous life. At least he did not find any trace of magic in his body. As long as the wizards can hold on energetically, they can continue to release magic spells, and there is no problem of running out of magic power.

For an advanced spell, as long as the wizard's magic level reaches the required level and Kankan can successfully release it, he can release more of it without stopping until he is so exhausted that he can no longer concentrate.

Among the many materials that Owen has reviewed, wizards generally believe that the so-called magic power is the spiritual will of the wizard, and the strength of the magic power is the strength of the wizard's thoughts.

Because the body and mind of underage wizards are not yet mature, as their brains develop and their own will continues to improve, their magic power is growing rapidly. Until adulthood, the growth of magic power will greatly slow down or even stagnate, or even regress.

It is also for this reason that some wizards can often exert power beyond their own level in battles because of the outburst of will, while wizards who have no fighting spirit and panic often fall short of their standards.

Of course, the wizard's outburst would not be too exaggerated. It would probably just make the person involved feel that he was in a good state at the time. Because it is not only the magic power that determines the upper limit of the wizard, but also the wizard's accumulation of knowledge. Even the idea itself that determines the magic power of the wizard has different strengths and weaknesses and can be enhanced through some methods. These gaps cannot be filled with one explosion.

For example, the level of magic power of Dumbledore and Voldemort can be said to be far beyond the scope of human beings. It cannot be achieved by normal growth. They must have experienced some stimulation and transformation of magic. In this process, knowledge, strength, talent, opportunity and luck are all indispensable.

As a child with adult thinking, Owen's own will is no worse than that of an adult wizard, but because his body, especially his brain, has not yet matured, his mental strength may be slightly inferior.

It is also because the magic power is too strong. When the magic power was not stable before the age of ten, Owen's forced attempt to restrain the magic power to practice magic spells had particularly serious consequences, which left a bit of a psychological shadow on himself...

"Magic..." Owen practiced too many magic spells one after another. He rubbed his temples a little tiredly, sat down at the desk he had copied, and took out a new notebook.

Opening the first page of his notebook, Owen thought for a moment and wrote on it in regular handwriting:

"If the essence of magic is the wizard's will..."

"When wizards use magic, they use their own will to affect reality? Is the essence of magic that wishes come true?"

"What changes did the invisible will undergo during this process, and finally became a visible curse, which then had an impact on reality?"

"Where does the energy of the curse come from? Is there any third-party factor involved during this period that allowed the curse to take shape smoothly?"

"Assuming there is a medium that connects the wizard's will with the final magic spell, can it be said that it is the cornerstone of the glorious magic in this world?"

Owen wrote this with great imagination, and suddenly shook his head and smiled: "I am still a first-year little wizard. This is too far-reaching. It is not a good habit to be too ambitious."

He carefully read the few lines he had written, and before closing the notebook, he couldn't help but add: "If it really exists, you might as well call it 'ether' first." Irving was very thoughtful. I chose a title that was once very mysterious in the history of science with interest.

"Aether?" Owen highlighted it and then closed the notebook.

"If you want to increase your magic power, you have to find a way to increase the intensity of your thoughts... Hmm, magical transformation? Bloodline of magical creatures? Meditation method?" Owen turned his thoughts away, looked up at the space where he was, and suddenly laughed: "That's right. I don't have to worry about injury or death in the wall-facing space. Isn't it suitable for me to experiment on myself?"

He glanced at reality and found that time was almost up. Before leaving, he glanced at the white mist writing in front of him.

[The connection point collection port has been released, please be ready for collection. 】

The original "soon" launch has become "already" launched...

Owen's expression changed and he returned directly to reality.

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