A ruined Hogwarts

Chapter 83 A wonderful performance

Owen read the password to the stone wall in front of him, walked through the slowly opening stone door and returned to the dimly lit lounge.

It was already dark, and there was no one in the common room. Only the fire in the fireplace was still burning, keeping the place warm and pleasant.

Melete, who had been lying in the armchair in front of the fireplace waiting for him, instantly opened her round eyes, her big ears twitched, and she suddenly jumped from the soft chair to the table. She squatted there quietly, staring straight at him with a pair of golden vertical pupils, a hint of caution and strangeness on her round and lovely cat face.

Owen tilted his head and looked at her, approaching her step by step, and finally stopped one step in front of the little cat, looking at her indifferently with no expression on his face.

Melete's big ears stood up high, her long tail swayed from side to side, and her pink little nose twitched. After a moment, she cautiously stepped forward, sniffed close to Owen, then relaxed her expression and jumped to him lightly. The four little paws are slightly opened, revealing pink flesh pads.

Owen stretched out his hand to take her in his arms, and a gentle smile suddenly appeared on his face. He gently stroked the warm little furry ball, pinched the other person's big ears and flesh pads, and said softly: "Good evening, Melete. It's great that you don't hate me."

Melete looked up at him helplessly, waved her paw to push away Owen's hand that was holding her paw, and after a soft "meow", she rubbed her head on his chest and purred in a dignified manner. .

"Meow!" Hungry! Within three seconds, her true colors were revealed.

Owen rummaged in his pocket, but couldn't find the food that Melete liked to eat. In the end, he just found a few dried fish left over from feeding Mrs. Norris...

"Meow!" You already have me, why are you still thinking about other cats, and even have other cats' food in your pockets!

Melete looked betrayed and looked up at Owen in disbelief. She slapped the dried fish off Owen's hand with her paw, bit his finger with her baby teeth, then jumped out of his arms proudly, and ran away with graceful and swift steps.

"Oh, cute little guy." Owen said with a smile, and then sat in the armchair.

Although it was very late, he was not sleepy at all now. An indescribable sense of excitement filled his heart, making his inspiration surge.

He closed his eyes and sank into the space facing the wall. He opened the notebook on the table with gleaming eyes, looked at the plan he had written down earlier, curled his lips, and tore it into pieces.

Thousands of thoughts are swirling in my mind, and every collision will explode a short and beautiful spark of inspiration, as addictive as a bright firework. At this moment, Irving once again entered his own wall-facing moment.

In this extremely silent pure white space, there was only a pure white rabbit jumping around in the corner for fun, occasionally glancing at Owen who was writing furiously with his red eyes.

At this time, Owen had forgotten everything around him and where he was. He freely used the inspiration in his mind, and a wonderful performance plan gradually took shape in his writing.

"As an excellent magician and qualified Slytherin, I used to only think about protecting myself and sending Voldemort away. I was so cowardly and unambitious..." He narrowed his eyes, "Voldemort took it. He stole my potion ingredients and robbed the black market, so it’s reasonable for me to take advantage of him once."

"By the way, he packed up all the precious things on the black market and took them away at once. He doesn't understand sustainable development." Owen complained.

"Dumbledore dared to put something as dangerous as Voldemort into the school. He was so arrogant. He almost tricked me to death. I really want to teach him an unforgettable lesson... Well, since the Sorcerer's Stone will be destroyed if it remains..." Owen's eyes lit up, "I want the Sorcerer's Stone!"

He knew that this was a whimsical and greedy thought, but once this thought arose, he could no longer suppress it.

Owen caught the flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly waved his wand, causing the quill to automatically smear on the notebook so fast that it almost turned into an afterimage.

The Philosopher's Stone, which can turn stone into gold and can be used to create the elixir of life.

Of course, this medicine does not really make people immortal. Nico Flamel relied on it to live for more than 660 years, and he was already so old that he could hardly walk due to osteoporosis. It can be said that this kind of medicine only greatly slows down the rate of human aging, extending the time it takes for a person to age to more than five hundred years. Moreover, you cannot stop taking the medicine midway, and the frequency of taking the medicine will become higher and higher.

Although the Philosopher's Stone has some shortcomings, there is no doubt that it is the top creation in the field of true alchemy. The only person who can make the Philosopher's Stone is Nico Flamel in the world today. It can be said that the real value of the Magic Stone is still higher than all the wealth of the Shafiq family.

"After taking so many things from home, I have to give something in return." Irving said with a smile, "As for Nico Flamel, I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with him anyway." This way, there is no psychological burden in cheating. It’s over.

"To get the Philosopher's Stone, we have to overcome three major difficulties." He thought.

"First of all, there is the question of how to get the Sorcerer's Stone. If Dumbledore still puts it in the Mirror of Erised, there is no doubt that I can't get it out. People who want to find the Sorcerer's Stone but don't want to use it, Only then can I take it out of the magic mirror...I can't, and other little wizards may not be immune to temptation..."

"Perhaps we still have to place our hopes on Harry, that idiot? Well, it's not difficult at all. It's just a secret guidance from me." Owen glanced at the quill that was writing quickly, and frowned in thought, "Then, second A difficult point, Dumbledore."

If he wants to get the Philosopher's Stone, Dumbledore is a hurdle that must be crossed. Owen, who is familiar with the original work, knows very well that Dumbledore set up those childish traps not to protect the Sorcerer's Stone, but to train and test Harry Potter and his friends.

If he really wanted to protect the Philosopher's Stone, the Mirror of Erised alone would only make Quirrell and Voldemort stand there and stare.

You know, Dumbledore will definitely focus on the levels of the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry. Maybe there will be some kind of checkpoint there to remind you. Once you find someone breaking in, you will know it immediately and rush over.

"In this case, we must find a way to lure Dumbledore away so that he will be unable to escape for a while. Similarly, we must also find something for other professors to do." Owen closed his eyes, "On this point, Quirrell and Voldemort Just do it well.”

"Then, the last difficulty is the Sorcerer's Stone itself." Owen's fingers tapped on the table, making a "duh" sound.

"Although Voldemort has confirmed that the Philosopher's Stone hidden under the trap door is real, if I were Dumbledore, even if I was confident that the thief could not get the Philosopher's Stone, I would definitely place it on the Philosopher's Stone just in case, just in case. Something like a tracking charm."

"In this way, even if something goes wrong with the plan and the Philosopher's Stone is stolen, I can still trace the clues to find out who is behind the idea of ​​the Philosopher's Stone, and stop it in time or take advantage of it..."

Owen lowered his eyes and looked at the rabbit approaching his feet, and narrowed his eyes: "Although it may be that I am overthinking, but since I can't be sure, I will treat it as an established fact."

"Well, there happens to be one spell that Dumbledore arranged that can be broken at Hogwarts." He smiled playfully, "Sure enough, my dear Dark Lord, it's really easy to use."

The quill was writing on the page, and the letters were neatly arranged, which looked pleasing to the eye.

"As for how to send Voldemort back to his hometown in the end, it's not difficult at all... Huh?" Owen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he touched his chin with interest, his expression becoming more excited and expectant, "How about designing a plan for him? A wonderful magic show, a perfect deception... Oh my, but it's a pity there won't be an audience."

The feather brush scratched out several lines of writing, then scrawled a new plan underneath and drew a series of simple diagrams.

"Just in case, it's best to treat Harry as the last line of insurance." Owen mused.

"Then create an organization...I happen to be very good at creating something out of nothing."

"Well..." He caught a glimpse of his notebook for studying magic spells, flipped it through and looked at it, and a happy smile suddenly broke out on his face.

"Ether... let's call it the Ether Society, or ES for short." Owen raised his eyebrows, "ES... Erwin Shafiq, what a wonderful coincidence."

Looking at the name written by the quill in beautiful cursive characters on the paper, Owen smiled and held his chin, lost in thought.

"Haha, this will be a wonderful performance!"

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