American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 92: Activate the time gem and regress the evil god!


The golden lightning struck the evil god and blew it away.

At the same time, the black mist was blown away, and Tony and Natasha were thrown away.

"Ahem, what's going on?"

Tony raised his head with confusion, wondering where the thunder and lightning came from.

"Hello, Stark, although this is your first time meeting me, I have seen you many times."

At this time, a woman dressed in white with a bald head and a folding fan in her hand descended from the sky and looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Who are you? Why do you sound like a peeping tom?"

Tony looked at the other person in confusion.

"We have talked about it a long time ago. My name is Ancient One."

The visitor was none other than Ancient One. As someone who fought against the evil god from another dimension and protected the earth, she naturally could not watch the evil god from another universe causing trouble here.

"Ancient One! You are the Ancient One who claims to be a magician on the screen!"

Natasha screamed in shock.

"We'll chat later. We need to get rid of this problem first."

After Gu Yi finished speaking, he looked solemnly at the evil god who had already stood up.

He had to look surprised.

It's really not easy to be hit by Bossat's thunder without much damage.

"How dare you hurt me to death!"

The evil god roared angrily, his blood-red eyes glowed red, and then a life-killing black mist erupted from his body, spreading towards Gu Yi.

Seeing this, Gu Yi clasped his hands together, opened the circle formation, and then pushed with both hands, bursting out a strong wind to fight against the black mist.

He actually purified the black mist abruptly.

Then she pushed harder, and the two circular formations merged into one, turning into a huge flame wheel approaching towards the evil god.

Seeing this, the evil god opened his mouth and spit out a red light that hit the flame halo, forcefully blowing it up.

Ignoring the fierce heat waves and sparks that spread, I waved my hands vigorously to disperse them.

Many people couldn't help but be surprised when they saw these magic moves colliding.

Luffy: "Awesome! What kind of move is this!"

Nick Fury: "Is this magic?"

Mordu: "Yes, this is the power of our Kama Taj magic!"

Nobita: "So handsome! Can I do it too!"

Modu: "Well, I don't know what your magic book is like, but you should be able to study it hard."

Nobita: "Then I must study hard!"

Luffy: "Can you teach me? I want to learn too! It looks like fun!"

Wang: "Magic is not for fun!"

Sun Wukong: "It looks different from the magic in our world. It's a bit interesting."

Tsunade: "It's a bit similar to ninjutsu's attribute changes."

While everyone was discussing, Gu Yi and the evil god clashed several more times, each using wonderful magic methods.

"As expected of the evil god! He is really powerful!"

Gu Yi frowned and looked at the evil god opposite him. Although he did not use all his strength, the opponent was still able to do it with ease, and it seemed that he had not fully recovered to his peak.

I don’t know if it can compete with those extraterritorial evil gods in the complete era.

"Thumaturgy user! There is thaumaturgy in this world too!"

The evil god looked at Gu Yi in surprise and shouted.

"But it doesn't seem to be your power. Your thaumaturgy seems to come from somewhere else."

The evil god actually saw some clues and looked at Gu Yi.

"Thumaturgy? Is that the name for magic in the world of containment?"

Gu Yi couldn't help but think of it when he heard this term, but he didn't pay much attention to it, but thought about how to get rid of this guy quickly.

"No matter who you are, don't try to stop me!"

After the evil god finished speaking, he erupted into a large amount of life-threatening black mist, and then rushed towards Gu Yi at the fastest speed, intending to launch a thunderous offensive.

"Sorry, this world does not belong to you."

After speaking indifferently, Ancient One opened the Eye of Agamotto, and the light of the Time Stone emitted.

Odin saw this scene through the screen and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Appeared! Ancient Yi's trump card!"

This made Odin's expression change drastically, he lost his demeanor, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

At this time, there was black mist all around Gu Yi, and the evil god was about to encounter him.

"Thank you for your resurrection, but you should turn back into a statue. That's what suits you."

After speaking with a smirk, Gu Yi turned his hands.

Then a time dial made of green light appeared out of thin air and enveloped the evil god.

I saw the pointer on the dial rotating counterclockwise rapidly.

But the Evil God, who was originally so menacing, suddenly retreated.

Whether it was the black mist or his movements, it was inevitable to retreat.

And as the pointer moves back faster and faster.

The appearance of the evil god also changed.

His body began to shrink continuously, and black mist suddenly emitted from his body, spreading around, and then the black mist came back again.

Then those people who were originally corpses were doing their own things as if nothing had happened.

Finally, when the dial hands stopped, the evil god returned to his original statue form.

It was as if nothing had happened.

"It turns out that you can't get rid of the shackles of time. That's easy."

Seeing this, Gu Yi smiled evilly.

But there is also an element of luck. Who knows how powerful this evil god was in his heyday.

The Ancient One then turned to look at Tony Stark and Natasha.

Now the two men looked at Gu Yi as if they had seen a ghost.

However, not only the two of them, but also people in other universes could not control their expressions.

Strange: "Hey! What's going on! What was that just now? Why did the evil god turn into a statue and the dead came back to life!"

Wang: "Is this the power of the Eye of Agamotto! It can control time!"

Bruce Wayne: "I can control any time! How is this possible!"

Odin: "It's possible if it's that magic weapon. This magic weapon is a very top-notch artifact that can control time!"

Sanji: "What! You can even control time! This is too scary!"

Robin: "This reminds me that I once saw a devil fruit in the devil fruit illustrated book. It seems to be a time travel, but it can't be controlled."

Warring States: "Wait a minute, I just saw your time acting on that evil god. Why are those people resurrected too?"

Ancient One: "This is the relationship between cause and effect. Those people died because of the evil god's resurrection. But I let the evil god's time go back to before the resurrection. When I kill a few more people, the cause and effect of the sacrifice due to the resurrection will disappear. Those people Just come alive.”

Bruce Wayne: "Cause and effect can be changed. This is really scary!"

Diana: Wouldn’t that be invincible! No matter how powerful the enemy is, you can avoid it by going back in time. "

Ancient One: "Ms. Diana, your idea is very good, but time is not easy to play with. Time involves cause and effect. If you play with it casually, there will be huge hidden dangers."

Luffy: "Huh? What do you mean, I don't understand."

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