In the outer dimension realm, this place is filled with eternal silence. There is no dispute or noise. There is only eternity and peace.

Locke did not choose to tear apart the space directly, but turned into a stream of light and descended on this special dimension.

He is not a believer of anyone, nor has he ever had faith in anyone. After all, those superior beings may not be stronger than him. But here, in this dimension, Locke shows his previous seriousness. This is Basic respect for the strongest.

Because the owner here is a real multi-level existence!

Locke stepped into the outer dimension realm step by step and came to the center. Here, he saw a land similar to the area where humans live, and there were also countless creatures living there.--

Going further in, no matter how far he walked, Locke came to the center of the entire outer dimension field and met the real master of this field, or three masters: the Trinity Weishan Emperor, the Trinity Weishan Emperor, and the Almighty Ohit, the all-seeing Agamotto, and the old Horace.

These three people are different from what Locke imagined. They are not three magnificent giants. Instead, they look like three ordinary creatures, an old man, a lady, and a very wise scholar.

"You're here~" Agamotto, who was like a scholar, spoke first, his tone was very gentle, and he seemed to have no ill feelings toward Locke, and even retained a lot of goodwill.

"I have met three His Majesty!"

His Majesty" is the highest honorific title for a more powerful existence. This is the importance Locke should attach to the three diverse people.

Ohit, who was wearing a layer of tulle and his face was looming, gave a gentle chuckle.

"You don't have to be so polite. You are only one step away from the level we are at now."

"step?"Locke's brows suddenly raised. Not to mention that his current life level is only a low-level heavenly father. Even his combat power is only between a low-level single body and a mid-level single body. No matter what, it is impossible to be just one step away from diversity!

Scholar! The ordinary Agamotto spoke again:"Isn't this why you came to find us? The power of unification. Locke

's expression suddenly became stern and he looked at Agamotto seriously.

Agamotto did not pretend to be profound and said directly:"As you think, we are not orthodox pluralism, but unite with the power of unity." The power of the three of us allowed each other to complete the unified sublimation, and finally forcibly reached the multiple levels."

"Arrived by force?"Diversity is the master of a series of rules. Can this thing be achieved by force?

"What do you think diversity is? Ohit whispered softly:"The master of a series of rules?" An existence that can easily destroy the universe, and whose power radiates to countless parallel universes?"

"Is not it?"

"It's not that it's not, it's that it's incomplete."

"That is indeed the most common path to becoming a pluralist, but there are also some things that are not that path. For example, if you have the strength to defeat most pluralists, even if you have not become the master of rules, does that count as a pluralist?"

Locke was silent. At least in his opinion, this should count. If I can beat him, you call him dad. Why can't he be considered at the same level?

"This is why we say that you are only one step away from us. We do not have the power of law in our bodies. If we do not count the power of unity, we can only be regarded as three incomplete individuals~"

Locke's eyes suddenly fluctuated. Come to think of it, it's not because the trinity of Weishan Emperors only has a single strength, but... without the power of the law!

Even if Locke uses various means to obtain the current heaven-defying combat power, he cannot escape from the law, and his promotion is essentially based on the law. He was promoted bit by bit, but he had too many external forces, and his quality was ridiculously high.

"Can I ask, why do the three ministers have no power of law?"

"Of course~" Ohit remains gentle, and her gurgling female voice is always full of tenderness.

"Why do you think we choose to be diverse in this particular way?"

"Wouldn’t it be better to be able to separate and become diverse?"

After pondering for a moment, Locke shook his head. He really couldn't think of an answer.

Ouhit smiled, and for the first time, other emotions other than tenderness appeared in his laughter. It was loneliness.

"The answer is very shameful, because we are afraid"

"Scared?"Loke's eyes couldn't help but shrink. He never expected this answer.

"Yes, scared"

"If you haven’t experienced the Era of the Ancient Gods, you don’t know how crazy those guys were in the past in order to compete for diverse seats."

"There were many more ancient gods than you imagine, but there are very few that can survive to this day, and those that remain have basically become diverse. Do you know why this is?"

Locke shook his head again. How could he know such a secret of the ancient gods?

However, the next moment, Ohit directly revealed something in an understatement that made Locke's expression change.

"They are not all dead, but become part of the plurality."

Locke's pupils couldn't help but dilate.

"Yes, just like you imagined"

"Pluralistic uniqueness does not mean that one system of laws can only have one master of multiple laws, but that everything related to plurality is unique."

"In the Era of the Ancient Gods, countless individual universe gods were fighting each other, and there were too many with law comprehension reaching 80% or 90%."

"However, as long as one god of the universe becomes a plurality, all other homologous entities will all become part of the plurality. How do you think the five gods' clones, which are spread across all universes and have very different personalities, come from?"


At this moment, even Locke couldn't help but take a deep breath. This news was really shocking.

The hundreds of thousands of clones of the five gods were actually powerful single entities that competed with the five gods for diversity!

Silence, The scene fell into unspeakable silence.

After a moment, Agamotto shook his head and spoke again:"So, we were afraid, and we chose to retreat. In the entire omnipotent universe, supercells are special existences. Because superunits are the only ones that can escape when this concept of pluralistic uniqueness proliferates, breaking away from the concept of pluralistic uniqueness at the cost of giving up all the laws."

Locke continued to be silent. The impact of these ancient secrets obtained today is really too strong.

"Wait, if we become a single entity now, wouldn’t it be……"

Locke thought of a possibility that horrified him.

The Trinity Weishan Emperor moved neatly and nodded slightly, agreeing with Locke's guess.

"Theoretically, it is indeed possible to induce the concept of pluralistic uniqueness and assimilate all monomers, but the possibility is not very high."

"Today's diversity has been achieved for countless years and has long since recovered from the crazy war atmosphere in the early years. You can also imagine that attitudes are different during war and peace."

"Therefore, it is safer to be single now than it was then. However, safety is safety, and the concept of pluralism still exists, but the possibility of triggering it is very small. They are more interested in finding everything that interests them. things, rather than controlling a bunch of boring puppets."

Locke just nodded, but his face was still heavy. He never imagined that becoming a single body was not a way to reach the sky, but that he put his life in the hands of others.

Regardless of the possibility, As long as this possibility exists, Locke will be a little unbearable

"If you can't accept it, it's very simple, plurality and uniqueness, you just need to acquire this concept.~"

"Just like the three of us, the Trinity Weishan Emperor, we are protected by the unified multiple power of the Trinity Weishan Emperor. Rather than saying that we are the Trinity Weishan Emperor, it is better to say that the three of us are the creators of this power. , and users"

"Because of this power, we are not only immune to multiple unique concepts, we can even induce similar concepts"

"You can do the same. Once you become diverse, your wife and children can be enveloped by your plurality, and their identity can become a special concept and will no longer be affected by the concept of plurality and uniqueness."

·· ·········Asking for flowers 0 ·······

·· ·········Asking for flowers 0 ·······

Locke was silent for a while:"Does that mean that if I give birth to a group, everyone in this group can support the individual, and there will be no impact?"

"Are you worried about violating the rules of the universe, right? That's not true. Diversity and multiplicity are two different concepts. Even if there are two polymorphisms, it is difficult to give birth to children. Moreover, even if there are children, they will only be the first-generation children, or return to the ancestors. Only future generations can enjoy this treatment"

"Compared to your children, your wife is actually the most generously treated, because there is no limit on the number."

"However, once you reach a certain amount, you will still be restricted, and you will probably be asked to sign some kind of contract and abide by certain rules."

"Of course, as long as the number is not ridiculously high, no one will care about it. At present, as long as it does not exceed three digits, neither the Five Gods nor the Life Tribunal will care."

Locke nodded. This is good news.

But soon, Locke frowned again. He heard the three people on the opposite side say this, and they attacked the single target honestly. To be honest, Locke was not worried, but If we don’t become a single entity, how can we become plural?

........ 0

........ 0

Perhaps, we can follow the path of the three people in front of us and use the power of unification to forcibly enter diversity? Similar to the alternative sermons seen in previous lives.

At this time, Hogs, who was like an old man, spoke for the first time.

"You want to ask about the power of unity, not only to understand diversity, but also to understand your power, the three major powers of the universe."

Locke nodded.

A strange color appeared in Hogs' peaceful eyes:"To be honest, you can already be called a miracle."

"The ancient origins of the three major powers of the universe are hard to explain even to us, but I can tell you one thing."

"You don’t need to complete the great unification of power, you just need to continuously cultivate the three great powers. The three great powers come together in one body, which in itself is a more mysterious thing than the great unification."

"You only need to cultivate the three powerful forces to the level of the Heavenly Father, and you will have power that is not inferior to that of a super unit, which is enough for you to have a certain ability to protect yourself in the face of diversity. Once all are promoted to a unit, you will be the strongest batch. Diverse."

And once you cultivate all three powers to the multi-dimensional level, you can accomplish a great miracle!"

"Big miracle?"

"That’s right, a big miracle!"

"You should have heard Xiao Gu Yi say that miraculous beings, born titans, can easily reach supermonomers by growing naturally, and the probability of even becoming multiple is not low."

"Titan is very strong, but it is actually just a small miracle, completely different from the big miracle you have."

"The great miracle in you is composed of three small miracles. It possesses the three powerful powers of the universe at the same time, so that the three do not devour each other. As long as you complete the last miracle, that is, cultivate all three powerful powers to the multi-dimensional level, you can complete the great miracle. Miracle"

"What is the use of great miracles? Make me stronger than all diversity?"

"No~" A meaningful smile appeared on Hogs' old face.

"Small miracles are related to diversity. Big miracles, above that, you will become the second great being."

Suddenly, Locke's heart was filled with turmoil.

It was not because he would become the second great, but because of another problem!

The three great powers gathered together, and it turned out to be a road to the OAA level!

Then the problem is, this greatness What's the most difficult thing about miracles?

It's not about cultivating diversity, or making the three powers not swallow each other up, but having them at the same time!

Then the question is, just create a meditation technique, and let Locke have this foundation. , in the end...

So, was this the real reason why Gu Yi reminded him so solemnly not to let Tom blur the idea that he was a cat? 77.

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