American exorcist god

Chapter 62 The Fierce Place

Xu Yi looked away from the alchemy revolver with difficulty, took a deep breath, and changed the subject, "On the way in just now, I seemed to have seen the church's pastor. What are they doing here?"

James did not force Xu Yi to make a decision immediately. He smiled and replied: "Don't worry about them. They want me to close Tianhai Lake Resort. Do you think this is ridiculous?"

"Why is this?" Xu Yi suddenly became interested.

"There used to be a legend of a demon circulating in this area, but the legend is just a legend after all, and it is not credible at all. Besides, it was all a long time ago." James shook his head.

Xu Yi glanced at James in surprise, why is it such a "dangerous place" again?

The same goes for the old theater before, and so does this resort. Could it be that James started his business using this method, right?

Xu Yi really guessed it right. The reason why James was able to rise in such a short period of time was to develop "dangerous areas" everywhere.

After all, "ferocious land" is really cheap. As long as it is developed, the profits can be dozens of times higher. Who wouldn't be confused by this?

"The people in the church are too suspicious and too lenient. Where can the devil come from in this place? Besides, before the development, I have invited several exorcists to investigate, and there is no problem at all." James looked disdainful. .

Even if this flag is set, the protagonist can't stand it! Xu Yi wanted to complain.

Of course he understands what James is thinking. The benefits of developing this place are so great, how can a capitalist endure it?

There is a saying that is a perfect portrayal of capitalists.

When capitalists have 50% profit, they will take desperate risks; when they have 100% profit, they dare to trample all laws in the world; when they have 300% profit, they dare to risk the gallows!

Xu Yi also secretly reminded himself that he must have a good balance between risks and benefits. Although there are resurrection coins, he still needs to be cautious.

"The government supports the development of this place. I have invested so much and it is about to open, but the church wants me to close it. Do you think this is too overbearing?"

As a tycoon, James is now like an old woman in the vegetable market, chattering endlessly. It is conceivable that the other party was under a lot of pressure during this period and had great opinions on the church.

"That's true." Xu Yi hesitated.

Regardless of whether there were problems in this place, he would only come here once and would not get involved in the conflict between James and the church.

There's no way something would happen just once, right?

Xu Yi quickly stopped his thoughts and thought about it in his mind. It shouldn't be considered a flag, right?

He diverted his attention by looking out into the distance.

On the beach in the distance, a group of slender beauties in swimsuits were playing with each other and walking towards the lake. This kind of weather is indeed very suitable for swimming, especially in such a beautiful place.

"Today is the first time Tianhai Lake is open. Why, Mr. Xu is interested?" James caught Xu Yi's gaze.

Xu Yi shook his head, "I can't swim, so forget it."

Of course he is not a landlubber. I remember when he was fascinated by sea hunting, he even learned to dive for a period of time, and his swimming skills were quite good.

He just didn't want to cause trouble, and after dealing with James, he planned to leave.

James has too many extravagances. If you give him a sea-to-sky feast, a swimsuit party or something, it would be hard to refuse? After all, which cadre can withstand such a test?

At this moment, heavy dark clouds rolled in from the southeast, as if they were going to crush the whole world.

Xu Yi frowned and stared at the sky. It was a sunny day just now, but in just a few seconds, dark clouds covered the sky and the sky turned completely dark.

This sudden change in weather gave Xu Yi an ominous premonition.

Rolling thunder and lightning gathered deep in the clouds, like countless ferocious beasts roaring in the dark clouds. When the thunder and lightning gathered to the extreme, branch-shaped lightning fell suddenly, sounding like thunder, lighting up the dark sky.

Xu Yi stared at the lightning, something was wrong! There's something wrong with that lightning!

He sensed a strange aura from the lightning. The lightning was not naturally generated, but was drawn down by something.

Lightning struck directly in the center of the lake, and lightning flashed in all directions.

"Help! Help! Someone is drowning!" A scream suddenly came from the lake.

James' face was gloomy. Today is the first day the resort is open, and something like this happened. It will definitely have an impact on the resort's business.

Fortunately, there are professional lifeguards at the lake. After hearing that someone was drowning, the lifeguards had already swam to the center of the lake.

The lifeguard dived into the water and did not surface for a long time.

The uneasiness in Xu Yi's heart became more intense. At this time, he noticed with sharp eyes that a ball of red blood surged from the center of the lake, and soon dyed a small area of ​​the lake red.

"It's dead! It's dead!"

This scene happened in full view of the public, and there was no way to hide it. People on the shore screamed and ran away.

"Let someone go over and see what's going on!"

James gave orders to his men. As for himself, of course, he packed up his things and prepared to run away.

He is worthy of being an experienced "dangerous land" development tycoon. When something goes wrong, he immediately runs away. Xu Yi can't help but feel inferior to him when he sees his swiftness.

Xu Yi didn't have time to accuse "Zhan Paopao" because he was also preparing to leave.

He ran to the door and suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" James saw Xu Yi's abnormality and asked strangely.

"Do you feel that the area around this house has become too quiet?" Xu Yi tensed up and looked around warily.

The cold sweat on James' forehead fell instantly, it was indeed too quiet.

The place where they are located is the "King of Buildings" of the resort, which is reserved for their own enjoyment.

Although there weren't many people on the terrace, there was actually an entire security team lurking around the house, as well as plenty of cooks and waiters.

I could occasionally see these people before, but now they are all gone.

Huge fear enveloped him, and James subconsciously opened the safe and held the Alchemy Revolver Messiah tightly.

"What is the demon legend you mentioned before?" Xu Yi's face also looked very ugly. He didn't expect that something could happen even if he came here just like this.

"It's just a very common legend. It is said that there used to be a demon wandering here, killing people when he saw it, and then disappeared for some reason! Can this kind of legend be taken seriously?" James was a little irritated.

It is indeed a very common legend. Xu Yi has not heard of this kind of legend for one thousand, but there are eight hundred. No wonder James doesn't take it seriously.

"By the way, this place wasn't called Tianhai Lake before. I thought the original name was unlucky and not nice, so I changed it." James suddenly remembered something.

"What's your name?" Xu Yi turned his head suddenly and stared at James closely. He suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Crystal Lake." James replied softly.

James, I’m going to fuck you!

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