American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 32 Temporary Nanny

In a dark room, the light of several computers illuminated a woman with disheveled hair in front of her.

She was wearing a tank top and shorts, squatting on a stool, revealing her explosive figure. Unfortunately, no one could see it. She was listening to the words coming from the phone, tilting her head and looking confused.

"Vance? Little gangster?"

She held the phone between her shoulders and face, mumbling, her hands flying on the keyboard, the sound was so fast that afterimages appeared.

"Yeah." Yorks responded as he walked away. "It should have been established for some time and is related to the Grizzly Bear Gang. I suspect that its main body is the Grizzly Bear Gang."

"Grizzly Bear Gang?" The woman's dyed eyebrows raised slightly, and the speed of her hands became faster. With her speed, several computer screens quickly appeared on the screens of the Grizzly Bear Gang and its activities, as well as some related information. information……

Yorks seemed to be able to hear the non-stop popping sound and said calmly.

"Well, that's all I know."

Today's intelligence dealers keep pace with the times. In addition to their own resources, their hacking skills are also not low. The Hannah he knows is exactly such a person. For many things, she only needs to use the Internet to search for some more reliable information, and then communicate with her. Combined with the information she knew, they were basically inseparable.

When exorcising demons, information dealers like Hannah are most useful. If he wants to find out the story behind it, such as who died in the house, what happened at that time, or some family information, he will basically give it to her.

This can save a lot of time and energy, and also give him time to plan.

Of course, he also spent a lot of money, so he felt that the money was not enough.

"There is very little information. I have to go to the dark web and ask my colleagues to find out."

The lazy voice of Sister Yu came from the mobile phone. Yorkshire could imagine Hannah's current posture, but imagination was imagination, and he also knew the underlying meaning of Hannah's words, which was nothing more than asking for money.

"How much?"

"Humph." Hannah, who was still flipping through information, had a smirk in her eyes.

"One hundred thousand!"

However, what she didn't expect was the voice of agreement coming from her phone.

"Okay, it's still the same account, right?"

Hannah blinked, her hands that kept flying stopped, she said in surprise.

"Father, are you so rich?"

In her memory, the man in the divine robe would confidently cut the price in half and then bargain with her.

"No money."

The man's always calm response sounded, and then beep beep...

Hannah's expression froze for a moment, she didn't expect that the other party would hang up so quickly.

"Fk! Damn priest, die!"

The sound of cursing, accompanied by the increasingly fierce sound of pressing keys, echoed in this small room.

And Yorks had arrived at his church at this time. He didn't know that someone was cursing him, and even if he knew it, he didn't care. After all, if even the vicious devil cursed him, he would definitely go to hell.

Entering the main building, Yorks looked at the altar in the hall, which was still illuminated by candlelight. As he walked towards the statue of Jesus, he took off his robe, ceremonial belt, collared shawl and vest.

He still felt that these things were too troublesome, not to mention too complicated, so it was better to just have this divine robe.

When he reached the statue of Jesus, Yorks stopped, closed his eyes, made the sign of the cross to the statue of Jesus, and continued walking to the lounge next to it.

However, for some reason recently, things have been happening all at once, and at this moment, his cell phone rang again.

Listening to the ringtone, Yorks walked into the lounge and walked towards the cabinet, taking out his mobile phone.

"Gabrielle?" The caller surprised Yorks. As soon as the call was connected, the caller's thick voice came over.

"York, I heard that you exorcised another demon and an evil spirit?"

York's eyebrows raised slightly, "How did you know?"


In a room full of bookshelves, a priest with a thick build and frosty temples was sitting on a chair. He looked out the window at the setting sun and smiled.

"Your carrier pigeon has arrived a long time ago, and the letters are being filed and stored in the secret room. You know, I am about to enter the secret room and have the right to check it."

When Yorks stopped, he thought of the old priests in the secret room of the headquarters. Those old priests were not only the guardians of the headquarters, but also exorcists. To put it simply, the old priest who introduced him was about to retire.

"Have you thought about it?"

"Well, I'm used to it, but I'm still not used to it when I come out."

"Okay." Yorks didn't try to persuade him any more. The secret room of the headquarters was a prison for him, but it was a glory for a religious and pure priest.

"You called me just to tell me this?"

"Of course not." Gabrielle, who had gray hair on her temples and a thick figure, did not change her expression.

"I want you to help me review the trainee Father Archibald. Today is the day he becomes a regular priest, which means that the trainee Father Archibald is about to perform his first exorcism."

Hearing this, Yorks stuffed everything in his hands into the cabinet and said.

"This is not within the scope of my responsibilities, is it? Gabrielle, you should know my purpose. I joined the church to exorcise demons, not to be a nanny."

Gabrielle began to feel a dull pain in his head. The other person was the heir he was most satisfied with, but he was also the one who caused him the most headache. He threatened to quit the church every day.

"Yorks, just this once, if I hadn't been free, I wouldn't have looked for you. The trainee Father Archibald should be here by now."

Listening to the words coming from the mobile phone, Yorks seemed to begin to feel someone walking into the church. He kept answering the phone and walked out of the lounge to the altar in the hall.

As soon as he came out, Yorks saw a trainee priest wearing a priest's robe and carrying a backpack walking cautiously in the middle of the rows of benches on both sides.

"The man seems to be here. Just this time, Gabrielle, if you want him to become a real exorcist, just let him bear the risk of exorcism. Otherwise, it would be good to become an ordinary priest. I am very busy." ,Gabrielle..."

He is indeed busy. After getting the information about Vance, the gangster, he still has to avenge Old Brown.

Gabrielle's face stiffened, and finally she said helplessly.

"You should look at this child first."


Yorks hung up the phone unceremoniously, looked at the trainee priest who still had a childish look on his face and shook his head.

He knew exactly what Gabrielle wanted from him. To put it bluntly, he wanted him to be a nanny to ensure the safety of the trainee priest.

However, Yorks didn't understand why this kid wanted to become an exorcist. After all, exorcism is risky, and even in serious cases, one could die during the exorcism process...

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