American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 53 Impressive Hailey

"Father Yorks!"


When Yorke appeared, he immediately became the center of attention and attracted everyone's attention.

This group of people turned their heads like woodchucks at the sound of the wind.

"Father Yorks..."

Yorks nodded, first glanced at Mr. and Mrs. Baker and Jeffrey, then glanced around, not mentioning what happened last night at all and smiled.

"Good morning everyone, are you waiting for me to open the door?"

Seeing the priest's appearance, everyone did not mention what happened last night and nodded subconsciously.

York's smile remained unchanged and he made the sign of the cross. There is a high probability that he may have gained a new group of believers.

“The Lord sees your efforts.”

With that said, Yorks walked towards the quiet church of Time.

"Come in, everyone."

"Yes, Father."

Everyone followed silently, and Baker and Jeffrey looked at each other and followed.

With the influx of these people, the church, which had always been clean, became more lively or popular.

This feeling that is different from the past is indeed quite good, and it also makes Yorkist think about hiring some people to tidy up or tidy up the church and clean up the piles of fallen leaves outside.

It is indeed not a problem that the believers take the initiative to clean every time, although these believers are also happy to do so and feel satisfied.


"Father! Thank you for your help last night."

Another young couple came over to express their gratitude.

Yorks, who had been standing at the edge of the stage, kept his expression unchanged and smiled gently.

"This is an instruction from the Lord."

The young couple looked at each other, both smiled, nodded in response, took out some banknotes and stuffed them into the donation box in the middle, bowed their heads to Yorkshire and signaled to leave. They decided to come again in the future.

York's smile remained unchanged, he made the sign of the cross and bowed his head in return.

"The Lord will bless you, Amen."

One after another, but the one that impressed him the most was a woman bringing her daughter.

Wearing a red hoodie, his eyes moved very flexibly. He always asked him some questions secretly and left the rest unspoken. The last question made him look at him with suspicion.

For example, she accidentally encountered an extremely vicious perverted murderer who may have killed her best friend, but there was no evidence, but she still wanted to execute the pervert herself and asked him if the priest supported it.

Such a cruel question made Yorkist couldn't help but take a look at the girl in front of him who was probably only a teenager. She had short hair, a heroic temperament, and a flexible aura.

"I think you should tell the two police officers about this. If what you say is true, they will definitely bring the murderer to justice."

Who knew that this girl named Hailey Julia glanced at the Bakers and Jeffrey sitting on the bench over there, put her hands in her coat pockets, and sighed like an adult.

"Father, he is very cunning. He is a person who has done many bad things, but is still very innocent. With just a few words, those two dear police officers may not believe me. Even if they do, there is not enough evidence. His home cannot be searched."

As he said this, the girl scratched her head in annoyance.

"He is a well-known photographer. He will definitely take something. If his home cannot be searched, it means that no evidence can be found..."

Hearing this, Yorks raised his eyebrows slightly. He could feel that this girl seemed to have been checking for a long time. Otherwise, how could she know that such a seemingly innocent person was a perverted murderer just from her words? magic?

"Child, you seem to need my help very much?"

Hearing this, Hailey raised her head and took a serious look at the tall priest, who was extremely respected by her mother, a strong woman.

Although she was young, she was not stupid. From her mother's attitude towards the priest and today's big news, she knew that the explosion might have something to do with the priest.

Yorks saw the girl in front of him frowning slightly, seeming to be thinking very seriously, and simply smiled.

"If you need it, then I will definitely help you. At least I will ensure your safety."

Nothing else, just her mother's donation just now, for a potential believer, he was willing to give this help.

Unexpectedly, this girl nodded, shook her head, and said very forcefully.

"No! I can solve it myself. I just want to ask you, do you support me?"

As if as long as he supported her, she would feel more confident and courageous. Yorks subconsciously looked around at the people around her.

"Then you have to tell me first, how did you confirm that this innocent person is a pervert? For example, how did you find out that he is a pervert..."

Hailey took a deep breath and scanned the hall. When she found that no one was paying attention, she began to speak in a low voice.


"My best friend disappeared and was killed and molested to death a few days later. I knew her character and would not disappear for no reason, so I started..."


The girl spoke very logically, and Yorkshire also felt that this was possible.

At the same time, she suddenly discovered that this photographer had taken pictures of her best friend. The most important thing was that on the day of the photo, her best friend disappeared mysteriously after calling to report that she was safe.

"That's all I found." The little girl said through gritted teeth with a fierce look in her eyes.

"But I'm pretty sure this perverted photographer is the murderer!"

Yorks pursed his lips, glanced at the people in the hall again, then looked at the statue of Jesus, and made the sign of the cross on his chest.

"Child, if you have the ability and confirm that this is a perverted murderer, then I will definitely support you, tooth for tooth, blood for blood."

As soon as he said this, Yorks noticed that the girl's eyes started to shine a little, and he couldn't help pouring a bucket of water.

"But you are still too young now. For your safety, I think you must tell me before you act, otherwise I will tell your mother, Ms. Julia, and the two police officers..."

Suddenly being stabbed in the back by the priest next to her, Haili fell silent for a moment, as if she regretted that she shouldn't have told him.


After a long time, Yorkshire spoke out because he saw someone coming over.

"Child, it seems you don't want to agree?"

Hailey finally couldn't help but sigh,

"Okay, Father, I'll tell you."

"Well, your mother is here. We will talk in detail about how to do it later."

Yorks smiled brightly. He felt that this matter was likely to trigger a random mission.

Hailey stood up immediately and looked at her mother who was walking over.

Ms. Julia glanced at her daughter, looked at Yorks and lowered her head to indicate her intention to leave.

"Father York, we will come again next time."

With that said, she gestured to her daughter. Hailey could only purse her lips and follow her mother obediently, watching the priest sullenly.

Yorks made the sign of the cross, glanced at the girl who impressed him, and smiled gently.


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