American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 95 Hunchbacked Man

Music is composed of various elements such as melody, rhythm and beat.

Although his recitation lacks many elements, it does not prevent him from thinking that it is a song, and it is also a song that makes you cry and he laughs.

Under Janet's confused gaze, Yorkes took out his mobile phone and clicked on the playback icon that he had been waiting for for a long time in the software that had already connected multiple Bluetooth speakers.

With one click, as data is transmitted, sound suddenly appears from the Bluetooth speakers placed everywhere.

Suddenly, the sound of uniform recitation echoed throughout the house.

[Our father in heaven]

[May your name be hallowed,]

[May your kingdom come]

[May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven]

[Give us today our daily bread]

[Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors]


Main room.

Ed found the source of the sound, a Bluetooth speaker, and said to everyone.

"This is the Immanuel Prayer (Lord's Prayer), and this may be the arrangement of the priest."

After hearing this explanation, the already nervous Peggy family relaxed a little.

"It's a pity that all the equipment is at the priest's side, and we don't know what the situation is outside."

Ed shook his head, feeling a little regretful as he listened to the non-stop recitation.

"Ed, the priest must have his considerations." Rowling consciously came up and grabbed Ed's hand to express comfort.

Ed held it back hard, "Yeah, I understand."

Rowling returned a gentle smile, her gaze resting on the Bluetooth speaker that kept making sounds.

She doesn't know why, but she always feels that this speaker has a calming power.


Luo Lin thought in her mind, with curiosity in her eyes, but in the end she obeyed the priest's instructions and continued to block her spiritual sense and perception.

same moment.

Yorks threw away his cell phone, picked up SHAK-12, and listened to the faint screams in his ears, with a smile on his face.

As expected, holy energy can have the desired effect no matter what monster it faces.

Because it represents whiteness and light, it is poison to monsters full of dark energy or monsters with dark attributes such as evil spirits.

As the recitation reached its climax, the screams outside became more and more intense.

The monster's roar was at the location he predicted, the tent in the corner.

The screams ebbed and flowed, until finally a crackling sound was heard outside. York's expression did not change, he just looked at the bed and smiled gently.

"Did you hear that?"

Janet blinked and nodded obediently as she listened to the nursery rhymes mixed in with the recitation. This was originally a nursery rhyme she and her brother Billy often sang. In order to change her brother Billy's stuttering symptoms, this song was She knew the foreign nursery rhymes by heart.

[There once was a hunchbacked man]

[He walked on the winding path]

[He finds a crooked sixpence]

[On a crooked staircase]

[He bought a crooked kitten]

Seeing this, York, who also heard the nursery rhyme, gave a thumbs up. This is a good seedling worth cultivating.

At this moment, the nursery rhymes suddenly stopped and were replaced by howls, and then there was the sound of something punching through the aisle, bang!


Yorks looked at the laptop screen next to him and saw the monster that appeared on the surveillance camera with an umbrella piercing the floor. He silently checked the SHAK-12 in his hand again to confirm that there was no problem. He smiled gently at Janet who was sitting obediently on the bed.

"Kid, I'll go over there and be back in a while."

Hearing this, Janet's expression showed hesitation, and she whispered while hesitating.

"Father, can I go with you?"

York's eyebrows raised slightly, and he wanted to refuse, but thinking of him who was still in a state of mist, he immediately smiled and said,

"Come on, follow me."

Perhaps having Janet as the source by his side would allow him to deal with any emergencies in a timely manner.

"Yeah!" Janet nodded vigorously, stood up immediately, and stood beside the priest obediently.

York's expression remained unchanged, he turned around with SHAK-12 in hand and slowly walked toward the door with Janet, his little tail.

At this time, the noise outside was getting louder and louder, and the sound of something being inserted into the aisle kept ringing.


An angry roar rang out, followed by a sudden snap of a gust of wind. Something was damaged, and the uniform recitation was missing a corner and became smaller.

"Did you destroy the Bluetooth speaker?"

With no expression on his face, Yorks turned the doorknob and opened the door.

As the door quickly opened, everything appeared in front of him.

In the dim corridor, a monster that was more than two meters tall and almost reached the ceiling appeared next to the tent in the corner.

He was thin, with a hunched back, and his movements were somewhat staggering, like a skeleton.

He was dressed in tatters, wearing a tight-fitting red uniform, wrapped tightly, like a shadow of death. He was still holding a long and slender umbrella in his hand. His fingers were dry and pale, and his nails had become long and sharp. , looks as sharp as a razor.

Wearing a worn-out black top hat on his head, the brim of the hat was drooped, almost covering his entire face. Only his terrifying eyes could be seen through the brim of the hat.

Even so, Yorks could also see that the monster's face was covered with deep wrinkles and signs of sagging skin, giving it a haggard look.

It all combines to create a monster that is terrifying and eerie in its own right.

Seeing the familiar hunchback suddenly appear in front of her eyes, Janet, who was hiding behind York, froze.

The hunchbacked man seemed to be able to feel the presence of someone behind him. He turned around crookedly and clicked all over his body. It looked slow, but in fact it was very fast.

It grabbed the umbrella that had just destroyed the Bluetooth speaker that caused it pain and annoyance, and took advantage of the length of its hand and the length of the umbrella itself to stab Yorks.

boom! A strong wind suddenly sounded, and with this explosive wind alone, this air-piercing umbrella might be able to pierce the steel.

"You are so decisive."

Yorks sighed in his heart, and already pulled the trigger of SHAK-12 without any expression on his face.

boom! ! !

The sound of gunshots that startled everyone in the main room exploded, a cloud of sparks erupted from the muzzle of SHAK-12, and the 12.7 holy bullets instantly hit the pointed tip of the umbrella.

Ordinary bullets are naturally unable to withstand the dark airflow attached to the tip of the umbrella, but the 12.7 sacred bullets that have been attached with double buffs are different.

It smashed the umbrella that the hunchback stabbed from the beginning to the end, and went straight to its hand. However, the kinetic energy and power of the bullet itself were also weakened, and it stopped just at the handle of the umbrella, and then fell.

The hunchback man, who was already very excited by the recitation, opened his mouth full of sharp fangs and roared again,

The dark air flow it carried suddenly exploded, and the handrails on the side of the walkway exploded into cracks one after another, and even the tent behind it was blown away and hit the wall...

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