China Entertainment 2000

Chapter 16 Jay Chou: The life-saving grace will never be forgotten (please follow up)

Chapter 16 Jay Chou: The life-saving grace will never be forgotten (please read it~)

The lights were dim and the end of the corridor could not be seen.

A male figure wearing gray short-sleeves and blue cropped pants was crawling on the ground and squirming like a zombie that had lost its will. He was panting heavily and was accompanied by unexplained painful groans. He lowered his head and couldn't see half of the figure. Open your face.

If you change the studio and create a more scientific BGM, it would not be inconsistent at all to say that you are making a ghost movie.

Zhou Yi, who was exhausted mentally and physically after being trained for a day, was so frightened that he almost kicked out and sent this scary thing in the middle of the night to his death——

Especially when the man in the vest stopped squirming after hearing the sound, and slowly turned with difficulty in the direction of him.


Fortunately, Zhou Jielun's weak voice, as thin as a mosquito's moan, was not drowned out in this lonely corridor. The confused Zhou Yi subconsciously put his hand into his pocket and held the phone——

"Can you please, please help me... call me for first aid..."

After struggling to twist his body, Zhou Jielun raised his head, his pale face as horrified as if he had lost a lot of blood.

Zhou Yi, who thought he had encountered some kind of "Baodao gang murder and annihilation incident", finally saw this face, but a bit of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes——

Damn it? Jay Chou? !

As someone who has enjoyed the benefits of the last wave of the Age of Gods in the Chinese music scene, Zhou Yi is no stranger to Jay Chou's face. Obviously, the person lying on the corridor floor moaning in embarrassment is the young Jay Chou.

Was this a pout?

Seeing the famous musical talent in his memory burst into his field of vision in such an embarrassing way, Zhou Yi was somewhat stunned on the spot. This actually made Jay Chou who was extremely anxious and uncomfortable——

"I... am not a bad person. Could you please... please call me for first aid? We seem to have a bad stomach. It may be food poisoning..."

Feeling increasingly confused, Jay Chou gritted his teeth and held on. At the same time, he pointed at the door of his brother Liu Genhong's house, indicating that he was not the only one with problems: "There are... there are two other people inside, just like me... …”

"I understand, please take a moment."

After reacting, Zhou Yi took out his mobile phone from his pocket and instinctively pressed the three numbers 120 on the keyboard. Then his movement to dial the number suddenly stalled: "What is that, buddy, you Baodao Province?" What’s the emergency number?”

"119, 119, 119 is the emergency number."

Although he was surprised by Zhou Yi's question, Jay Chou quickly realized that this visitor, who might have just arrived in Treasure Island, gave the answer.

Zhou Yi immediately dialed the emergency number and directly informed the other party that there was someone here who needed first aid——

"Yes, they said it was food poisoning. It looks very bad."

After settling down Jay Chou in the corridor, he followed his guidance and entered Liu Genhong's home through the wide open door. Zhou Yi immediately saw the woman lying on the sofa in the living room foaming at the mouth——

Judging from her appearance, she was the woman she met when passing by the basketball court in the community.

Immediately, there was the young version of Liu Genhong lying weak on the floor.

Wen Lan, who was almost in coma, had no reaction at all to the outside world. Liu Genhong, who was so weak that he couldn't even hold the phone, raised his head with difficulty and looked at the figure who broke into his home——

"A total of three people needed first aid, one of whom was a young woman and the other two were young men. Among them, the young woman was foaming at the mouth and her life was suspected to be in danger."

After quickly informing the emergency center of the scene, Zhou Yi hung up the phone and carried Wen Lan out of the sofa with the most severe symptoms.

After placing him side by side with Jay Chou in the corridor, he turned around and lifted out the heavier Liu Genhong.

"Hey, hey, wake up, wake up, don't fall asleep. You might actually go there if you fall asleep."

Zhou Yi patted the faces of Liu Genghong and Wen Lan with both hands, and asked them to stay away from the scene of the incident. Zhou Yi hurriedly shouted. At the same time, he did not forget to greet Zhou Jielun on the other side, who had recovered a little bit, to come over, but his expression was somewhat grim. There are some weird things that can't be hidden.

He already remembered what this was all about.

There is a life-long friendship between Jay Chou and his good brother Liu Genhong. The reason is that before Jay Chou debuted, he took too long in the shower at Liu Genhong's house, which caused a gas leak. Wen Lan and Wen Lan were almost killed. Liu Genhong and himself were killed on the spot.

In the end, Jay Chou, the only young man who could barely move, crawled out of the house and knocked on each door. Finally, he finally found a neighbor who was willing to open the door and called the emergency department.

This is not hearsay, but an iron-clad fact, a fact that has been personally acknowledged by the parties involved.

"The emergency people are already on their way. You should resist them as much as possible."

Zhou Yi, who finally closed the door to Liu Genhong's house, came back and carried all three of them to the ventilated area of ​​the corridor. Zhou Yi finally took a breath, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the only one of the three who still maintained his posture. Looking at the sober young Jay Chou.

Whether it was time to say anything or not, one of the other two was frothing at the mouth and fell into coma, the other was so weak that he couldn't speak because of his crooked mouth and eyes, and the only one left, Zhou Jielun, although his face was pale, actually recovered a lot.

Should I say that I have good physical fitness, or should I say that I am lucky?

"Thank you, thank you very much."

Seeing his friends being picked out one after another, a trace of gratitude immediately appeared on Jay Chou's pale face: "Thanks to your help, otherwise I don't know what to do.

"If it weren't for you, we might all have died here."

"You're welcome."

Zhou Yi waved his hand, trying hard to manually keep the other two awake for the last time, while talking to Jay Chou with words to prevent him from falling asleep due to no one talking to him for a long time: "My name is Zhou Yi, what about you?"

"My name is Jay Chou."

"My dear, it's quite a coincidence." Listening to the answer he already knew, Zhou Yi smiled: "I just came to Baodao from the mainland a few days ago, so I was not familiar with the emergency phone number here."

After someone started talking, Jay Chou's condition improved significantly as he breathed a lot of fresh air.

Although the paleness on his face has not faded, at least his speech will not stop intermittently, and he can even stand up slowly while holding on to the wall: "So I am a friend from the mainland, I am really sorry to trouble you."

"It's a trivial matter, but what's going on with you? Did you eat poisonous mushrooms?"

Although he knew very well what was going on, Zhou Yi obviously couldn't play with the character design that he was born with. As someone who had just saved someone, it was only reasonable for him to ask what happened now that he was free.

"I don't know, but I suspect it is food poisoning. I haven't eaten much of my portion of the meal, so the poisoning is not serious. Gen Hong and Wen Lan have both eaten, so the poisoning is very serious."

Zhou Jielun, who was leaning against the wall, recalled everything he had experienced today, and naturally identified his uneaten dinner as the culprit.

Zhou Yi, who knew the answer, couldn't find a reason to correct it for a while.

Is it possible for him to say it was a gas leak?

Don't make trouble, the gas is colorless and odorless. He doesn't know the specific location of the gas leak at all. If he is questioned by the police afterwards and can't explain the reason, he will be in trouble.

"Oh, by the way, that muscular man with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes is Gen Hong, Liu Genhong. The woman next to him is Wen Lan."

After being introduced to the two people who had lost the ability to speak, Jay Chou, who felt that he could stand up straight, stamped his feet on the spot, grinning in a very happy manner.

And just as the two of them were chatting with each other, the ambulance that hurriedly led the emergency team after receiving the call for help also drove downstairs of the community.

After hearing the sound, Zhou Yi subconsciously walked to the window and looked down, but unexpectedly found that besides the ambulance, there was actually a news vehicle?

"What's that, Jie Lun, when the ambulance is dispatched from Baodao, do we still have to send a news vehicle to follow it?" Zhou Yi's face was a little strange, and then he turned to look at Zhou Jie Lun, who was also confused.

The latter shook his head blankly: "I've never heard of it."

"Tsk, if there are reporters coming, it will be a bit troublesome."

Zhou Yi clicked his tongue, then took out his cell phone and called his agent Qian Jiang: "Hello? Brother Qian? I need to tell you something.

"I encountered something when I went home and saved three people. But the current situation is that reporters are coming. I don't know the rules here, so I think it's better to inform you about this matter."

"What did you say? Saved three people? And reporters are here?"

Qian Jiang, who was still at home, suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and his eyes suddenly burst out with a dazzling light: "Are you okay, A Yi?"

"Well, I'm fine. Don't be so excited, Brother Qian. It's better not to hype this kind of thing. I don't like to make a fuss about this kind of thing." Zhou Yi Mingming smelled out what his agent wanted to do almost instantly. Overcome one's own taboos.

Warner is a well-known expert in hype. Qian Jiang has been able to work here for so long, so he understands this skill well. He has to clarify his bottom line in advance.

Marketing a good persona can be overturned. If you are not careful, you may be kidnapped by morality in the future and your reputation will be ruined. He does not want to see this.

"Okay, I understand. Are you still over there in the East District? If you are, I'll come over now."

"Well, I'm right here. Thank you for your hard work, Brother Qian."

Zhou Yi politely thanked him for his hard work, then hung up the phone. He turned around and saw Jay Chou looking at him in surprise: "Are you an artist?"

"Well, it doesn't count just yet. I'm just signed by Warner. I'm working on my first album and haven't debuted yet." Zhou Yi raised the phone in his hand and explained to him with a smile.

"Well, if you need help in the future, I can help you."

After hearing about Zhou Yi's profession, Zhou Jielun's face flashed with surprise, and then his eyes were full of determination, and he introduced: "Actually, Gen Hong and Wen Lan are also artists, and I am a professional creator who specializes in writing The kind of song.”

It is true that not many people value his songs now, but Jay Chou still maintains confidence in his talent.

To take a step back, isn't there Brother Xian's company behind him?

This is a lifesaver, I can't repay him harshly, I'm sorry for putting him through so much trouble in the middle of the night.

He, Jay Chou, has always been a loyal person.

Zhou Yi's behavior was like that of ancient times, where people had to pay homage and praise their benefactors.

ps: Someone from the archeology department at Station B found the footage of the news report on this matter, and it was very funny... the ambulance was dispatched, but the media was filming behind it...

At that time, Jay Chou's face was marked because he had not debuted yet and was an amateur, but you could clearly see Liu Genhong's crooked mouth and squinting eyes when he was taken out, and he looked completely weak and weak.

If you are interested, you can go to station b to search for this report.

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