But when it came to the last critical step, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Many times, this kind of pain cannot be fully endured by a strong will.

Seeing that the other party was about to fall into coma, Roja slowed down the flow of magic power a lot. Finally, after a long process of three hours, the demon seed was successfully planted.

And what Roja planted was a complete [Demon Seed].

And Alina's will has been lingering on the edge of fainting.

Feeling the fierce beating of the opponent's heart, Roja smiled.

That's it, your first subordinate will be your number one henchman from now on.

Feeling the power reflected in her body, Alina finally breathed a sigh of relief and fainted completely.

Luo Ya took the little girl in the direction he came from. Although he said that he would give the other party freedom, well, at least he would not act so quickly, but the other party still had some small problems that he had not solved.

In the silent night, an afterimage flashed past, finally staying in the street where it came from.

The somewhat old middle-aged man was still standing where he was, and he did not leave.

But when the other party's eyes looked at the girl in Roya's arms, his expression changed. He subconsciously drew the knife with his left hand and shouted angrily at Roya: "You guy, what have you done?"

Without him, the girl in Luo Ya's arms was dying. Her breath was very unstable, her cheeks were pale, and a quick look at her clothes showed obvious creases, plus the pain on her face.

He really couldn't imagine what the other party had done.

As an old father who had taken care of each other since childhood, his expression was solemn and he exuded an overbearing aura.

The dark robe danced with the night, and he continued to speak in a mature voice: "Weak man, I am not as dirty and filthy as you think."

Roja walked up to the other party and handed the unconscious girl into his hands. The other party took the girl blankly and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Alina was actually unconscious and the rest of her body was intact.

After thinking for a while, Luo Ya said to the nominal eldest brother, the actual father: "Don't be nervous, I just gave her power, but getting power will never be that simple. After she knows it, it will be with you." After the cause and effect, I will come to her again. So, goodbye, weakling."

After completing the new plan to conquer his subordinates, Roja walked home with a slightly happy mood.

The mission was successfully completed, and the next time was to continuously exercise magic power and train Alice and Rudeus.

He quietly returned to his room, lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Roja had a good sleep. Although he came back a little late last night, with his mental recovery speed, he recovered in about three hours.

The reason why he didn't get up immediately was because he was in a different world to pick up girls.

It's nice not to be disturbed by others.

Roja got up, dressed and walked outside the house.

So, a new day begins.

In the morning magic class, teach the other person how to sense the magic in his body and how to create new magic.

But in fact, except for the fact that she is barely proficient in fire-attribute magic, Alice really knows nothing about the rest.

However, Roja never thought that he could finish teaching the other party so quickly.

After teaching magic, it was time to read, write, and arithmetic, which Alice hated.

On a whim, Luo Ya took out the problem of chicken and rabbit in the same cage in his previous life and asked the two of them to solve it together.

Alice didn't need to say anything, Rudeus was also confused.

He looked at the arithmetic problem in front of him and didn't react.

There are several chickens and rabbits in a cage. Counting from the top, there are 35 heads, and counting from the bottom, there are 94 legs. How many chickens and rabbits are there in the cage?

But Rudeus still had some talent after all. Although the question was rather strange, based on his high school life in his previous life, he finally figured out a wrong answer.

Under Roya's disdainful gaze, Rudeus smiled and scratched his head, feeling very embarrassed.

There is no way, all the knowledge from high school and junior high school was given back to the teacher when I became a otaku.

Roja started to explain the process, of course he just said a few words casually. His main purpose was to teach Alice, not to teach Rudeus, a fool.

Although Rudeus was a housekeeper in his previous life, as the saying goes, he was treated with admiration after three days of separation, not to mention that he was a reincarnated person. After a little thought, he knew the general solution.

The essence of this problem is a binary equation. If the teaching method is appropriate, primary school students can initially understand concepts such as unknown numbers and equations, and exercise their ability to abstract numbers from applied problems.

It's just that this is obviously too high for Alice. This is not something she can solve now, right?

Subconsciously looking at Alice who was counting her fingers stupidly next to her, she thought for a moment and removed it now. This was something she couldn't solve at all, right?

Luo Ya knew that the other party didn't know how to do it, so he directly gave him a set of addition and subtraction within ten. As for the set of arithmetic problems, he put them at the end and chose to do them.

As Alice calculated, she gradually became sleepy, then she lowered her head subconsciously, closed her eyes, and began Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Of course, Luo Ya couldn't hide the other party's sneaky fishery. Of course, Luo Ya didn't wake him up immediately. He waited for the other party to sleep for almost five minutes before knocking on the other party's forehead lightly or hard.

In an instant, the other party woke up from the table and looked up at Roja with a confused expression.

I looked at the paper below and continued to do my homework with a sad face.

This forty-minute small class was made to feel like the end of the world.

Finally, seeing the other party leave the living room with an excited expression, Roja also had a look of helplessness on his face.

She practiced swordplay in the afternoon and taught Alice magic, arithmetic and writing in the morning and noon.

Occasionally, in my free time, I will become an adventurer and accept some simple and easy tasks.

The adventurer's level is naturally rising. At night, he will switch to Shadow's vest to go shopping, look at his little disciple, and teach him a move or two.

As for whether the other party will be confused at one or two o'clock, this is not something that Roja should worry about.

Alina's troubles may not be big, but they are not small either.

The noble bought a group of bandits and a master, and prepared to attack Alina.

Roja had already learned about the situation and had been hiding behind the scenes to watch how Alina would solve the matter.

What he needs is not a reckless man.

After all, the other party did not disappoint Roja. This group of bandits was naturally not a strong guy, and the strongest person among them was just a guy who had just reached the level of an intermediate swordsman.

The most troublesome thing is that there are a lot of opponents.

After Alina noticed the abnormality around her, she directly showed her weakness to the enemy, took advantage of the terrain to easily throw the opponent away, and then hid in the darkness. When the opponent's boss passed by the street intersection cursing, Ai Lina Lina took action brazenly and cut her throat directly.

Then, without the boss, the other group of thieves were just chickens and dogs, and they were knocked unconscious by Alina's punches.

When he first saw Alina singing the middle-aged swordsman's voice so decisively, Roja raised his eyebrows subconsciously. He did not expect that Alina could be so decisive.

For an eight-year-old child to be able to end the other person's life so decisively and ruthlessly, it is indeed pretty good.

However, if that's all it is, it's not enough.

This is just the kidnapper, the real big shot has just appeared.

A man in gorgeous brocade clothes walked out of the shadows and looked at Alina with a joking smile.

Although this man was wearing brocade and satin, his eyes always had a frivolous look, and his eyes were always looking at Alina's body.

He applauded as he walked and joked: "What a vicious little guy, but it's a pity that you met me in the end."

This was a senior swordsman. To be honest, he was quite surprised to meet a senior swordsman in this place.

Alina looked at the other party with a gloomy face, and the other party showed an obscene smile to Alina. He smiled and said: "That noble spent a lot of money. To be honest, I don't know why the other party was willing to spend it. It took so much money to hire me, but now that I see you, I realize that the money was not wasted. Then, my dear little girl, it might be easier if you put down your weapon."

Elena's eyes were on the other party, and she held the sword tightly in her hand. The hilt of the sword was left to her by her old father. Their family's wealth was just that little, and a sword was too important for a warrior. The importance of sword is self-evident, and the price of a good sword is equally expensive.

The old father felt that he would not need the sword in the future, so he left the sword to Alina.

As a result, it really came in handy this time.

Alina is not tall, only 1.2 meters tall, and her old father's sword is almost as tall as her whole body.

Facing such a formidable enemy, Erina naturally had no intention of saying anything. She directly drew her sword and stepped forward. She easily put the sword to her waist with her right hand, and fighting energy began to wrap around her hand.

Although her swordsmanship is only intermediate, for a swordsman who can entangle fighting spirit, the gap between advanced swordsmen is not insurmountable.

Therefore, this fight still has to be fought.

The man smiled slightly and said regretfully: "It seems that you chose to struggle, so there is nothing I can do about it."

Three sharp weapons like darts instantly appeared in his sleeves, and he threw them in the direction of Alina.

Alina blocked with her sword and knocked away the hidden weapons one by one. The opponent took advantage of this gap to bully her and pulled out the sword from her waist.

The sword was more like a scimitar than a sword. The blade had a very obvious curvature. He drew the sword very quickly and rushed to Alina in almost one breath.

The man swung the scimitar in his hand, and the angle of the sword was so tricky that Alina was almost unable to parry it.

Alina dodged sideways, her little figure moved around, and adjusted her posture to prepare to attack the opponent again.

The sword failed, and the man didn't take it seriously. Elena's sword was also not slow, but unfortunately, with her combat experience, how could she be his opponent.

The scimitar in his right hand slashed horizontally to the right. This time he did not hold back because he could sense the force of the opponent's blow.

Swords collided with knives, making a harsh collision sound.

The man smiled and wanted to fight with the opponent.

The opponent's strength was indeed beyond his expectation, but it was not enough.

After all, Alina's learning time is still short and she has not been able to master the huge magic power of her body. Otherwise, how could she have reached this point.

She obviously still didn't pay enough attention to the other party.

As the battle situation became more and more dangerous, Roja stood aside and watched. To be honest, he really hoped that Alina could defeat the opponent.

But if the stalemate continues, the loser will definitely be Erina, and the opponent is the superior Hokugami-ryu swordsman. Although Roja looks down on Hokugami-ryu a little, what I have to say is that when it comes to small tricks, these guys are the best at it. .

There has been a stalemate until now. In fact, the other party did not expect that the white-haired girl in front of him would have such amazing explosive power, and he also had a rough estimate of the other party's strength.

However, his reaction was quite quick. After noticing something was wrong, he immediately used all his strength to deal with Alina.

Alina suddenly fell into a deadlock.

Although she was born with great strength, she was still an underdeveloped little girl, so how could she beat the opponent.

Elena dodged, held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and slashed towards the man again.

But the next moment, Alina was forced to change direction and swung her sword to the lower left.

The opponent's left hand held a dart again at some point, and the dart flew towards Alina again.

Alina had no choice but to block. After blocking the flying dart, the opponent already held a scimitar in his right hand and slashed towards Alina again.

Alina blocked in a hurry, but her strength was not as good as the opponent's. She blocked in a hurry again, and fell into a disadvantage almost instantly.

The next moment, the man suddenly kicked out, directly hitting Alina's body.

Alina looked at the other party in disbelief, and a huge force came from her abdomen, causing her to be kicked several feet away.

The other party looked at Alina whose body flew backwards with a slightly proud smile.

The moment the swords collided, the opponent had already taken out a hidden weapon and was preparing to assassinate Alina. He did not expect to be able to hit Alina, so when he shot out again, he immediately slashed towards Alina. Of course, this was still not possible. It was just a feint, he didn't want the opponent's life. The real killer move was this kick, and he used a lot of strength.

So when Alina fought to block the man, she had already lost.

Elena's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. This kick almost wiped out half of her fighting power.

Roja shook his head secretly, there was no need to watch the ending, he lost miserably.

But Alina suddenly shouted: "You guy, go to hell. May the great protection of fire come to where you ask for! The fierce and violent flames, burn up the huge favor!" Big fireball"

Alina spoke very quickly, and a huge amount of magic power instantly surged out of the outstretched hand, and the flames began to gather together.

The man's eyes narrowed, and the moment he saw the other party's movements, he subconsciously rushed towards Alina quickly.

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