The prosecutor stood up from his seat.

"Defendant, you and the deceased used to be in a relationship, right?".

"Yes. Hitomi Koyama said lightly.

"Because the deceased dumped you and then found a new love, you hold a grudge, so you hate out of love, kill the deceased, and blame the deceased's current girlfriend, right?" the prosecutor asked again.

"I didn't!" Hitomi Koyama denied.

The prosecutor asked a series of questions, and the purpose was only one thing, which was to say that Hitomi Koyama had a motive for killing the deceased.

After the prosecutor finished questioning, Ryuma stood up.

"Reina Ishizaki, a college student in Kakudo Town, broke up with her boyfriend, and even said that she was going to kill each other when they broke up, although they are no longer a couple, but they are still good friends. "

Noriko Katayama, a college student in Yonekayama, broke up with her boyfriend because she stepped on two boats, but the two did not become enemies. "

"According to the Ombudsman's opinion, all of them had a motive to kill, but in reality, none of them committed the murder!".

"Therefore, the opinion of the Public Prosecutor's Office that the defendant killed the deceased simply on the basis that the defendant and the deceased were once in a relationship is not tenable!"

"I'm done!" Ryuma asked, looking at the judge.

The prosecutor for the prosecution stood up again. At the same time in hand this set of photos.

"This is a bloodstained dagger found in the bag of the deceased's girlfriend! But in fact, it is impossible for a woman to cut off a person's head with a dagger!".

"According to the testimony of the criminal police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department, they found a piano wire with an iron hook tied to it in the tunnel of the roller coaster, and there were a few pearls on the piano line, and many pearls were also scattered in the tunnel of the roller coaster!".

"At the same time, according to the testimony of witnesses around him, the defendant was wearing a pearl necklace around his neck when he got on the roller coaster, but when he got off the roller coaster, the pearl necklace around his neck was missing!"

"In addition, according to the reasoning of Shinichi Kudo, a high school student detective who was present at the time, the only person who was able to put a piano wire around the neck of the deceased on a roller coaster in motion was the defendant who had practiced single and parallel bars!"

"Put all the evidence and testimony together, and there is only one result!"

"That is, the defendant killed the deceased out of love and hatred, and then blamed the deceased's girlfriend!".

"Although there are many couples who are still friends after a breakup, there are also many cases of killing their own couples because of love and hatred after a breakup!".

At that time, there were only eight passengers on the roller coaster, and only seven people were left after the dead. "

"Whether it is the motive for the killing, the conditions for the killing, or the evidence, all point to the defendant! Therefore, the murderer can only be the defendant!"

After the prosecutor finished speaking, Ryuma immediately stood up.

"I really didn't expect that you, from the Public Prosecutor's Office, would use such ambiguous words as 'maybe' when determining whether a prisoner is guilty or not!"

"You say that ordinary women can't cut off a person's head with a dagger, and I agree, but it is too far-fetched to conclude that the dagger was put into the deceased's girlfriend by the defendant in order to blame her girlfriend!".

"Were the defendant's fingerprints found on the dagger, and were the blood stains on the dagger compared with the blood of the deceased?"

Ryuma pulled out a document from his bag.

"This is the result of a dagger examination provided by a certain criminal police officer who could not bear to put an innocent defendant in prison!".

"The results showed that no fingerprints were found on the dagger. And the blood on the dagger does belong to the dead!".

"According to the prosecutor, the defendant had the opportunity to put the bloody dagger in the bag of the deceased's girlfriend only before committing the killing. But if this is the case, then how can the dagger be stained with the blood of the dead!".

Then the dragon horse took out another piece of information.

"Then there is the 'murder weapon' found at the scene of the crime, which is a piano string with an iron hook tied and these pearls strung together. "

"According to the identification of the personnel of the Identification Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, neither the iron hook, the piano wire, nor the pearl found at the scene of the crime were detected on the defendant's fingerprints!"

"Although it is indeed stained with the blood of the deceased, it does not mean that it is the defendant's pearl necklace!"

"In other words, the evidence provided by the police and the Ombudsman cannot determine that the deceased was killed by the defendant!"

"Moreover, I have some evidence here to prove that the murderer is someone else!".

The dragon horse said loudly.

The prosecutor of the prosecution was already a little panicked, he didn't expect that Long Ma would actually overturn all the evidence.

I didn't expect that Long Ma actually got the internal forensic report of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Moreover, what exactly will be the evidence that the dragon horse will come up with next.

Will it be the key to directly overturning this lawsuit?

And Conan and Xiaolan, who were sitting in the auditorium, also looked incredulous.

Xiaolan didn't expect Shinichi to make a reasoning error.

Conan, on the other hand, is reminiscing about the previous scene.

[Am I reasoning wrong......].

[No! My reasoning is correct!The murderer is that Hitomi Koyama, and if it wasn't for Ryoma coming out to stop her, she would have confessed by now!].

[However, what evidence does the dragon horse have......].

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