Conan: The winner is justice

Chapter 12 The First Battle (4)

As Sanae Sugita's testimony fell, basically at this time, the defendant was already in an advantageous position.

Not only the auditorium, but also the jurors above and even the judge all showed expressions of approval.

Damn it, so that's what that guy planned!

Only then did Long Xu Zhengnan suddenly realize. The eyes behind the square frames glared at the calm Gu Meimen opposite.

Gu Meimen did not attack his direct evidence statement just now, but simply admitted it. This was originally beneficial to the prosecution, but unexpectedly the witness's testimony completely turned against the defendant.

This has the opposite effect.

Because the strength of direct evidence is higher than indirect evidence, and everyone has previously admitted that this is direct evidence, then the claim of direct evidence is confirmed.

Once the witness's position reaches the opposite side, the strength of the direct evidence will also reach the opposite side, and it will become very difficult to deal with.

Still inexperienced!

In the gallery below, Kujo Reiko, the Madonna of prosecutors, looked at the flustered Tatsusu Masami and shook her head in disappointment.

I just complimented him a few words, but now he showed his true colors.

If it were her, she would question the witness in various ways at this time, asking her to tell the details of what she heard on the phone again, and asking her to demonstrate it in person. As long as the other party showed the slightest clue, she would be as dead as a snake. If you stick to that point, over time, the perjury made by the other party will be torn into pieces like the skin of a painting.

Obviously they are all students from the same class, why is there such a big gap?

Kujo Reiko glanced at Ryusu Masanna and then at the Gumei Gate, feeling a bit like she hated iron for not being able to become steel.

Here, Gu Meimen calmly began his speech.

Well said! Legal fairness must exist, and justice must exist! Miss Sugita, it is because of people like you that the world becomes so kind!

He pretended to applaud along with the spectators outside the court.

He didn't blush at all for telling such lies.

If telling a lie could bring out a piece of gold, Gu Meimen would build a castle dozens of times larger than Dusk Villa.

Obviously, my client was framed by the Metropolitan Police Department. Some unscrupulous policemen began to accuse and convict at will in order to increase the detection rate of cases! And the prosecutor's office also helped the evildoers and went along with the flow! Everyone still remembers the Japanese law enforcement in the last century The dark ages of the world?”

As soon as these words came out, the court fell silent.

The Japanese law enforcement community in the 1990s can be said to be a dark era. At that time, negative news broke out one after another about the Japanese police. Violent law enforcement, torture to induce confessions, infighting, corruption and other behaviors quickly reduced Japanese people's trust in the police.

This situation did not gradually improve until the Millennium Police Agency (not the Metropolitan Police Department, but an agency that supervises the police) formulated the Police Reform Outline.

Gu Meimen's words immediately caused everyone present to think deeply.

The judges and adjudicators in the court nodded.

A considerable number of people came from that era, and his remarks resonated quite a bit.


Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Long Xu Zhengnan became anxious and quickly stood up.

“What the defendant’s attorney said has nothing to do with this referee and is an inflammatory statement!”

The judge glanced at Gu Meimen and banged his gavel: The protest is valid, please let the defendant's attorney speak properly!

Gu Meimen shrugged and sat down.

However, the smile on his lips did not change.

Although the judge said that the other party's protest was valid, his purpose had been achieved.

At this time, in Gu Meimen's sight, the judge in the court and three jurors had a progress bar on their favorability and approval levels. With the words of the witness Sugita Sanae and him, the progress bar had risen a lot. .

In addition, Gu Meimen has always insisted on the defendant's innocence from the beginning, and everyone has begun to doubt the truth of this case.

The balance of fairness has begun to tilt at this time.

Over there, the advantageous point of direct evidence went to the defendant, and the atmosphere in the court also tended to the other side.

Long Xu Zhengnan knew that he might not be able to win this lawsuit.

Damn it, I won't give up like this!

He gritted his teeth secretly.

At this time, we can only provide the final evidence.

That was what Mouri Kogoro originally reasoned about, regarding what kind of commands Masayoshi Sakaguchi used to train his dog.

This evidence is valid as long as the instructions match the behavior of the dog being trained.

But even so, it is already difficult to defeat the opponent.

Because the opponent now has direct evidence, even if the dog training instructions are correct, it is only indirect evidence at best. The strength cannot compete with the opponent, and it will be judged as insufficient evidence.

The only thing we can do here is to try to adjourn the trial and postpone the lawsuit. During this period, we can find opportunities to collect other evidence to bring down the opponent.

After thinking about it for a while, Long Xu Zhengnan stood up.

In court, this court applies for the transfer of new evidence!

The application is valid!

The judge banged his gavel.

So Sugita Sanae was taken away.

Soon, a large cage containing a German shepherd, a tape recorder and a telephone were carried over by the judicial police.


Masayoshi Sakaguchi, who had been silent until now, couldn't help shouting.

It was his pet dog in the cage.

Now please cooperate with the defendant to demonstrate!

Long Xu Zhengnan took out a mobile phone from his arms.

According to the evidence from the Metropolitan Police Department, Masayoshi Sakaguchi’s instructions included the following steps.

Dial the phone and let it ring. After the call is connected, use the recorder to play the bell sound. Then Masayoshi Sakaguchi speaks the corresponding password, and then the dog will start to attack.

Long Xu Zhengnan dictated these steps in court.

If the defendant's instructions can indeed drive the dog to attack, then it proves that the defendant has the possibility of training a dog to kill and has the opportunity to carry out this behavior!

At least, we must first find a motive for the other party's crime and drag out the lawsuit!

The defendant and the defendant's attorney have no objection to this request, right?

Longxu looked southward towards Gumei Gate.

Of course I have no objection, after all, we are innocent here!

Gu Meimen still looked calm and extended her hand in a gesture of invitation.

Long Xu Zhengnan frowned, and the other party's attitude did not change at all compared to before.

Does this guy have a back-up plan?

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Ryusu Masami handed the phone to Sakaguchi Masayoshi.

Masayoshi Sakaguchi glanced at Gu Meimen next to him, with a worried look in his eyes.

No matter how eloquent Gu Meimen was before and how he bribed witnesses, the fact that he used commands to train dogs still exists.

As soon as it is demonstrated in court, it will be exposed immediately.

Go ahead and do it bravely, Mr. Sakaguchi. Justice and truth will not be distorted or tampered with because of the other party's slander!

Gu Meimen said righteously and winked at him.

Therefore, Masayoshi Sakaguchi had no choice but to use his mobile phone to make calls to himself in accordance with the prosecutor's request.


Masayoshi Sakaguchi's phone rang.

His phone is very retro, it's a cell phone that people used in the last century, so the ringtone is very recognizable.

After hearing the bell, the German Shepherd also stood up from the cage, bent its two hind legs backwards, and made a forward shaking motion that seemed to be attacking.


Long Xu Zhengnan's eyes lit up.

The behavior of the German Shepherd is the same as the previous demonstration by the Metropolitan Police!

Then, as long as the following dog training instructions are correct, this evidence will be judged to be valid, and the defendant will not be able to escape!

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