Conan: The winner is justice

Chapter 73 Gender advantage, emotional bonus, how to fight with me? (First order required)

Exit the hall and in the corridor to the referee's room.

Xiao Ai beside him remembered what happened just now and couldn't help but complain.

The last time I evaluated you, I stepped on every ant I saw on the roadside. Maybe I was wrong.

Gu Meimen raised her eyebrows: Oh, what should I say?

You should have seen an ant on the roadside. Not only did you step on it, but you also exposed the ant's body in the sun, and then threw it to the mantis or grasshopper in the grass to eat it. Finally, the mantis pulled out something Then feed the ants’ fellow ants.”

Vivid image, thank you for the compliment.

If you keep up the Kudo mentality, aren't you afraid that he will get anxious later and bring out his parents to deal with you?

Gu Meimen turned to look at her.

What, are you feeling distressed?


Xiao Ai shook her head and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing her unique little devil-like smile.

It's better to say, increase the intensity.

Gu Meimen looked at her eyes and smiled.

You are really merciless. Isn't he your past lover?

What a lover, don't talk nonsense. Xiao Ai rolled her eyes, Kudo and I just know each other. The only one I worry about from the beginning to the end is Xiaolan. After all, she has always been implicated in that self-centered reasoning maniac.

Oh, cheerleaders?

Go away! I can't hear any good words from your mouth!

I can't love you, so you want me to destroy him around Xiaolan?

You're such a pervert, if you keep talking nonsense I'll bite you!

Old monster, come on if you have the guts!


Damn! I was just joking!

When Gu Meimen came to the referee's room, the suit he was wearing had become streaked here and there, and it was covered with traces of scratches and bites from Xiao Ai's hands.

He hurriedly arranged his clothes and glanced angrily at Xiao Ai, who was already sitting in the auditorium and rolled her eyes at him.

This woman is really a dog. No, she should have been a dog in her previous life.

Not long after, the crowd was sparse. The plaintiff, defendant, defendant's lawyer, judge and others came to the referee's room one by one.

Gu Meimen glanced at the person on the judge's bench and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

A female judge in her forties or fifties who is about to go through menopause.

The legal industry is a liberal arts profession, and women often hold relevant positions.

Especially in recent years, women's status in society has become more and more important, and the call for women to serve as judges, prosecutors, lawyers, etc. has become stronger and stronger.

The trial begins now!

The female judge struck the hammer very hard.

This court session will be judged in accordance with the Japanese Civil Code! Now please ask the plaintiff's attorney to read your lawsuit requirements!

The sound of the hammer is so loud.

It shows that the mood is unstable and may be limited to the menstrual period.

Gender advantage, plus emotional bonus.

A sure win.

After Gu Meimen secretly analyzed it, she cleared her throat and stood up.

I, Komemon Kensuke, as a lawyer, have full authority to represent my client, Ms. Koshimi Nanatsuki, in her litigation matters.

The facts of the lawsuit are as follows.

First, during the Detective Koshien incident a month ago, our client, Ms. Koshimizu, invited several detectives to an uninhabited island. During this period, the defendant Edogawa Conan secretly eavesdropped without Ms. Koshizu's consent. The device records the conversation between the two parties.”

Second, during the trial of the Detective Koshien case half a month ago, Edogawa Conan showed and disseminated the recording in court, and it was later circulated by various news media.

The content of this recording involves Miss Yueshui's privacy issues and has caused great harm to her mental health.

To sum up, Edogawa Conan's behavior violated the privacy rights of our client.

Our lawsuit demands the following.

First, the guardian of the defendant Edogawa Conan, Kogoro Mori, needs to compensate our client 5 million yen for mental damages and apologize.

Second, the litigation costs of this court session shall be fully borne by the defendant Kogoro Mori.

After the above statement, I ask the presiding judge to impose a sentence according to law.

Gu Meimen was very organized and read the lawsuit word for word.

During this period, he took the time to glance at the female judge on the stage.

Before the actual trial, she only heard the words invasion of privacy, and a trace of sympathy and anger appeared on her face.

Oh, gender advantage, how to fight against him?

The plaintiff has finished his statement, now the defendant and his attorney are invited to express their opinions!

The judge held back his emotions and banged the hammer hard.

Mouri Kogoro's lawyer is a woman, and they met him last time.

Ritsuko Usui, Fei Yingri's lawyer friend.

Fei Yingli didn't come twice, so she came to litigate the case for their family.

The opponent looked confused, and he was probably not stupid. He knew that it would be difficult to win this time, let alone face a difficult opponent like Gu Meimen.

But she could only bite the bullet and stood up.

Protest, I object to the facts of the lawsuit stated by the plaintiff!

She began to express.

“Our client’s behavior completely complied with legal procedures!”

First, when our client was recording, there were three to five people present, and strictly speaking it was a public place.

Second, our client presented evidence in court, and the process complied with court procedures, and there should be no claims of invasion of privacy.

As soon as the words fell, Mouri Kogoro beside him immediately started shouting.

That's right, we are not guilty here, we are just recording a voice! Whether it is an invasion of privacy or not, it is completely exaggerated by the other party, and we should not pay compensation at all!

Are you kidding me, it’s five million in one go!

Do you know what five million means?

An ordinary office worker in Crayon Shin-chan, Hiroshi Nohara’s monthly salary is only 300,000!

Although Japan is a developed country, the income of most ordinary people is this amount!

However, the judge on the stage didn't care what Mouri Kogoro's mentality was.

When she heard him yelling, she just banged the hammer expressionlessly.

Defendant, please be quiet! Otherwise, you will be punished as disrupting the order of justice!


Mouri Kogoro sat down angrily.

Even as crazy as he is, he can see that the judge is obviously biased towards the plaintiff.

But he had no choice. The summary court was for hearing civil cases, and there were not even jurors. Here, the judge had the final say.

“Please ask the plaintiff’s attorney to state his opinion!”

After the judge finished teaching Mouri Kogoro, he turned to look at Komemon. At the same time, his eyes softened and he looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki who was sitting next to him, covering his face as if he was about to cry——

Of course, this was faked by Koshimi Nanatsuki.


Gu Meimen immediately cooperated, making an expression of pain and hatred.

Listen to what the defendant said! Is this what a normal man should say to a woman? What does 'just record a voice' mean? You know how much this kind of behavior has done to our client, a poor girl. Psychological harm!

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