Conan: The winner is justice

Chapter 92 Do you women only think about this kind of problem?

Xiao Ai kept her suspicions about Kudo's possible future changes and chatted with Gu Meimen while walking.

The reply I got from Gu Meimen was——

As a science and engineering girl who has been studying in the laboratory since she was a child and has a serious lack of hormone secretion, stop judging other people's lives. You don't even understand your own life, so you think about other people's futures. Isn't it tiring?

I'm just curious. After all, Kudo and I have the same experience.

If he encounters the same situation, his future will be to keep being sued by me to court, and he will pay the money. After the money is paid, he will go to the factory to drill screws. Other than that, there will be no more.

...If he really went to Black, I think he was harmed by you.

The two of them were walking and chatting, and arrived at the hall unknowingly.

In the corridor near the hall, Kujo Reiko was leaning against the wall, smoking a lady's cigarette in her hand.

Her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was still bothered by the previous worries.

Be happy and smile. A nasty voice came, At least the old aunt is getting married, and she will have good luck. Don't look sad.

Kujo Reiko knew it was Gu Meimen without looking back.

She glanced at Gu Meimen, shook her head, and continued to smoke, lowering her head and keeping silent.

Aunt Kujo, my brother is right, you should be happy. Xiao Ai's voice came from the side again.

Kujo Reiko sighed and took a long puff of cigarette.

You two brothers and sisters, please don't make me angry at times like this, okay?

Why don't you just get married? You are so old, this is a happy event. Gu Meimen said.

Kujo Reiko rolled her eyes at him: Yes, yes, I am so old, this is a happy event. Do you want this happy event for you?

There was a pause.

She locked her indigo and let out a long sigh.

Gu Meimen, what do you think is the correct way for a woman to arrange her life?


Gu Meimen looked her up and down for a while.

Do you women only think about this kind of problem?

What is this kind of problem? This is a major life event for us.

Kujo Reiko shook her head, her tone melancholy.

You don't know, my father is the deputy prosecutor general of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. If he can get in touch with the other party's uncle, a member of Congress, he may ascend to the throne of prosecutor general before retiring.

Well, I almost forgot, you are also a second-generation official.

Gu Meimen understood and nodded: So, this is a classic political marriage, the trouble of the second generation of officials?

Don't call me the second generation official so unpleasantly. I have never relied on my father's power.

Reiko Kujo said, But it's really difficult to make a decision because the other party is still a member of the cabinet and has great power.

Then what are you worried about? Isn't this a good thing?

Hey, are you listening to what I'm saying?

Kujo Reiko said speechlessly.

Don't you see? I don't want to get married at all. You don't know that the president's son is in his forties this year. He has been divorced three times and has several lovers outside. How dare you marry him!

Oh, that suits you even more. You look like the type of woman who is cold in that respect. Wouldn't it be better if he didn't want you?

...When I talk to you, I'm really talking to you!

Reiko Kujo covered her head like crazy and squatted down weakly.

At this time, Gu Meimen's voice came.

Although I really can't understand the worries of you second-generation officials, there are only two outcomes in this matter, right? Either you agree or you don't agree. Do you have any other choice? If you don't agree, just reject it.

If only it were that simple.

Kujo Reiko raised her head and smiled bitterly.

My father is sixty-five years old this year. He only has five years left before retirement (the retirement age in Japan is seventy). There is not much time left for him to fight hard. Do you understand?

I understand. Gu Meimen nodded, So in order for him to fight hard in the past five years, you gave up your hard work for more than 20 years.

Kujo Reiko was startled, lowered her head and fell silent.

Gu Meimen continued.

In order for him to work hard in the past five years, you first gave up the twelve years of hard study in primary school, high school, and Gao Hanchuang.

I gave up my four-year undergraduate degree and my law studies.

Abandoning the work results of prosecutors in the next few years, and giving up the hard-earned reputation as the 'Madonna of prosecutors.'

Then she went straight to get married, and finally she became a housewife at home, cooking every day and waiting for her husband to come back like a stone watching over her husband.

Oh, by the way, he still has a lover outside and may not come home yet.

Congratulations. After Mao Lilan, another silly woman has inherited her mantle. There is a new force of housewives for Japan's bright future! Japan's hope is tomorrow, just around the corner!

Gu Meimen's barrage of words, laughter and curses, hearty.

Kujo Reiko stayed on the spot.

The cigarette in my hand was so hot that it burned my fingers, but I didn't even notice.

After a long time, her bitter expression gradually faded away.

Instead, there was a relieved smile.

Gu Meimen, you are really a very special person.

Kujo Reiko smiled slightly.

I suddenly understood why after this incident, the first person I looked for was no one else but you.

She put out the cigarette butt in her hand and stood up leisurely.

If an old man wants to be buried, let him be buried.

Reiko Kujo stretched out her hand and untied the leather rope tied behind her head in a free and easy manner.

Immediately, her tied hair spread out like a waterfall and draped over her shoulders as usual.

This hairstyle suits you. Gu Meimen said with a slight smile.

Well, that hairstyle was done before the blind date. It made me uncomfortable all day long.

Kujo Reiko reached out and brushed the flying hair behind her head.

Rejoice, very confident.

There was a pause.

However, my matter is still not that easy to solve.

She thought for a while and said again.

I think I might need a little help from you.

Kujo Reiko looked at Gu Meimen with narrow eyes.

Gu Meimen raised her eyebrows and immediately took a step back.

You don't want to do that old trick of asking me to pretend to be your boyfriend or something, do you? You don't want to pee and take pictures of yourself. You are an old aunt in your thirties, and I am a young man in my twenties. Do you deserve to stand together?

If you dare to say the words old aunt again, I will be rude to you.

Kujo Reiko chuckled and squeezed her hands together, making a rattling sound.


Gu Meimen almost forgot again.

In my impression, Kujo Reiko had practiced Taekwondo.

The independent women in this world always seem to have some inexplicable and messy skills.

Anyway, if you want to ask me to do that, it's impossible.

Gu Meimen straightened her clothes, looked at the woman in front of her with a smile.

Besides, why do you trust me? Do you have any bargaining chips?

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