Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 16 Wasteland Exploration

Danger is everywhere in the wasteland.

Venomous snakes, quicksand, bugs, etc.

Before the off-road vehicle had driven far, Gao Yun saw a scorpion jumping into the car next door. With a cry of surprise, the poisonous scorpion that was about to attack with its tail stinger was thrown to the bottom of the car. Then he was stepped on by a military boot, causing juice to splash everywhere.

It's so disgusting to step on a horse!

Next to Gao Yun, Xu Ting also watched with interest the fun of the scavenging team next door, and then said to him:

The biggest danger in the wasteland is these small and hard-to-find poisons. Once poisoned, you will be poisoned without an antidote, so many people hate these little bugs.

As she spoke, Xu Ting also took out a syringe as big as her thumb.

Here, you install this first.

With Gao Yun's puzzled look on his face, the syringe was stuffed into his hand, and then he heard Feisha's voice.

What Xu Ting gave you just now is a temporary serum. If you are bitten by common poisonous insects or snakes in the wasteland, the toxins should be cleaned out immediately. Injecting the serum is usually fine. This thing is not cheap. It costs 500 credits. Buy it.”

Hearing this explanation, Gao Yun hummed, nodded, and looked at this extremely small temporary serum.

Just five or six drops, less than a mouthful of something, requires so many credits.

It's really sad.

Time soon came to noon. In the wasteland, the sun was hotter than the weather lights in the city. Everyone in the car had already taken off some of their clothes. In order to blend in with the group and better absorb the sunshine, Gao Yun also Take off your thick gear.

It's so damn hot. If this were in the old era, people would have been killed by the heat. Fortunately, humans in the new era have a special physique and are quite resistant to heat.

From the passenger seat at the front of the car, Fei Sha was pulling his shirt with his hands while complaining about the sun in the sky.

As for Hong Tao, who was in the driver's seat, he joked with Feisha with a refreshing look on his face: I told you to buy close-fitting temperature-regulating clothes instead of buying them. It's okay now to save so much money.

Thirty thousand for a conditioning suit, you might as well kill me, it's better to just heat it up.

Fei Sha shook his head. He had nothing to do with Hong Tao's hidden show of wealth.

After all, the opponent is a trap master with special talents, so he doesn't need to spend a lot of credits to purchase new equipment and heal his body.

Combatants like them who make a living by scavenging not only have to regularly maintain and update their equipment and firearms, but also learn various fighting techniques. Once they save some money, they have to go to the hospital for check-ups and do small things like that. A range of adjustment surgeries can slightly improve your physical fitness.

In the team, Hong Tao and Xu Ting were the only ones wearing this kind of adjustment clothes at the moment. Except for Gao Yun, the other four people were sweating profusely from the heat.

Hey, as a quasi-hero, I have good physical fitness. It's not a problem in such a hot weather. I really want to be a quasi-hero.

The red wolf sitting opposite Gao Yun also made a sound of envy after seeing that he didn't sweat even a drop.

Ordinary people can become quasi-heroes in one step. Then you have to have millions of credits. If you can save millions of credits, you still have to be a scavenger. Can't you just live in the city?

Others in the car also complained about the red wolf, and time passed quickly in a burst of laughter.

The off-road vehicle drove continuously for nearly ten hours, from morning to evening, before arriving at the abandoned town that Fei Sha mentioned.

Dozens of abandoned houses are lined up in rows on both sides of the long-broken and cracked road. Judging from the traces of these ruins, it seems that someone is constantly repairing and maintaining these places, leaving a basic foothold. look like.

Their team was the first team to come to this abandoned town and was able to choose among these houses.

Immediately, Fei Sha pointed at a house with most of its outline and asked Hong Tao to park the car.

Hong Tao looked a little tired after driving for a day, but he still nodded and drove the car smoothly. As soon as the off-road vehicle stopped, Hong Lang and others jumped out of the car impatiently and started to stretch their muscles.

My bones will fall apart after a day in a car. When can we get on a hover car to pick up waste?

Red Wolf always talks so much, which brings a lively atmosphere to the team and makes the tired people smile with joy.

Okay, okay, stop daydreaming now. Feisha got out of the passenger seat, walked around, and began to give instructions to everyone.

You go first and find your own place to rest. We will take turns keeping watch at night. Be careful not to be fooled by the poisonous snakes and traps hidden in the house.

After a round of inspection and sorting, a temporary foothold was cleared.

As for the arranged vigil, only four people, Fei Sha, Hong Lang, Shen Ran and Zhu Pan, took turns to be on duty.

The reason is also very simple. Hong Tao and Xu Ting are helpless support staff. As for Gao Yun, he is the only quasi-hero in the team. He needs to be in the best condition at all times so that he can face the dangers in the wasteland at any time. Oncoming danger.

This was Fei Sha's explanation to Gao Yun.

In fact, for Gao Yun, his vigil and rest are the same.

After all, for him, the sun can provide him with endless energy and vitality during the day, which means he will consume it only after the sun sets. Even if he is on duty for one night, he will be full of energy and vitality the next day.

Suddenly, Gao Yun seemed to have thought of something.

The moonlight in this wasteland may be different from the simulated moonlight in the city. If the moonlight is still the reflected light of the sun, he will most likely be able to enhance his physical fitness at night.

Although he proposed the idea of ​​keeping vigil by himself, Feisha still refused and asked him to keep his spirits up and face the dangers he might encounter on the road during the day tomorrow.

With no other choice, Gao Yun found an open place to rest.

In the evening, after a casual meal, everyone returned to their own place and began to rest. The personnel on duty also took a rest when it was time to rest, leaving two people on duty in the off-road vehicle.

At the moment when the moonlight shed its afterglow, the increase of the sun on Gao Yun reached its lowest point, but even so, the power of increase and physical enhancement was still working, which made him feel relieved.

Sure enough, the sun and moon remained unchanged.

A dreamless night.

The next morning, when the sun cast its first ray of morning light in the east, everyone woke up, packed up their personal belongings and equipment and started on the road.

The morning and night in the wasteland seemed extremely cold. Several other people felt the huge temperature difference and shuddered. Only Gao Yun sat aside as if nothing had happened, waiting for the vehicle to start.

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