Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 250 Final Reincarnation

Did you fall asleep again? Prickett sighed and gently leaned Gao Yun's body on his knees.

As a human being, Gao Yun still felt endless fatigue.

All reincarnation experiences appeared in his memory, bringing him a deep sense of exhaustion, causing his separate clone to gradually fall into a deep sleep.

This fatigue is a person's self-relief mechanism, which prevents individuals from eroding themselves over a long period of time and events.

But his deep sleep revealed that the creator god of the multiverse had disappeared.

After any individual possesses a noble essence that transcends the multiverse, its impact on the entire multiverse is abstract.

Time is not a continuous abstract unit for these beings, but an exact coordinate. They can play with any world and any timeline at will. Even the entire multiverse will be played with by them.

Just like an abyss.

In the beginning, the abyss was just the end of the worlds. After the appearance of the dark clouds, the noble nature of the dark clouds overwhelms the order of time and the cycle of cause and effect.

His revelation turned the end of all worlds into an abyss, an existence capable of swallowing everything. This is the first point.

Then came the formation of the void and the apostles, and the birth of reincarnation.

Time lasted until 'Gao Yun' died and accidentally traveled to the wasteland that had been affected countless times by the battle between Dark Gao Yun and Gao Yun's body.

The story begins like this.

The appearance of Crimson gave Gao Yun his first talent.

In his first reincarnation, the talent he chose was not Superman, but the Great Mage.

At that time, he had not yet been affected by his noble nature, and possessed mental power, a terrifying power that actually surpassed all superpowers. Crimson's talent selection is not once a year, but once every ten years.

In this way, Gao Yun lived for thirty-seven years in the first reincarnation, and finally died under the riots of the Kuroshio.

Next, all the worlds were shattered by a slap and entered the second reincarnation.

Whether it is Dark Gao Yun or Gao Yun's body, they have the power to crush all the past and future of the world. As long as the trajectory does not complete the final reincarnation, this reincarnation will continue.

And the talents that 'Gao Yun' can choose and his own essence will become more and more powerful.

Just like this, Gao Yun went through reincarnation again and again, and after living for thirty years, he became an A-class hero who ruled the city and became the only powerful man in Minghua City.

Then Minghua City was destroyed by the famine research of Peak Technology. All humans, including Gao Yun, who has become the best among A-level heroes, have become enslaved wandering souls.

The wasteland is a magical place, and countless travelers have been there.

The First Speaker, Shen Tianji, Burning Sun Golden Crow, and other characters are all travelers from different worlds.

But in the third reincarnation, two time travelers appeared in the small Minghua City.

At that time, Gao Yun only had C-level abilities, but the opponent's secondary developed soul gave him A-level abilities.

In the memory of reincarnation, Gao Yun finally grabbed the other person's neck and made this guy who was more cruel than the average wasteland man go to see the King of Hell.

The third and fourth reincarnations allowed Gao Yun to accumulate and become stronger.

Until the final round comes.

Golden Talent Superman was an opportunity, but the process was repeated countless times.

After choosing his talent, he fled Minghua City and was killed by pursuers, and was killed by powerful wild beasts with malicious intent. Countless ways of death kept happening in places he couldn't see.

But all the wrong routes were shattered by the battle from the highest sky, and turned into a less glorious, but absolute route to victory.

Along the way, Gao Yun kept killing people. He didn't pay attention to his own kind or foreign enemies at all.

In reincarnation after reincarnation, he also met many true loves.

Yan Qiuzhi, Yin Menglei, as well as Little Red Riding Hood and Pulkite who have transcended endless reincarnations

In the final reincarnation, he got together with several people by chance in various ways, completing the starting point of the final reincarnation.

Gao Yun fought against Abyss and created Dark Gao Yun. This is the final reincarnation of Dark Cloud itself, and the beginning of the final reincarnation.

This level of reincarnation has become the ultimate pattern of all worlds. We only know one side of everything, but we don’t know the ultimate pattern of the whole picture.

Then, Gao Yun received the second colorful talent, completing the end of the final reincarnation.

The Supreme Cloud appears, sitting on the throne of the supreme sky that only the Supreme can enter, quietly feeling everything in the mortal world and everything in the extraordinary world.

Now these things are under his control and will be turned into eternal miracles.

The size of the power plane is meaningless, it only applies to worlds and parts of the multiverse.

With a stronger essence and existence, power is just a thought, a dream bubble that can be born from an idea.

However, there are only a few individuals who can understand the infinite worlds and countless sentient beings in the multiverse, let alone the transcendent people born from them.

The transcendence these sentient beings want is only in form and in pure strength.

As Gao Yun slept and rested longer and longer, the entire multiverse expanded and sublimated again.

Fighting is the instinct among all things, and it is one of the ways for them to constantly surpass themselves.

This time, a mortal creature gradually understood the truth of power. Step out of the humble, gradually improve your essence and become noble.

And he was lucky enough to come to the center of the multiverse, which only existed in the legendary world of God.

Creator God? So the multiverse was really created? The man was shocked, and then he looked at everyone in the world of God.

Among these people, all individuals are undergoing infinite improvement in their essence, becoming stronger, faster, and nobler than him.

I want to go to that world called the Supreme Sky. The young man made up his mind.

Later, he got the support of these old antiques. The savings of the old antiques made his essence infinitely stronger and nobler, allowing him to break through the all-encompassing power of the multiverse.

Maybe it was the result of his hard work, or maybe his sincerity impressed someone.

In one day, it seemed that the multiverse could no longer contain him, allowing him to see the 'true face' of the multiverse.

A dot that is infinitely large, yet infinitely small in his perception. This is the true face of the multiverse.

Above this point, an infinitely long staircase guided him.

Intuition and reality told him that the end of the ladder was the highest sky.

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