Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 57 Little Red Riding Hood

District A, Minghua City.

The estate where the Mel family lives.

Selmel was lowering his head and reporting on Linda’s strange phenomena during this period.

Is Linda's condition of hallucination disease continuing to worsen? It doesn't matter. Just take out the remaining half of Gao Yun's brain tissue, even the ashes. As long as Linda is injected into it, she can gain advanced abilities without side effects. In the future, he will naturally become an A-level hero and lead our Mel family to glory.

Menas Meir waved his hand gracefully, indicating that his useless son could retreat.

When he thought that he had given this matter to him as a way to hone his abilities, he didn't expect that his worthless son would directly mess up everything.

That kid with only half a brain left had such good luck to directly obtain a relic of excellent quality and become a B-level hero, and also won the favor of the president of the Hero Association.

If this was another city, he could only watch the other party rise step by step, and then explore the past stories until he suffered a big loss.

But this is Minghua City!

A city ruled by powerful people with full power!

The mayor is trying to evade the power and status of the Hero Association in Minghua City. As for a new B-level hero whose permanent strength is only C-level, they can naturally create countless accidents to kill him.

This large-scale exploration activity is an excellent opportunity.

He had bribed two B-level heroes, and killing that brat was just a snap.

When he thought of this, Menas Meyer smiled and gently shook the red wine glass in his hand.

In a bedroom at Mel Manor.

Linda Meier was looking at the strange woman in front of her who looked exactly like her, had the same wavy golden hair as hers, and was only wearing a red cloak, revealing her proud figure.

In the past few days, Linda had seen this woman countless times. Whether she was sleeping, eating, or doing other things, this figure, who was even better than her and more proud, still lingered.

I said, Linda, you can't get rid of me. Giving your body to me is a fate you must accept. As long as you give your body to me, I promise to make you a B-class hero within a month. How about ?”

The woman who calls herself Little Red Riding Hood seduces her with her red lips, trying to dominate her body.

After the opponent appeared, Linda's strength did increase rapidly. In just over a month, her strength was upgraded from E level to D level. According to 'Little Red Riding Hood', this was just a negligible leakage of her power.

I won't give my body to you.

Although the temptation was huge, Linda still shook her head and ignored the other party's mischief.

I don’t know why, but this little red riding hood always appears in his own image, always half-naked, but luckily only he can see it.


Haha, you don't want to give your body to me, do you want to prepare to meet the young man you want? But your memory has been restored, right? How about using the ability to remove most of his brain?

Little Red Riding Hood's proud figure floats in the air, surrounding Little Red Riding Hood in an extremely seductive manner, not affected by gravity at all.

If people recall their past memories, will they really face you, the 'culprit', with a normal attitude?

Little Red Riding Hood's words were heart-wrenching, as if they hit Linda's vitals, making her face turn pale.

During the time when Little Red Riding Hood appeared, her vague childhood memories were also unblocked. The fragments of time she spent with Gao Yun as a child were the source of her affection for him.

But more of them are the cruel memories of both parties in the laboratory.

In order to prevent the super factor from showing resistance, the environment of shyness and mutual dependence was deliberately created for a time, which made Linda, a little girl, immersed in it, and also allowed her to win the favor of the other party.

Then came the cold surgical site.

The young boy's head was cut open alive, his life was suspended with various drugs, and his brain was removed. If it weren't for the super factor that kept Gao Yun alive, and his young body did not allow the super factor to fully develop, the boy would have died. The boy saved his life.


Whenever she thought of the horribly pale operating room, Linda felt sick to her stomach, and at the same time she felt guilty.

What? You are no longer the young and ignorant little girl you were back then. Do you want to find an excuse to deny it?

Little Red Riding Hood stretched out her fair and slender right hand and touched Linda's cheek with blurred eyes.

I like this feeling in you so much. You obviously owe him, but you want to catch him in a canary cage so that you can occupy him forever.

As if she had been told the truth, Linda turned red with shame and shouted directly:


Okay, okay, I'm leaving now. Who told me to hit your pain point? But you are already a B-level hero. How far can you do it with your current strength?

Area A main tower, top floor.

In the spacious mayor's office, something seemed to be crawling in the dark shadows that occupied most of the room.

The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses walked in gently and reported everything that happened in the ruins.

What idiot detonated a nuclear bomb?

The mayor's thunderous voice came out, causing the objects in the room to shake.

According to authority feedback, the person who activated the nuclear bomb was 'Bipolar Yuanmagnetic'. It seems that the nuclear bomb was activated after the manpower dropped suddenly.


The secretary-general's report made the mayor think, and after a long time, he continued to ask: Is that old guy Jiang Yuanhua dead? If he comes back, the media will definitely ask the federal adjudicator, and then he will It’s not easy to handle.”

According to Jiang Yuanhua's ability, if he had not died, the power of the nuclear explosion would not have been enough to directly harm him. However, a nuclear bomb was detonated inside the ruins. The entire ruins should have been sealed and there was no way to leave from the inside, and his terminal was also blocked. Being blocked by the relic, it will take at least ten days and a half to unblock them and connect to the federal network. During this time, we can send people to intercept and kill them.

And the Mel family is also going to recover the body of a new hero named Gao Yun.

The secretary-general reported his plans one by one.

After a long time, a word came from the shadows.


The ruins are more than 11,000 kilometers west of Minghua City.

A nuclear bomb with a yield of more than 1.2 million tons exploded in the ruins. This devastating weapon has awakened the anger of the wasteland.

Thousands of A-level wild beasts crawled out of the ground and began to massacre the low-level heroes and scavengers who had not escaped.

The 'Bipolar Yuan Magnetic' and 'Ruikong Star' have not been rescued and are hiding in a corner.

Hundreds of people are dying every minute right now.

A-level wild beasts such as mountain giants, demonic flame dragons, aircraft carriers, and cloud star horned beasts appear, bringing despair and destruction to those who have not escaped.

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