Doomsday Cataclysm: Gods on Earth

Chapter 77 All executions

On the head held up by Gao Yun, Nanyang Qu's expression was very astonished.

The former 'tyrant' was defeated so easily. Even his body, which could not be damaged by ion beams, was completely evaporated. Even he himself did not realize what had just happened.

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces.

Gao Yun looked at everyone with a look of disgust. If he hadn't wanted to damage the hall and the ground floor of the Heroes Association, the impact of his movement at nearly 700 times the speed of sound would have been enough to knock out all the C-class heroes, including the heroes. All the heroes present were minced into pieces.

The entire Heroes Association will burst and collapse directly.

But with his biological position, he is like a person with unlimited superpowers. Even if he uses all his strength to attack, grab an ordinary person and face the meteorite head-on, he will not cause any harm to other people as long as he wants to. .

Gao Yun! You can't! You can't kill us!

The moment his body was lost, the B-class superpower known as the 'tyrant' struggled crazily in Gao Yun's hands, and at the same time, his superpowers were also activated crazily.

With Gao Yun's subtle observation ability, he could see that there was some regeneration of granulation under the neck that looked like a flat cut.

I'm afraid if you give the other party a few minutes, his mutilated body will really grow back.

Of course I can kill you. You have violated the law by attacking the president of the Minghua City Heroes Association.

All accomplices shall be put to death!

Gao Yun's mental power attached to the remaining head of the 'tyrant'. In an instant, the remaining head was controlled and grasped by the power of his mental power that could penetrate to the micron level.

At this moment, Nanyang Qu's eyes were wide open, as if his eyeballs were about to jump out of their sockets. His eyes were full of desire for life and fear of death.

Then in everyone's sight, the head of Minghua City's top heroic idol, the 'tyrant' Nanyang Qu, disappeared like a handful of ashes blown away.

In fact, most of the C-level heroes and B-level heroes saw how Nanyang Ku's head disappeared.

His head was split into tiny particles of one micron and one micron by Gao Yun's mental power. At this level, even if the other party's body could regenerate, it would be impossible for him to survive.

Only those beings with immortality, strong men who can regenerate even if they leave a DNA behind, can recover from such a situation.

This ability shocked everyone. Even with the blue barrier, the B-level heroes couldn't help but start to retreat.

But then, an even more shocking massacre began.

Gao Yun seemed to be tired of hearing those low-level heroes who were always wailing on the ground. His eyes were red and his heat vision immediately covered all the low-level heroes who had just stood in line.

The blazing heat turned these people into flying ashes and disappeared in just an instant.

So powerful and so brutal.

Gao Yun's methods really made these B-class heroes who had clearly seen the situation feel uneasy. Some even wanted to defect before the battle and use their own abilities to escape.

But obviously, Gao Yun will not give them this opportunity.


A loud sound resounded through the blue barrier, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. The sound like a mountain and the sea formed a wave and rolled in.

At this moment, even though the barrier eliminated 99% of the power, the remaining 0.10% still made them feel incredible.

Is it possible that he is already an A-level hero?!

Someone exclaimed, but he still couldn't believe it.

I and others have seen the other party's information and videos a month ago. The other party is obviously just a normal C-level hero. How is that possible!

Boom boom boom boom!

In the few milliseconds they were thinking, a series of fists had already shaken the blue barrier.

Fear and fear filled their hearts.

You must know that this barrier is an invincible existence enhanced by all the B-class heroes present. Even if a special nuclear bomb with an equivalent of several million tons is erupted in front of them, this barrier cannot be broken open.

But just such a layer of iron wall is now as fragile as a paper shell in front of the other party, as if it will be torn into pieces in the next second!


With a crisp shattering sound, they were deemed invincible and could easily break Gao Yun's barrier to the outside world.

The barrier shattered, and their figures fell downwards from mid-air.

And they haven't had time to launch the second wave of offensive.

From the time Gao Yun started to the end, only one point and seven seconds passed.

In the time it takes an ordinary person to wipe away a tear or yawn a little, the battle is almost over.

Now, all it takes is killing.

'boom! ’

The next second, all the heroes watching silently imitated this sound in their hearts.

Mountains that they considered insurmountable collapsed. Some handsome or beautiful heads exploded in an instant. Blood sprayed into the sky and hit the ceiling of the fifty-meter-high hall. Some of the blood that was scattered was melted. A thick mist of blood dripped downwards.

tick tick tick

Some people looked up at the blood drops gathering on the ceiling and whispered in their hearts.

But it was obvious that the next events could not wait for the first drop of blood to drip, and heads were exploded one after another. Those who were once arrogant, stood above tens of millions of people in the city, or went to the slums to live and kill. The B-level hero will die completely.

No one is innocent!

No one deserves to die!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Gao Yun raised and lowered his fist, raised and lowered it, looked at the resumes of these superheroes, and laughed contemptuously in his heart.

His figure kept flashing and disappearing, harvesting heads one after another.

These B-level heroes were killed by Gao Yun as soon as their superpowers were used and before they could be released.

Some are in pain, some are regretful, some are resentful, and some are trying to beg for mercy.

But all this was ignored by Gao Yun. From the beginning, they had the opportunity to stand in the right position, including the first attack. As long as they begged for mercy and knelt down, he was willing to give them the opportunity, but they did not try to grasp and cherish it. , will lead to the end now.

The begging for mercy before death is not genuine, it is just the fear of death.

By the time Gao Yun tidied up his messy clothes, the entire hall of the association had become extremely empty, leaving only a shivering and fearful B-class hero.

‘Yun Yan Ji’ Yin Menglei.

Gao Yun turned his head and looked at this girl who was not that prominent but had an extremely beautiful appearance, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The other party was wearing a white and green gauze skirt that looked like clouds of smoke. Every part of her body was trembling. There was still a faint trace of thick blood on the neck of her gauze skirt.


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