Seeing that his well-planned sneak attack failed, the giant worm did not hold back in the slightest, and after devouring the hapless tyrant, it wriggled and tried to burrow back into the ground.

This huge worm was originally a roundworm in the stomach of a zombie, even if it became a commander-level monster after many evolutions and mutations, it didn't have much courage and was unwilling to take too many risks.

It is precisely because of this experience that during the previous corpse tide siege of the city, the giant worm never showed its face, and honestly stayed underground.

If it weren't for the bloodline of the Abyss Dragon King, for any monster eager to evolve and mutate, it would be a top-level existence comparable to Tang Seng's flesh.

Afraid of killing the giant worm, it is reluctant to move its nest and emerge from the comfort of darkness underneath the earth.

"If you want to come, you can run?"

Seeing this, Yang Ming smiled angrily.

A few days after the doomsday game began, he had never seen such an arrogant monster!

Yang Ming gave an order, and the King of the Flame Demon immediately took steps.

Before the giant worm could burrow into the ground, the Fire Demon King opened his arms and hugged the giant worm's body tightly.

Giant Worm: "???"

two behemoths that are also giant are cuddling and hugging in full view of everyone!

If it weren't for the huge difference between the species, it would even make people wonder if they were a couple!

Of course, the giant worm would be rewarded with a more fiery treatment than love!

Flames burned in the eyes of the Fire Demon King, and a large amount of fire elements gathered in the center of his two palms, and two crosses of the Great Flame Burst slammed into the body of the giant worm with his face.

"Boom, boom!"

Flames of up to 1,000 degrees Celsius, although capable of quickly burning ordinary zombies to charcoals, do not seem to be so effective for giant worms with thick cuticles.

The rocky skin is quite resistant to fire, and even if the surface of the skin is stained with a burning color, it does not pose a significant threat to the giant worms.

Yang Ming ordered the King of Flame Demon to make a move, and it was through his insight skills that he found out that the huge worm had a rock skin, so he let it test it.

"It seems that it is not realistic to kill the giant worm from the outside!" Just

as Yang Ming was thinking about countermeasures, the giant worm turned its head to the flame demon with the fire elemental damage that the flame aura continued to inflict on him.

When the enemy meets, he is very red-eyed.

Without saying a word, the huge worm suddenly opened its disc-like bloody mouth, like a flower petal blooming, and a circle of dense and sharp fangs edged down fiercely.

This is not a petty fight between couples, but an extremely murderous duel.

With the powerful bite force of the huge worm, it was even able to bite a hilly mountain in one bite!

Seeing this, the Fire Demon King wanted to laugh a little.

He is strong, he is strong, and the breeze blows on the hills.

The Fire Demon King didn't put up any resistance, and even enjoyed himself, allowing the giant worm to bite him on the shoulder.

At first, the giant worm was puzzled.

It wasn't until it bit down and found that what it swallowed was a ball of flame, not the expected flesh and blood, that it suddenly woke up to the fact that it was clearly deceived by this scumbag!

Regardless of whether this stomach acid is highly corrosive, just seeing the appearance of stomach acid makes people feel nauseous for no reason.

Other women were deceived by scumbags, and they just scolded and scolded.

But the giant worm was deceived by the King of the Fire Demons, it was really a spit and a nail, and it was going to be nailed to the pillar of shame in history!

The blurred face under the firelight showed a somewhat disgusted expression.

If it weren't for the order of the Abyss Dragon King, the Fire Demon King would have abandoned the huge worm in his hand long ago.

The front was covered with stomach acid splashes, and the fire on the Fire Demon King's body dimmed a lot.

Obviously, the corrosiveness of this stomach acid can even be corroded by flames!

Seeing the King of Flame Demon so miserable, Yang Ming was secretly glad in his heart, fortunately he didn't have the impulse just now.

Otherwise, it's his turn to feel better.

The Fire Demon King is also a tempered lord.

Against the green stomach acid that split his head and face, the Fire Demon King propped his two palms into the upper and lower jaws of the giant worm respectively, and exerted force on both arms at the same time, causing the giant worm's mouth to continue to open, and he could even see the deep mouth inside.

"Good opportunity!"

Seeing that the Fire Demon King had created a great opportunity for himself, the black dragon's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yang Ming was already ready to go, and suddenly opened his dragon's mouth.

The churning fire elemental in the stomach of the furnace turned into a surging pillar of fire and fell from the sky in an instant!

The pitch-black dragon flame pierced through the night sky, and all of it was poured into it along the huge mouth of the huge worm!

It's called a Grand Slam!

Giant worms have rocky skin and strong defenses that are visible from the outside.

But for the internal defense of the body, the giant worm is much inferior, and even extremely fragile.

The giant worm is an invertebrate, soft-bodied creature, and thanks to the structure of this creature's body, the abyssal dragon's breath can flow back and forth unimpeded!

The giant worm lay limply on the surface, looking as if it had lost its vitality, wisps of smoke emanating from the gaps between its dense teeth.

Smelling this fragrance in the air suddenly made Yang Ming's index finger move.

Yang Ming recalled that before, after he devoured the Shallow Sea Overlord Corpse Crab, he was promoted from the young dragon to the young dragon stage in one fell swoop.

Perhaps, as long as he eats this huge worm, he will be able to exchange it for a life leap again?

As soon as he thought of this, Yang Ming immediately swooped down.

Seeing that Yang Ming was about to come to the ground, a dragon claw had already landed on the body of the huge worm, and when he was ready to taste the delicious food, the soil that had already been dug loosely suddenly bulged up, and the bloody mouth of the huge worm came out of it again!


You read that right.

The body structure of this huge worm is very special, with heads at both ends at the front and back!

As a third-order commander-level monster, its vitality far exceeds that of a second-order commander-level monster.

At the beginning, the death of the shallow sea overlord corpse crab was only possible thanks to the joint efforts of Yang Ming and the cruiser to succeed in killing it in one fell swoop.

Even if the giant worm is far inferior to the corpse crab in terms of skill, it is an opponent that cannot be underestimated.

If you wanted to kill the giant worm with just one full-power abyss breath, it was indeed too much to underestimate it!

Seeing that the huge worm's huge mouth was about to bite Yang Ming's head, countless people looked desperate.

Could it be that the dragon king is going to be finished?

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