Mayor, I think our transaction can be terminated this time, and there will be no more transactions in the future.

What's the matter, Mr. Trader?

You have betrayed the trust of our organization, Mr. Mayor. Li Wei is not the only one here.

Our transaction is based on mutual trust, but now it seems that you are not trustworthy, or you do not trust us, so the transaction is terminated!

In the shelter, the mayor broke into cold sweat after seeing these obviously angry messages. Dealing with the organization was a very important matter to him. If the other party terminated the deal, the consequences would be almost unimaginable.

Of course, the anger shown by Li Shi was fake. He had nothing to be angry about. He came here in advance expecting this situation.

Although the materials the mayor traded with him last time were not tampered with, the sound and image transmitted back by the robot also showed the mayor's attitude towards him.

But this time it was about the boss, and Li Shiyi had every reason to suspect that someone would interfere with it, encourage the mayor to do something, or simply go against the rules.

Moreover, maybe he can also take the opportunity to observe the relationship between the mayor and the boss.

Mr. Trader, please believe me. I have great trust in your organization and will never do anything to regret you. So, please give me some time and don't terminate the transaction. I will definitely I will give you a satisfactory answer. I will check what you just said now.

Are you still trustworthy?

Not long after he sent this message, Li Shiyi heard some sounds.

His hearing, which was greatly enhanced after his body was strengthened, allowed him to hear the sounds of the communication channels in the soldiers' earphones.

Anyone who asked you to go out should come back!

At the same time, he received another message from the mayor: Mr. Trader, I have found out clearly that it was an officer of the special forces who gave the order privately, and we have already punished him.

Li Shiyi smiled. The voice in the communication channel said everything. These people were obviously brought out by Li Wei in some way. There was no so-called official giving orders privately.

The mayor said this just to appease Li Shiyi. After all, he didn't dare to tell Li Shiyi that he didn't know what was going on, for fear of angering Li Shiyi.

Li Shiyi did not reply to the mayor's words. Instead, he put his phone away and continued to observe the situation ahead.

Then, he saw the soldiers coming out of their hiding places, looking at Li Wei with confusion on their faces, and then returned to the car.

Li Wei also spread his hands towards his comrades with a puzzled look on his face, indicating that he didn't know anything either.

Seeing this, Li Shiyi felt that it was a pity that Li Wei didn't become an actor.

Li Wei watched his comrades drive away in the car, and then pressed a button on the earphones. After a beep in the earphones, a man's voice rang out.

On the 32nd, aren't you supposed to be preparing to contact people from the 'organization' now? Why are you contacting me at this time?

Li Wei scanned the surrounding environment, lowered his voice, and communicated with the voice in the earphones: Boss, the people I brought have been withdrawn. The organization should have contacted the mayor.

That's it. I understand. Then don't do anything else. Transact with peace of mind and don't expose yourself. I will take care of it from the mayor's side.


Li Wei pressed the button on the headset again and restored the headset to the original communication channel.

It's a pity that all this was seen by Li Shiyi. Poor Li Wei thought he did it perfectly.

Block the surrounding communication signals. Li Shiyi used his mind to connect to the intelligent system of the tank, issued an instruction, then covered his face with the mask of the golden battle armor, and walked out of the ruins.

Li Wei, who heard the noise, turned around and saw that it was Li Shiyi. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes. Although he quickly covered it up, this subtle expression was still captured by Li Shiyi.

It turns out to be Mr. Golden Mask. When did you arrive? Why didn't you just come out when you arrived? Instead, you went to stay in a place like that?

Li Shiyi could clearly see that on the side of Li Wei's helmet, a drop of cold sweat was slowly flowing down. It was obvious that Li Wei was very nervous now, and he didn't even notice that he had just said something very inappropriate.

Stop acting, I've seen it all. Li Shiyi said coldly in his changed voice.

What did you see, Mr. Golden Mask, I don't understand what you mean. Li Weiqiang calmly smelled, and at the same time, his hand slowly moved towards the pistol on his waist.

I saw you contacted your boss, do you want me to continue?

No, no need. After hearing Li Shiyi's words, Li Wei's breathing became a little heavier, and then he suddenly pulled out his pistol and shot Li Shiyi repeatedly.

However, Li Shiyi did not move and allowed Li Wei to attack until all the bullets in Li Wei's pistol were exhausted, without any impact on Li Shiyi.

The bullet only broke the clothes outside the golden armor, exposing the golden armor to Li Wei's eyes.

This. At this moment, Li Wei was really panicked. He wore a body armor to guard against the other party and shot at all the joints of the other party.

But in front of the golden armor, all this is destined to be in vain.

Seeing that the pistol was ineffective, Li Wei turned around and ran away, quickly climbed into the transport truck, started the car very neatly, and prepared to drive away, while not forgetting to try to contact the outside world.

You're moving very quickly. At this moment, a voice came from behind Li Wei.

Hearing this voice, Li Wei paused, then resolutely started the car, stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward, then jumped out of the car.

Li Wei rolled on the ground a few times to offset the impact, then quickly got up and ran in the opposite direction of the car.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he just turned an intersection, he saw the golden mask again.

Seeing this, he did not choose to continue running away, but quickly loaded the pistol with bullets, then took out the dagger and assumed a fighting posture.

Why didn't you run away? Li Shiyi was very amused when he saw this, and he didn't rush to take action, but asked with interest.

Li Wei shook his head: Obviously, you are a genetically enhanced strong man. It is impossible for me to run away in front of you.

So, you want to surrender?

I will not surrender. I am a soldier of Daxia. Even if I die, I will not surrender. This is my dignity as a soldier. Li Wei said seriously.

Well said, then let me ask you, since you are so loyal, why would you betray me?

I, I didn't betray! This sentence seemed to hit Li Wei's heart. He roared and shot Li Shiyi repeatedly. After emptying the bullet, he threw the pistol to the ground, and then stabbed Li Shiyi with a dagger. Li Shiyi.

Li Shiyi still did not dodge, letting the dagger stab him, then stretched out his hand to strangle Li Wei's neck and lifted him up.

I, I didn't betray! Li Wei blushed and squeezed out these words through his teeth. While struggling, he continued to attack Li Shiyi with his dagger.

Quite tenacious. Seeing this, Li Shiyi threw Li Wei to the ground, then slashed Li Wei's neck with a hand knife, knocking him out and sending him into another dimension.

Then he came to the transport truck and opened the container at the back of the transport truck. Inside were boxes one after another. It was obvious that they contained rare earths for trading.

Li Shi collected all the rare earths into the extra-dimensional space, then put meat and various crops in, and then sent a message to the mayor.

The transaction went smoothly, Mr. Mayor, and I look forward to our next cooperation.

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