In the city of Magnoria, the battle with Albarez has been in a state of confrontation for a long time.

The reason for this was that because he did not like war, Brantish had been reluctant to launch a large-scale offensive. Coupled with Gajiru's tenacious protection, Magnolia has an extra strong wall.

But after the news of Di Maria's defeat came from the southern battlefield, Brantish's eyes suddenly darkened.

She stomped lightly on her foot, and the entire camp shook.

The child who was playing outdoors and the child who was playing with Val were knocked to the ground by the force. But in the process of falling, the child instinctively protected Val with his own body, so as not to let his beloved "toy" companion be harmed in the slightest.

Val suddenly felt his mechanical core tremble, a sensation he had never felt since he had been created.

In fact, his system has long been fixed, but he seems to like the life of being treated as a toy by this child. Plain and bland, no strife.

Occasionally, he would restore his true body and use his abilities to quietly help the family resist the invasion of war. Let them live in their own small world, which is not rich but warm and happy. But this shock had to frighten Val, because Brantish seemed to be starting to fight in earnest. He had to find a way to relocate the family of three away from the war.

When Val appears to explain the situation, the child's parents reject Val's offer, and they thank Val for his kindness to them. But if this goodwill is not spread to their country, then it has no meaning. Because in the event that the two countries are at war, they do not allow themselves to be the one who turns their backs on the country.

Although they do not know magic, their hoes, sickles, and even sticks on the ground are weapons that protect their country.

This time, the child broke free from the protection of his parents and gave the cold Val a hug, telling him that they were friends no matter what the outcome of the war...

The childish voice kept echoing in Val's ears, and his core fluctuated strangely again.

He then pushed the child away, closed his eyes, and flew quickly back to his camp.

And the parents of the children also pulled their children to the battlefield of Magnolia...

When Brantish saw Val returning, he informed him of his determination to set foot on Magnolia.

Then the magic on Brantish's body was gradually released, and the space around him began to distort. The entire city and battlefield of Magnolia is twisted into a sphere, floating in an extradimensional dimension.

Erin and Ogast felt the intense spatial vibration at the same time.

Erin had to admire the "old man" of Ogast, who had only seen herself use the Earth Restructuring Magic once, so that her personal disciple Brantish could use it on the space magic.

Ochast, on the other hand, was worried about Brantish, because he felt Brantish's anger from this magic, and anger was one of the most direct causes of defeat on the battlefield.

Both Makarov and Mebis in the guild felt this strange magic, and their city floated like a small planet in the spatial universe created by Brantish.

Brantish declared war on Fairy Tail, and if she didn't hand over the Elven Heart and let the Southern Battlefield free Di Maria, she would distort the entire guild's space like a rag.

Makarov walked out of the guild and made his body gigantic. Brantish was also warned not to endanger his family.

Brandish snapped his fingers, and Makarov's gigantic transformation disappeared without warning.

Knock knock, a row of steel columns popped up on the ground. Gajiru also stepped out and forced Brantish back.

With a bang, Kana flew out of the three cards of water, thunder, and wind, forming a blue thunder that flew towards Brantish, who jumped into the air.

Brandish smiled coldly, and the cards passed through her body, their visual senses deceived by the light in this distorted space.

"Space shock!"

Brantish was used to such a venue, and the fluctuations of space shock bounced all three of them away.

"Three-dimensional text, noise!" Rebi casts a spell, intending to use sound waves to lock on to Brantish's true location.

"It's useless to be clever in the face of sheer strength!" Brantish moved the noise space behind Lebby.

The loud noise of the metal was applied to Lebby herself.

Seeing this, Gajiru immediately swept over with the Iron Sword. Then reprimanded Rebi that he should pay attention to his body at this time....

Lebby placed her left hand on top of her stomach and told Gajiru that their offspring were not so vulnerable.

This sentence made Kana, who likes to gossip, grasp the point at once.

"Uh-huh, you're pretty fast!" Kana teased Gagiru.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Kana's words instantly made the tough guy Gagiru blush.


In between their conversations, Brantish compresses the air around Rebi into a bomb that blasts Rebi into the air.

"Damn!" Gagiru pounced on Rebi with all his might, holding her back.

Makarov also stretched out his big hand and grabbed Brantish in his hands with a sweep. However, Brantish was able to escape using the spatial transfer.

Kana looked at the eerie space around her and suddenly had an idea. That is to use the field magic of her cards to cover the space. Brantish would not be able to use the strange light of the space to dodge attacks.

But Kana rummaged through her bag and found that they were all cards with strange scenes, and she was a little embarrassed to show her hand.

But Kana's hand slipped, and a card from the macho striptease show fell to the ground.

With a ding, five or six muscular men appeared in front of Brandish, twisting their bodies, and appeared in front of Brandish with sexual tension.

Wow~ so bold! Rebi, who was lying on Gajiru's hard chest, looked at Kana and exclaimed...

"No... No...... This is for Fried!" Kana smiled awkwardly and snapped her fingers to burn a card she had treasured for a long time.

Brantish felt that Kana was humiliating herself, and for a moment she imprisoned her in her dark prison.

Gajiru asked Flying to help Lili take Rebi off the battlefield, as he had already figured out a way to hit the enemy without leaving the space.

Gajiru turned on the Iron Shadow Dragon's mode. Because shadows are free to move without being limited by space.

Although Brantish blocked Gagiru's body through the distortion of space, the shadow clone under his feet had already passed through the space and came behind Brantish.

Brantish didn't expect that the combined magic could be separated like this, and under the hard body, there was a disembodied shadow that she had ignored.

Makarov also understood Gajiru's intentions, and used a magic to release a ball of light, making the shadow area behind Gajiru larger, so as to enhance the power of Gajiru's magic.

"Roar of the Iron Shadow Dragon!" a

pillar of light enveloping the black shadow struck Brantish, shattering the distorted space she had created.

Val, who had been waiting outside the space for a long time, caught Brandish, who had flown out. While Brantish was still trying to get tangled with the fairy tail, Val suddenly told her that the situation had changed and that the Emperor was gathering the Guardian Twelve Shields.

"What about Dima?" Brantish was still unwilling.

"Don't worry, she's been rescued by Neinhardt and is rushing back to Albarez to assemble!"

Brantish breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Val said this. Since she can't solve the fairy tail this time, then next time, she will personally destroy the star spirit magician. Brandi shuddered, and there was a crisp metal crashing sound from his waist, revealing twelve black-gold zodiac keys.

She didn't notice that Val's voice and tone were getting closer to human, completely devoid of the mechanical sense of the past.

Perhaps, that cold piece of iron began to have a heart...

And the situation that Val said had changed was from within the capital of the kingdom of Fiorle. That legendary weapon, Dragon's Cry, has been taken from you.

And the person who took the Dragon's Cry was not an outsider, but the Emerald Princess, who could never arouse suspicion.

The reason why Dragon's Cry has been able to stay in the palace for so many years is because Dragon's Cry can control the guardianship of the dragon's souls buried under the Imperial City that were killed by Akunolokia.

Therefore, the Five Divine Dragons did not have a chance to get close to seize this ultimate weapon that could destroy the country.

Now the Jade Princess didn't know what kind of demon she was in, so she actually took out this treasure of the town and ran in the direction of the Northern Continent.

And following the horse behind the Emerald Princess is the back of a knight-like man...

Therefore, the story of Princess Emerald eloping with her lover in the Northern Continent with a national treasure also quickly spread in the royal city.

And the Hungry Wolf Knights, who guarded the Emerald Princess, were also implicated in this incident and were judged to be traitors and imprisoned.

The president of the Senate, who heard about this, immediately informed Makarov by letter. Hopefully, Mebis can assemble a team to travel to the Northern Continent to reclaim Dragon's Cry.

And there is no doubt that the most suitable person for the place known as the Dragon Graveyard is, of course, the seven dragon slayer wizards of Ishgar.

Moreover, the North had already gathered four of them, and they could divide into two groups and set out as the vanguard.

In the end, Natsu, Wendy, and Gajiru led the Beyonder to catch up.

So, under Kana's card divination, the trio of Laxus and Rogge, Kebra and Sting, and the first generation of Dragon Slayer Magi were drawn.

After Sting was in a group with Kebra, he frantically complained that Rogge should be his best partner. Because the two of them grew up in a relationship in a bathtub. He even knew how many moles there were on the other person's body.

Kebra also squinted at him, indicating that he also preferred the guy who could discharge. Not for anything else, because he is strong and secure.

With that, Kebra flicked Sting's brain and warned him not to hold himself back.

Sting said madly that he had the characteristics of both the first and second generations of dragon slayer magicians, and Kebra, a person who only had half of his own merits, should not drag himself back.

In the midst of such a mutual quarrel, the two stepped into the country full of dragon remains...

When Rogge met Laxus, he was still sitting next to Fried's tombstone. That faint sadness made Rogge feel the charm of this mature man.

And the quiet and calm Rogge also made Laxus think of Fried's shadow at first glance.

The two tacitly formed such a team, with mutual appreciation in their eyes.

Natsu gives her youth back to Lucy, and the moment she comes into contact with her lost time, Lucy's silver hair turns into a beautiful blonde again.

Before he could wait for Lucy to wake up, he and Harpy flew into the skies of the Northern Continent.

Wendy also flew to her next destination on Xia Lulu's wings after saying goodbye to Shirya.

Xia Lulu and Wendy lamented that in the past few years, they seem to have suffered all the hardships. Then let his little fist turn into an iron fist and an iron fist. But the most commendable thing is that after experiencing these pains, the hearts of the people of Fairy Tail are still extremely soft.

This is the strength that our family has given us, no matter how tired we are outside, it will always be a harbor of hope. Although this description seems somewhat uniform in this era, it is the words that best express their inner thoughts. Because of the power of the family, you don't have to care if it's cliché or not.

Before leaving, Gajiru also entrusted Rebi to Makarov and Kana, because this is the hope of the new life, and it is also Gajiru's greatest spiritual sustenance at the moment.

His body was as hard as steel, but it also highlighted his tenderness for Libby.

They are all low-key people, and their peaceful lives always make them collide with the hottest sparks.

The sunset that night, with a dark cloud under the red sun, turned the sunset that should have been red into a soft golden yellow, with a faint purple glow on the horizon.

Lili spread his white wings and flew north with Gajiru.

Lebby watched from afar, and silently made a blessing in her heart...

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