After the people of the Dragon Football Association left,

Sun Xiaohai is still in the excitement of being selected for the national football team.

Lu Yufei threw the agreement on the table in front of him

Somewhat unpleasantly sat down on the sofa.

"What's wrong with you?".

"You're so generous."

"How to say".

"Your image is now worth at least 100 million euros!".

"Is it so high".

"This is just for now! If we consider that in the future, tens of billions will be less."

Sun Xiaohai didn't expect that playing football would have such commercial value.

"If you shoot an advertisement, the market is now quoted at least 10 million euros".

Lu Yufei explained,

"And any of your actions that are open to the public has commercial value."

"For example, your jersey, Espanyol has sold five million pieces in the Dragon Country in two months just by working with a distributor in the Dragon Country!".

Sun Xiaohai really didn't expect it

"How much is that?".

"A genuine jersey is more than 100 euros, you count it yourself!".


Sun Xiaohai's eyes widened.

Espanyol earned 500 million euros from selling jerseys on their own in two months

"Except for costs and sales, at least your salary is all earned back!".

Lu Yufei was a little angry.

Sun Xiaohai himself did not realize his commercial value.

"And your other values are just as great."

Sun Xiaohai was a little puzzled.

"For example, because of your presence, you can attract more superstars to join, and the brand value of the club will also increase."

"According to our company's estimates, since you joined, the market valuation of Espanyol has increased by at least 50%".

"So, how can you easily cede your image value to the Football Association?".

Sun Xiaohai was stunned.

Join the national football team yourself,

Do you want to give them so much money?

Lu Yufei continued:

"When we signed you, it was just a brokerage contract."

"I really didn't think that your business value would explode so quickly."

"But fortunately, the contract we signed for you with the club only stipulates that part of your image value will be shared with the club during the contract period".

"Now you can set up your own company and develop your own brand".

Lu Yufei said.

Sun Xiaohai doesn't know anything except playing football

Fortunately, Mendes is a person who plays by the rules

Otherwise, casually fool him into signing many contracts,

He didn't know he had jumped into a pit.

"I don't know about the company developing its own brand, can you teach me?".

Sun Xiaohai asked.


"I will register a brand in your name".

"Then set up a cross-border company to operate the brand."

Lu Yufei explained.

"What's the benefit of that?".

Sun Xiaohai asked puzzled.

"In this way, you are the owner of your own brand".

"But at the same time, your brand value belongs to another company".

"Legal risks can be reasonably avoided".

"At the same time, we will choose to register the company in a small country with basically no taxes".

"So your earnings are the ones you can reach."

"The Dragon Football Association can only get the part of your image value, and the brand value is the main thing".

Lu Yufei is a very experienced professional football agent

She found a solution for Sun Xiaohai very quickly.

The total brand value of Sun Xiaohai's future may exceed 100 billion soft girl coins

If you hastily send half to the Dragon Football Association,

It's a crime!

"Then my image value is worthless?".

"Neither is it".

"There is still a lot of scope for image value".

"But through the kind of operation I just said


"At least ninety percent of the proceeds can be turned into one's own."

Lu Yufei said.

"Oh, so that my entry into the national team will bring billions of possible income to the Dragon Football Association?".

Sun Xiaohai made a simple calculation through Lu Yufei's logic.


Sun Xiaohai thought for a while and said:

"It's okay, Dragon Country football really needs money."

"Can I ask all this money to be used for youth training?"

Lu Yufei flipped through the contract pulled out by the Football Association

Shaking the head indicates that the other person is unlikely to agree.

Sun Xiaohai didn't say anything more

After all, this money has not yet been generated,

Maybe in a few years, all these moths from the Dragon Football Association will go in?

Now the anti-corruption efforts of the Dragon Kingdom are so great

Who knows!

Lu Yufei's efficiency is very high

Mendes solved the problem of decoupling Sun Xiaohai's brand and image value in just a few days.

The personnel of the Dragon Football Association did not know about Sun Xiaohai's series of preparations

happily completed the agreement with Sun Xiaohai.


The list of the new training camp of the Dragon National Team has come out.

Sun Xiaohai's selection is the expectation of all Dragon Country fans.

Gao Hongbo looked at this issue of the list,

Shaking his head helplessly.

He is the head coach of the national football team

In fact, only one player can be decided

Definitely a big joke.

A large list of fifty people,

Relationship households account for more than half.

And there are several relationships that are not capable

It also specifies that it must be the first starter!

Dragon Country Football,

The question of the player's ability is only secondary

The pigs of the Football Association are the biggest problem!

Gao Hongbo's brows furrowed

That's the reality

But he still has to persevere.

Gao Hongbo believes

These scum who have made Dragon Country football a miasma will definitely be punished as they deserve.

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