From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 23, Blood Mushroom

The lizardman leader led the lizardman troops to push aside the boulder blocking the entrance to the ratman's underground cave, and what he saw was the narrow tunnel.

This tunnel is not wide, and the tall lizardman leader can only squeeze in, which also represents danger.

Looking at the irreversible darkness deep in the tunnel, the lizardman leader took a shield from the lizardman warrior on one side and plunged into the dark tunnel in front of him.

The lizard warriors behind him followed closely behind.

Above the sky, the sights of both gods were projected at the same time.

In addition to the performance of the two families, Du Yuan and Li Sheng's attention was also attracted by each other. The influence of the apprentice gods on the world of the family was still too weak.

If Du Yuan used magic to attack the lizardman army in front of him, Li Sheng would stop him immediately.

Moreover, the magical spells thrown will be greatly weakened.

After all, the complete material world is not the main battlefield of the gods. The sea of ​​chaos outside the world is where the gods show their force.

Even for powerful official gods, it would not be easy for them to perform miracles in the lowest level world.

What's more, a trainee god like Du Yuan has just started on his journey to godhood.

The leader of the lizardmen was not attacked in the tunnel. The journey was smooth and peaceful. However, this tranquility was not a good thing. He had already learned the madness of the rat men. This kind of silence was particularly abnormal and made him feel a little uneasy. But as a leader, he would not show this uneasiness and stride forward calmly and steadily.

A little light appeared, and the destination was almost there.

The lizardman leader held the wooden shield in his hand tightly and rushed towards the light.

The moment he rushed out of the tunnel, a strong smell of blood hit his nose.

Then came the roaring sound like a wild beast.

A huge figure rushed towards the lizardman leader.

This is a huge and ferocious mouse. The muscles all over its body are bulging. If you look carefully, you can see that the muscle fibers inside are squirming in an abnormal posture. The arms are even more exaggerated. There is no trace left on the whole body. The fur looked like a giant upright rat-man that had been skinned.

This is a ferocious monster that the leader of the lizardmen has never seen before. Although some huge crazy ratmen have already appeared on the battlefield in the past few days, none of them, not one of them, is in front of the leader of the lizardmen now. The monster that appeared was so huge and ferocious.

Being caught off guard, he hurriedly raised the shield in his hand, and the ferocious monster punched the huge lizard man leader in front of him. Under the huge force, the lizard man leader took a few steps back, and the lizards poured out from behind him. Facing the retreating leader, the human warriors hurriedly avoided it.

In addition to this ferocious monster, there was also a group of extremely huge rat men on the field. With violent roars, they launched an attack on the emerging lizard man warriors.

There was a little more chaos on the field.

This scene is exactly what the white mouse wants to see.

In front of the sacred altar, the white rat let out a sharp and piercing laugh, swinging the wooden stick in his hand randomly.

The final battle is about to begin.

At the same time, Du Yuan also moved. The moment the lizard man entered, inspired by Du Yuan, the stone pillar storing the power of faith burst out with an extraordinarily bright and dazzling light. It was the power of faith that was released in one piece. The power of faith in the cave was dense, blocking any possibility of peeping by Li Sheng.

The appearance of this scene made the white rat on the altar even more enthusiastic and excited.

"A miracle! A great miracle!"

With loud cheers, the Mad Transformation Technique was thrown out as if it was free of charge, and was thrown towards the huge and ferocious monster blocking the entrance of the cave, as well as towards the tall rat men.

Bringing bursts of roaring sounds.

This group of lizardmen was deliberately let in by the White Rat. Although fighting in a narrow tunnel can cause some trouble to the lizardmen, it cannot bring out the true fighting power of its old friends.

The White Rat turned his old friend, the old rival of the Lizardman leader, the first Ratman leader with heroic potential among Du Yuan's Ratmen, the Spear Rat, into a monster.

What an honor that this mean swinger finally embraced loyalty at this moment.

Fight loyally for the great god.

Although he looked a little strange, he lost his mind and turned into a ferocious monster.

But he gained strength, and that loyalty!

The leader of the lizardmen faced the current spear rat, and faced the spear rat that had been reborn in a physical sense, and it was quite difficult.

The white mouse felt that this was really worth it!

A shrill, piercing laugh echoed in the cave.

Du Yuan watched the speared rat being tied up by a white rat and fed the pure black special blood mushroom. It turned into this ghostly appearance. It has to be said that as an ancient god larvae, Xiaochun did create some strange things. Just like blood mushrooms.

The reason why this group of rat people under Du Yuan was able to take a big step into the theocratic slave society when civilization was still semi-enlightenment, and this sudden leap into civilization, is mostly due to Xiaochun. On the blood mushroom created by Xiaochun.

I have to admit that the blood mushroom is indeed a good thing. It can enhance the physique of the family members and can be produced in large quantities. It is very powerful.

And the role of blood mushrooms does not stop there. There are three states of blood mushrooms. Red blood mushrooms, which are the most standard blood mushrooms, grow on the sacrifices floating around the altar. Some remaining flesh and blood remain in the mushrooms. Essence.

After eating it, it can strengthen the physique and warm the body. It is a very pure divine plant, but it has one biggest shortcoming.

The addictive nature, the warmth that comes with eating it, the force that pulls the essence of life upward, blood mushrooms will leave an unforgettable feeling and experience to every rat-man who eats them.

This is nothing, as long as your willpower is strong enough, this kind of experience can only be called a strange experience, but the willpower of the rat people... cannot be strong, it can only be said to be extremely weak.

This irrepressible and unforgettable experience had a miraculous effect on the Rat Man, spawning absolute greed and desire.

And not only that, while the Ratmen were being attacked by the Blood Mushrooms, another group of Ratmen was even more heavyweight.

Slave rat.

These guys who were relegated to slave rats because they fled on the battlefield were driven by the rat priests to work and fight as cheap consumables.

But they are abnormally able to become more and more pious amidst cruel oppression and exploitation.

Because the existence of blood mushrooms, the more cruel it is, the more beautiful the warmth brought by blood mushrooms. The more beautiful it is, the more eager it is. When the desire reaches a certain level, it turns into morbid madness.

Be pious in the madness, because the existence of the blood mushroom is firmly bound to Du Yuan, appearing as a gift from the gods.

Twisted and sick.

But this is only the most basic link in the unique chain of creating blood mushrooms.

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