From Skaven to God-King of War

Chapter 39, Wild Boar Man

In the world of the Familia, the temple sunk in the blood lake is being perfected day by day. Under the leadership of the warlord, the rat army is constantly hunting down the various races that originally existed in the forest. The priests are responsible for bringing back the captured slaves.

In front of the mountain range, a mighty team continued day and night, and more and more slaves began to gather in this barren mountain range.

For a while, even the ratmen behind the wildly expanded mushroom room could no longer bear such consumption.

The boundary of the forest was explored, and the hidden guy finally appeared.

It was a simple pig town, with logs piled up and surrounded by simple fields with simple sowing, which showed that at least this group of pigs already had simple farming techniques.

Although farming will eventually be limited to fields, it also means that they can obtain more food and supply more people.

And the pig race is not that bad. On the contrary, even among the various types of orcs, the pig race can be regarded as one of the best.

The short black mane, the sharp fangs, the sensitive nose, and the strong body are not much worse than the lizard people.

This can be seen from the fact that the rat warlords running wildly in the forest did not take the initiative to find trouble for this group of pig people.

And Du Yuan also noticed something.

That is the armor on the Pig Man, which is tanned leather armor, although it still has a primitive and rough feel.

But this shows that the technology of this pig man is not bad, and even the student behind him may be a steady god who prefers farming.

At least it's much better than Du Yuan's farming. Du Yuan, a poor guy, has barely accumulated a set of three revelation cards in Contradiction A.

This also explains why this group of pigmen only occupied a corner of the forest so long after Li Sheng was defeated and left the forest.

It's really stable enough.

There are also the lizard people who have retreated into the swamp. Under the recent raids by the rat warlords, other races in the forest have begun to flee, and many of them are fleeing in the direction of this swamp.

What is certain is that Li Sheng is doing flower work.

Du Yuan made this judgment after watching a large number of small tribes flee from the forest and merge into the swamp every day.

But it's not a big problem.

Who is not doing fancy things?

Du Yuan once again turned his attention to the temple under construction in the deserted mountains.

There is an extra god card in his hand.

Du Yuan accepted the job of the Evil God Chamber of Commerce and became a future evil god that people should be wary of. This was not without gain.

Except for the two preserved divine eyes, that's the thing in his hand.

The broken heart of a craftsman.

Strange object: A craftsman's heart created by an unknown existence. I don't know what it has gone through, and it has been damaged. But among the remaining gears in circulation, if you look carefully, it is the beauty of gears.

Function: Bring enlightenment to craftsmen.

Du Yuan saw the origin of the plague in the funding that the Evil God Chamber of Commerce was willing to give.

This is something that can allow his ratmen to follow the path of the plague ratmen.

There was also the more complete inheritance of the Ratman Priest, and even a talent card for burrowing, but Du Yuan still chose this strange item with a somewhat vague description.

Of course it is good to choose the plague ratmen, and the future is broad, but Du Yuan has no clue about the selection and training of the plague, the supporting spells and professions.

Without the Corpse Explosion Technique, Plague Poison Cloud, Plague Technique, and those Plague Monks, it would be impossible to raise a complete set of Plague Rat Man inheritance.

The role of the origin of the plague is just to give the rat people an introduction to controlling the plague. To put it simply.

The molding process is too slow and the investment is too large, so forget it.

As for the inheritance of priests, Du Yuan did not consider it because it was too cheap. Even if he missed it at the Evil God Chamber of Commerce, Du Yuan felt that he could get it later.

Then there’s the cave travel and this broken craftsman’s heart.

Du Yuan chose the latter.

Because he really has a mine.

If there can be some craftsmen among the rat people, then there is no doubt that Du Yuan can let the rat people climb metal smelting.

And for this thing, Du Yuan has greater expectations. Can he rely on the rich mineral resources underground to let his rat people explore technology?

Just like goblins and dwarves, although dwarves and goblins are also common races, the powerful dwarf and goblin kingdoms are existences that can make dragons and demons fear them.

It relies on the power of technology, so can the Ratmen take this path? After all, the Ratmen can also dig holes to collect metals and minerals like dwarves.

Du Yuan can also support the rat people to climb technology.

Let's give it a try. Although there is no such rat-man empire in the records, Du Yuan doesn't know if it's possible, but he thinks he can give it a try.

Du Yuan felt that something was going on.

What's more, he still has a golden finger. Yes, another reason why Du Yuan chose this rare item was because of Du Yuan's own talent.

After all, inheritance, knowledge, talent, these are not in the category of spiritual enlightenment. The object of spiritual enlightenment must be something more concrete.

This is also the reason why Du Yuan has only used it once for so long, but there should be no problem with this broken craftsman's heart.

Du Yuan was somewhat looking forward to what surprises this craftsman's heart could bring to him after being enlightened.

However, Du Yuan seemed to have forgotten something, perhaps some lessons.

After all, Xiaochun's appearance may not only bring surprises to Du Yuan in general, but may also bring many melancholy moments with complicated emotions.


West of the forest.

In the newly established and simple town, a chubby trainee god appeared. At this time, he was nervously looking at the town in front of him.

He was still mumbling something difficult to understand.

"Those two country bumpkins think about fighting every day, but if you fight well, how can I get this piece of iron ore if you don't fight? When the time comes, when I climb out of the blast furnace technology and get out the Wild Boar Heavy Knight, you just wait. Eat shit."

"The power of civilization!"

Such difficult words.

Follow his line of sight.

Deep in the town, the river bed under the water of the stream that runs through it is actually covered with reddish brown.

At the same time, there was a group of toad-like creatures that walked upright. Driven by the wild boars around them, they kept digging into the reddish-brown river bed.

Du Yuan was unaware of these, even though Du Yuan personally stayed over the town for a long time to observe, perhaps because of the totem pole with complicated patterns standing beside the stream.

Today's wild boar town is also very quiet. Except for the increasingly large logging team, they are very peaceful.

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