[When happiness is destroyed, there is always the smell of blood. Even if my body is destroyed, I will definitely kill the evil ghost! The Adventure Story of Blood Wind Sword and Halberd begins! 】

[Mission starts, current world: Demon Slayer ACT VIII, number A3504]

[Main mission: Survive for 30 days (1/30)]

Between reality and illusion, Tong Gu felt that the surrounding environment was becoming more real, but the scene in front of him made his expression slightly change.

He thought he would never see this scene again.

The noisy neighborhood, the smell of barbecue, the laughing and playing primary school students wearing red scarves...

An advertisement for cosmetics was being played on a huge screen in a shopping mall in the distance.

Everything was unexpectedly peaceful. Tong Gu walked on this strange but familiar street and saw that there was no fear of the "Game of Destiny" on everyone's faces. Instead, they only had daily necessities, day after day.

Tong Gu sniffed, and the familiar smell awakened many memories that had been sleeping for many years. He suddenly felt the urge to find a familiar direction and walked quickly.

In the swaying train, the conductor's face turned pale. He knelt on the ground trembling with guilt and fear, praying to the terrifying evil spirit in front of him.

Even once, he wanted to see those people in his dream, even though he knew that he might never wake up from his sleep this time.

A pale palm fell in front of the conductor, and he soon fell into a deep sleep.

Part One: Nightmare stood on top of the moving train, but he seemed to know everything inside the carriage. He opened his arms and ordered several men and women to pierce the Demon Swordsman's spiritual core as if talking in his sleep.

The four people quickly came to the carriage and found the man with long yellow-red hair. The four people looked at the sleeping swordsmen and discussed in a low voice.

"What should I do? There is another swordsman who is not in this carriage."

The pale man was not very harmonious with the other people. He took the initiative and said

"Leave that person in charge of me..."

The other two women and one man looked at each other and quickly started to act. They chose to bypass the young man carrying the wooden box, connected the other people to themselves with ropes one by one, closed their eyes and counted the numbers, and slowly entered the several swordsmen. spiritual world.

The pale man coughed a few times. He took the rope to the next carriage and saw the tall man at the end of the carriage.

The man's eyes were closed, but he unconsciously exuded an awe-inspiring aura. The pale man held the rope and did not dare to take a breath. He cautiously approached the other party and gently tied the rope on the other party's hand.

Phew, tie the rope, the pale man exhaled gently, closed his eyes, and counted slowly from 1.


He slowly fell into a deep sleep, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had appeared in a strange place. He was standing on a wide street, but the road was extremely smooth. The passers-by wore unique clothes. What was even more exaggerated was that, On that street, terrifying steel monsters kept roaring past.

"What on earth is going on in this dream..."

He found that he could not understand what the scene in this dream was about, but he quickly gathered his thoughts and began to search for the boundaries of the dream like a blind man trying to feel an elephant, hoping to enter the unconscious realm of the other party.

Tong Gu was sitting in front of the dining table, frowning slightly. This scene was noticed by the woman on the other side of the dining table. She said with concern

"What's wrong, son? Is it not to your liking?"

The man sitting on the main seat drinking alone saw this and complained too

"Look, I just said you put too much salt just now. My son lives in the city and is used to a light diet..."

"Obviously you took a taste and said it was indifferent..."

The two soon started talking about who didn't cook the dish well. Tong Gu felt sour in his heart. He couldn't remember how many years he hadn't heard such a conversation.

He quickly picked up some vegetables cooked by his mother, ate them with big mouthfuls, and said in a vague voice

"It's delicious...I like to eat..."

The old father was a little happy when he saw this. He poured a glass of wine and asked

"Would you like a drink?"

His mother frowned and was about to scold him, but Tong Gu stood up and took the initiative. He smiled and clinked glasses with his father, and then drank the wine in one gulp.

Tong Gu looked at the joy between the two people's eyebrows, and suddenly he understood a little more about those humans who followed nightmares and wanted to keep themselves asleep in sweet dreams.

He sighed slightly in his heart at this time. If his spiritual attributes were not so high, it would be fine. He would not be aware of it so clearly - this was just a dream.

Yes, it is just a dream after all.

As Tong Gu sighed, his body shape immediately changed back to his exaggerated posture. Looking at the shocked eyes of his "parents", Tong Gu closed his eyes and tapped his feet. The person had disappeared without a trace.

The pale man held a sharp screwdriver in his hand and swiped at the invisible barrier in front of him. The modern city like a steel jungle was torn open like a canvas, revealing the green grassland inside.

The man looked in amazement. He carefully walked into this unconscious realm. He saw cattle and sheep walking slowly on a green grassland. The calm lake reflected the blue sky and white clouds. The small flowers blooming on the ground decorated the grassland. The decoration is really like a paradise.

While the man was searching for Tong Gu's spiritual core in the unconscious realm, he was somewhat attracted by this scene. A person's unconscious realm often reflects his true heart.

This swordsman's heart is actually so...clear?

He couldn't find the right words to describe it.

Finally, he found the golden spiritual core under a huge tree. He took out the screwdriver and was about to take action when an ethereal voice appeared behind him.

"What do you want to do to his spirit?"

The pale man was shocked. Was there anyone else in the unconscious realm?

He turned around in shock, only to see a woman radiating holy light slowly emerging from the lake.

Her hair is silver-white, her pupils are shining with golden luster, she is draped in a pure white gauze, and she walks barefoot on the grass, so holy that no one can see her.

The man just looked at the woman and felt the dirty desire in his heart stinging him. He couldn't help lowering his head. He explained with some shame.

"I want to destroy his spirit. Only in this way...only in this way can the adult let me continue to indulge in my dream, and I can..."

The holy light on the woman's body became slightly dim, and she continued to ask

"Even if this person has killed dozens of monsters and saved more than a hundred lives in this world, do you still want to attack him?"

The man felt as if he had become as filthy as scum in the woman's eyes. Thinking of his own situation, he suddenly shouted unwillingly.


"He saved so many people, what does that have to do with me?"

"I'm going to die miserably. This world...those monsters...those people...have nothing to do with me!"

After saying that, he raised the screwdriver and was about to stab it, but at this moment, the unconscious field suddenly changed color, and the sky darkened instantly.

The green grass and delicate flowers withered in an instant, the lake dried up in an instant, revealing the white bones at the bottom of the lake. The blue sky and white clouds above the head also changed in an instant. In the darkness, a scarlet blood moon above the head began to emit a faint light.


When the man saw that the spiritual core in front of him instantly turned black, the lingering black energy burned his hands with just a flicker. He turned around in shock, only to see that the holy woman who had just been holy had also changed into something unknown. She has a new appearance, long black hair, a long black skirt, and her eyes are full of scarlet.

Seeing the man looking at her, the woman's lips curled up into a cold smile.

"Hey, so I told you a long time ago..."

"You can't save anyone, that's human nature."

"Tong Guyo"

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